
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Be.Stateless.Dsl.Configuration.ClrBitness">
            Used to specify the targeted bitness of the .NET Framework.
            <seealso href="">DotNetFrameworkArchitecture Enum</seealso>
        <member name="F:Be.Stateless.Dsl.Configuration.ClrBitness.Bitness32">
            Indicates the 32-bit .NET Framework.
        <member name="F:Be.Stateless.Dsl.Configuration.ClrBitness.Bitness64">
            Indicates the 64-bit .NET Framework.
        <member name="M:Be.Stateless.Dsl.Configuration.ConfigurationFileMonikerExtractor.Extract">
            Extracts the file monikers from the attribute <c>{}files</c>. This attribute must be present on the root element.
            The list of distinct file moniker.
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When the attribute is not set on the root element.</exception>
            Multiple files can be separated by a <c>|</c> character.