
    This script consists of common functions.
    This script consists of variables for rest end points and function to authenticate the user, handle error.

# global variables
$global:bearerToken = $null

# Function to test whether argument is a valid Json
function Test-If-Json($_)
        $_ | Test-Json
        return $True
        return $False

# Format and print errors in specific template
function Register-Error($_)
    if ([bool]($ -match "Response"))
        Write-Output "The error received is - $($_.Exception)"
        Write-Output "The HTTP Status code received is - $($_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase)"
            $scriptError = $($_) | ConvertFrom-Json
            Write-Output $scriptError.message
            Write-Output "Error Code - " $scriptError.code

# Function to authenticate user
function Authenticate($tempEnv) {

        if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name
            Install-Module -Name -AllowClobber -Confirm:$False -Force
        $tenantId = 'common'
        $clientId =  $(Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/config.json" | ConvertFrom-Json).$tempEnv.clientId 
        Write-Output "If the interactive login screen appeared, please sign-in."
        $Token = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $clientId -TenantId $tenantId -Scope ''
        Write-Output "Authentication successful."
        $global:bearerToken = 'Bearer ' + $Token.IdToken
        Write-Output "Authentication failed."
        throw $_.Exception