
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('DscResource.AnalyzerRules\Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute', '', Scope='Function', Target='*')]

    [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]

Describe 'Common Tests - File Formatting' -Tag 'Common Tests - File Formatting'  {
    $textFiles = @(Get-TextFilesList -Root $ModuleBase | WhereModuleFileNotExcluded)

    if ($SourcePath)
        $textFiles += Get-TextFilesList -Root $SourcePath | WhereSourceFileNotExcluded

    It 'Should not contain any files with Unicode file encoding' {
        $containsUnicodeFile = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            if (Test-FileInUnicode -FileInfo $textFile)
                if ($textFile.Extension -ieq '.mof')
                    Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) should be converted to ASCII. Use fixer function 'Get-UnicodeFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-ASCII'."
                    Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) should be converted to UTF-8. Use fixer function 'Get-UnicodeFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-UTF8'."

                $containsUnicodeFile = $true

        $containsUnicodeFile | Should -BeFalse

    It 'Should not contain any files with tab characters' {
        $containsFileWithTab = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileName = $textFile.FullName
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $fileName -Raw

            $tabCharacterMatches = $fileContent | Select-String -Pattern "`t"

            if ($null -ne $tabCharacterMatches)
                Write-Warning -Message "Found tab character(s) in $fileName."
                $containsFileWithTab = $true

        $containsFileWithTab | Should -BeFalse

    It 'Should not contain empty files' {
        $containsEmptyFile = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $textFile.FullName -Raw

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent))
                Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) is empty. Please remove this file."
                $containsEmptyFile = $true

        $containsEmptyFile | Should -BeFalse

    It 'Should not contain files without a newline at the end' {
        $containsFileWithoutNewLine = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $textFile.FullName -Raw

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent) -and $fileContent[-1] -ne "`n")
                if (-not $containsFileWithoutNewLine)
                    Write-Warning -Message 'Each file must end with a new line.'

                Write-Warning -Message "$($textFile.FullName) does not end with a new line. Use fixer function 'Add-NewLine'"

                $containsFileWithoutNewLine = $true

        $containsFileWithoutNewLine | Should -BeFalse

    Context 'When repository contains markdown files' {
        $markdownFileExtensions = @('.md')

        $markdownFiles = $textFiles |
            Where-Object -FilterScript { $markdownFileExtensions -contains $_.Extension }

        foreach ($markdownFile in $markdownFiles)
            $filePathOutputName = Get-RelativePathFromModuleRoot `
                -FilePath $markdownFile.FullName `
                -ModuleRootFilePath $ModuleBase

            It ('Markdown file ''{0}'' should not have Byte Order Mark (BOM)' -f $filePathOutputName) {
                $markdownFileHasBom = Test-FileHasByteOrderMark -FilePath $markdownFile.FullName

                if ($markdownFileHasBom)
                    Write-Warning -Message "$filePathOutputName contain Byte Order Mark (BOM). Use fixer function 'ConvertTo-ASCII'."

                $markdownFileHasBom | Should -BeFalse