
class UniqueSize

#Generate a file list that grouped by size and removed where size is unique
#Generate a reference object for each size, and add file list and hashes
#Group by hash
#Remove those hashes and file that are unique
#Generate a new list based on unique hash instead of size.
#Ready to manage delete...

function FindDuplicates()
    #Generate a file list that gruped by size and removed where size is unique
    $FullListOfDuplicationGroups=Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | Sort-Object {$_.Length} | Group-Object -Property Length | where-Object {$_.Count -gt 1}

    foreach($nextFileGroup in $FullListOfDuplicationGroups)
        #Generate an reference object for each file size, that contain all the
        #Generate hash for files
        foreach($NextFileToHash in $NewSize.ListOfFiles)
            $NewSize.hashOfFiles+=($NextFileToHash | Get-FileHash).hash

        #Group by hash and generate new reference object for each invidual hash
        $NewUniqueHashes=$NewSize.hashOfFiles | Group-Object | Where-Object {$_.Count -gt 1}
        #If only one hash group exists just copy over the original $NewSize object,
        #If more than one hash exists, generate separate object for each.
        if($NewUniqueHashes.Count -eq 1)
            foreach($nextHashGroup in $NewUniqueHashes)
                for([int]$i=0; $i -lt $NewSize.ListOfFiles.Count;$i++)
                    if($NewSize.hashOfFiles[$i] -eq $nextHashGroup.Name)
    return $ListOfUniqueHashObjects
function CleanUpManual()
    foreach($nextDuplicateGroup in $ListOfDuplicatesGroups)
        $RestOfFiles=$nextDuplicateGroup.ListOfFiles | select -Skip 1

        Write-host "============================================================================================================="

        $FirstLineString="`n[0] {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $firstFile.Name, $($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $firstFile.DirectoryName 
        Write-Host $FirstLineString -ForegroundColor Cyan

        foreach($nextFile in $RestOfFiles)
            " [{3}] {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFile.Name, $($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFile.DirectoryName, $FileCounter

        Write-Host "`nWhich one would you like to keep? Please specify by Nr of the file. `nIf you do not define whichone and hit enter, de default will be kept"
                if($FileCounter -gt  $FileNr)
                    "Please enter your choise again!"
                "Please enter your choise again!"
        if($FileNr -eq 0)
            foreach($nextFileToDelete in $RestOfFiles)
                "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToDelete.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToDelete.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
                $nextFileToDelete | Remove-Item
                #Remove first Item
                "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $firstFile.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $firstFile.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
                $firstFile | Remove-Item

                #Build a list without the file that will be kept
                $FileToNotDelete=$RestOfFiles[$($FileNr - 1)]
                $listToDelete=$RestOfFiles | where {$_ -ne $FileToNotDelete}

                #Remove rest of the files
                foreach($nextFileToDelete in $listToDelete)
                    "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToDelete.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToDelete.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
                    $nextFileToDelete | Remove-Item

    Write-host "============================================================================================================="
    Write-host " You can find summary of file that has been deleted in DeletedFilesLog.txt"
    Write-host "============================================================================================================="
function CleanUpAuto()
    foreach($nextDuplicateGroup in $ListOfDuplicatesGroups)
        $RestOfFiles=$nextDuplicateGroup.ListOfFiles | select -Skip 1

        $FirstLine="This has ben kept {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $firstFile.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $firstFile.DirectoryName 
        Write-host $FirstLine -ForegroundColor Cyan

        foreach($nextFileToDelete in $RestOfFiles)
            "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToDelete.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToDelete.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
            $nextFileToDelete | Remove-Item

    Write-host "============================================================================================================="
    Write-host " You can find summary of file that has been deleted in DeletedFilesLog.txt"
    Write-host "============================================================================================================="

function CleanUpDefaultDir()

    #Collect readonly directory list
        Write-Host "`nPlease define read-only directories"
            if(Test-Path -PathType Container $ReadOnlyDirectory )
                if($lastChar -eq "\")

                    Write-host "Do you want to add another Directory?(y/n)"
                    if($Answer -match "[yYnN]")
                        if($Answer -match "[nN]")
                        write-host "Pelase answer with y or n"
                Write-Host "Invalid Path"
            Write-Host "Invalid path."


    $ReadOnlyDirectoryList | Format-Table

    foreach($nextDuplicateGroup in $ListOfDuplicatesGroups)
        foreach($nextFile in $nextDuplicateGroup.ListOfFiles) 
            foreach($nextPath in $ReadOnlyDirectoryList)
                if($($nextFile.DirectoryName.ToLower()+"\") -like $nextPath)

        if($protectedFileList.count -gt 0)
            foreach($nextFileToProtect in $protectedFileList)
                $FirstLine="This has ben kept {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToProtect.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToProtect.DirectoryName 
                Write-host $FirstLine -ForegroundColor Cyan
            foreach($nextFileToDelete in $FilesToDelete)
                "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToDelete.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToDelete.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
                $nextFileToDelete | Remove-Item
            #Keep the first file in this case
            $RestOfFiles=$nextDuplicateGroup.ListOfFiles | select -Skip 1
            $FirstLine="This has ben kept {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $firstFile.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $firstFile.DirectoryName 
            Write-host $FirstLine -ForegroundColor Cyan
            foreach($nextFileToDelete in $RestOfFiles)
                "This has ben deleted {0,-20} {1} {2}" -f $nextFileToDelete.Name,$($nextDuplicateGroup.hashOfFiles[0].Substring(0,20)+"..."), $nextFileToDelete.DirectoryName | Tee-Object -Append DeletedFilesLog.txt
                $nextFileToDelete | Remove-Item

    Write-host "============================================================================================================="
    Write-host " You can find summary of file that has been deleted in DeletedFilesLog.txt"
    Write-host "============================================================================================================="

function Find-FileDuplicates()
   This function will scan all files in current folder and sub folders and build a list about duplication in default mode.
   You can use switches to choose one of the following options to manage files:
   DisplayOnly / Manual / Auto / DefendedDirectory / Save / ReturnObject
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour DisplayOnly
   This is the default behaviour. Script will only scan and display result
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour Manual
   After scan, script will offer option to keep a selected file after every single duplication group.
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour Auto
   After scan, script will delete all duplication except first instance.
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour DefendedDirectory
   After scan, script will delete all duplication except copies that located in protected folder instance.
   In case of duplication where no instance found in protected folder, the first instance will be kept.
   Script will ask for protected folders after start of the script.
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour Save
   After scan, script will save result in an XML file.
   Find-FileDuplicates -AfterBehaviour ReturnObject
   After scan, script will return the Object list that can be used for further manipulation.

        [ValidateSet('DisplayOnly','Manual','Auto','DefendedDirectory', 'Save', 'ReturnObject')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Option to choose what script will do after file scan.")]


    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "DisplayOnly")
    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "ReturnObject")
        return $ListOfDuplicates
    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "Save")
        Write-host "All object has been exported to FileDuplication.xml"
        return $ListOfDuplicates | Export-CliXML FileDuplication.xml
    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "Manual")
        CleanUpManual $ListOfDuplicates
    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "Auto")
        CleanUpAuto $ListOfDuplicates
    if($AfterBehaviour -eq "DefendedDirectory")
        CleanUpDefaultDir $ListOfDuplicates 