
Using Namespace System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
Using Namespace Microsoft.Win32
Function Set-DryADRemoteRegistry {
    Param (
        [String]$BaseKey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',




        [Parameter(HelpMessage="PSSession to the target system")]
    Try {
        Switch ($BaseKey) {
            'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483648 
            'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483649 
            'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483650 
            'HKEY_USERS' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483651 
            'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483653 
            'HKEY_DYN_DATA' { 
                [uint32]$BaseKeyInt = 2147483654 
            Default { 
                Throw "Unknown BaseKey: $BaseKey"
        $LeafKey = $LeafKey.Replace('\\','\')
        Switch ($ValueType) {
            'Binary' {
                # System.Management.ManagementBaseObject GetBinaryValue(System.UInt32 hDefKey, System.String sSubKeyName, System.String sValueName)
                ol e "Value Type 'Binary' is not implemented"
                $CurrentValue = $Class.GetBinaryValue($BaseKeyInt,$LeafKey,$ValueName)
            'Dword' {
                [ScriptBlock]$DwordScriptBlock = {
                    Param (
                        [Uint32] $BaseKeyInt,
                        [String] $LeafKey,
                        [String] $ValueName,
                        [Uint32] $ValueData

                    $Result = @($False,$Null)
                    Try {     
                        $InvokeCimMethodParams = @{
                            'Arguments'=@{hDefKey=$BaseKeyInt; sSubKeyName=$LeafKey; sValueName=$ValueName; uValue=$ValueData }
                        Invoke-CimMethod @InvokeCimMethodParams | Out-Null
                        $Result[0] = $True
                    Catch {
                    Finally {

                $InvokeCommandParams = @{

                If ($PSSession) {
                $Result = Invoke-Command @InvokeCommandParams    
            'ExpandString' {
                # System.Management.ManagementBaseObject GetExpandedStringValue(System.UInt32 hDefKey, System.String sSubKeyName, System.String sValueName)
                ol e "Value Type 'ExpandString' is not implemented"
                $CurrentValue = $Class.GetExpandedStringValue($BaseKeyInt,$LeafKey,$ValueName)
            'MultiString' {
                # System.Management.ManagementBaseObject GetMultiStringValue(System.UInt32 hDefKey, System.StringsSubKeyName, System.String sValueName)
                ol e "Value Type 'MultiString' is not implemented"
                $CurrentValue = $Class.GetMultiStringValue($BaseKeyInt,$LeafKey,$ValueName)
            'QWord' {
                ol e "Value Type 'Qword' is not implemented"
                $CurrentValue = $Class.GetQWordValue($BaseKeyInt,$LeafKey,$ValueName)
            'String' {
                # System.Management.ManagementBaseObject GetStringValue(System.UInt32 hDefKey, System.String sSubKeyName, System.String sValueName)
                ol e "Value Type 'String' is not implemented"
                $CurrentValue = $Class.GetStringValue($BaseKeyInt,$LeafKey,$ValueName)

        Switch ($Result[0]) {
            $True {
                ol v "Successfully configured remote registry"
            $False {
                ol e "Failed to configure remote registry"
                Throw $Result[1]
    Catch {
    Finally {