
# English strings
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    FoundMofFilesMessage = Found {0} MOF files in path '{1}'.
    GenerateHelpDocumentMessage = Generating help document for '{0}'.
    OutputHelpDocumentMessage = Outputting help document to '{0}'.
    GenerateWikiPageMessage = Generating wiki page for '{0}'.
    OutputWikiPageMessage = Outputting wiki page to '{0}'.
    NoDescriptionFileFoundWarning = No README.md description file found for '{0}', skipping.
    MultipleDescriptionFileFoundWarning = {1} README.md description files found for '{0}', skipping.
    NoExampleFileFoundWarning = No Example files found.
    CreateTempDirMessage = Creating a temporary working directory.
    ConfigGlobalGitMessage = Configuring global Git settings.
    ConfigLocalGitMessage = Configuring local Git settings.
    CloneWikiGitRepoMessage = Cloning the Wiki Git Repository '{0}'.
    AddWikiContentToGitRepoMessage = Adding the Wiki Content to the Git Repository.
    CommitAndTagRepoChangesMessage = Committing the changes to the Repository and adding build tag '{0}'.
    PushUpdatedRepoMessage = Pushing the updated Repository to the Git Wiki.
    PublishWikiContentCompleteMessage = Publish Wiki Content complete.
    UpdateWikiCommitMessage = Updating Wiki with the content for module version '{0}'.
    NewTempFolderCreationError = Unable to create a temporary working folder in '{0}'.
    InvokingGitMessage = Invoking Git using arguments '{0}'.
    GenerateWikiSidebarMessage = Generating Wiki Sidebar '{0}'.
    GenerateWikiFooterMessage = Generating Wiki Footer '{0}'.
    CopyWikiFoldersMessage = Copying Wiki files from '{0}'.
    CopyFileMessage = Copying file '{0}' to the Wiki.
    AddFileToSideBar = Adding file '{0}' to the Wiki Sidebar.
    NothingToCommitToWiki = There are no changes to the documentation to commit and push to the Wiki.
    FoundClassBasedMessage = Found {0} class-based resources in the built module '{1}'.
    FoundClassResourcePropertyMessage = Found property '{0}' in the resource '{1}'.
    CommentBasedHelpMessage = Reading comment-based help from source file '{0}'.
    FoundResourceExamplesMessage = Found {0} examples.
    IgnoreAstParseErrorMessage = Errors was found during parsing of comment-based help. These errors were ignored: {0}
    WikiGitCloneFailMessage = Failed to clone wiki. Ensure the feature is enabled and the first page has been created.
    InvokeGitStandardOutputMessage = git standard output: '{0}'
    InvokeGitStandardErrorMessage = git standard error: '{0}'
    InvokeGitExitCodeMessage = git exit code: '{0}'
    FoundCompositeFilesMessage = Found {0} composite schema files in path '{1}'.
    CommentBasedHelpBlockNotFound = A comment-based help block in source file '{0}' could not be found at the top of the script file. Assuming comment-based help is part of the function-block.
    CommentBasedHelpBlockNotAtTopMessage = A comment-based help block in source file '{0}' was found, but does not start at the first line of the script file. Assuming it is the correct comment-based help block.
    CompositeResourceMultiConfigError = {1} composite resources were found in the source file '{0}'. This is not currently supported. Please separate these into different scripts.
    MacOSNotSupportedError = NotImplemented: MacOS is not supported for this operation because DSC can not be installed onto it. Please use an OS that DSC can be installed onto.
    InvokeGitCommandDebug = Command: git {0}
    InvokeGitWorkingDirectoryDebug = git Working Directory: '{0}'
    ParsingOutCommentBasedHelpBlock = Parsing out only the comment-based help block from the source file.
    ## Remove-MarkdownMetadataBlock
    RemoveMarkdownMetadataBlock_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Removing markdown metadata from markdown file '{0}'.
    RemoveMarkdownMetadataBlock_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to removing markdown metadata from markdown file '{0}'?
    # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages.
    RemoveMarkdownMetadataBlock_ShouldProcessCaption = Remove markdown metadata from file
    ## New-GitHubWikiSidebar
    NewGitHubWikiSidebar_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Creating GitHub Wiki Sidebar '{0}'.
    NewGitHubWikiSidebar_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to create a GitHub Wiki Sidebar '{0}' based on the markdown files in '{1}'?
    # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages.
    NewGitHubWikiSidebar_ShouldProcessCaption = Create GitHub Wiki Sidebar