
function Add-DynamicFunctionScriptBlock {
            Adds a function scriptblock definition to the provided StringBuilder

            Add-DynamicFunctionScriptBlock adds a full definition to the provided StringBuilder.
            This will handle the appropriate definitions for a begin, process, or end scriptblock.

            $stringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
            Add-DynamicFunctionScriptBlock -StringBuilder $stringBuilder -Name begin -Content 'Write-Output "$Greeting, $Name' -Parameters "Greeting"

            Writes a new begin scriptblock definition with the 'Write-Output "$Greeting, $Name' code,
            and including the script scope declarations for the "Greeting" [Dynamic()] parameter

    param (
        # StringBuilder in which to add the function scriptblock definition

        # Name of the function scriptblock: begin, process, or end

        # Original function content for this scriptblock

        # Dynamic parameters that need to be declared in the script scope and in this scriptblock

        # Default values for the [Dynamic()] parameters, if any
        [hashtable]$DefaultValueTable = @{}

    process {
        try {
            switch ($Name) {
                'begin'   { $templateComment = "initialize variables for dynamic parameters" }
                'process' { $templateComment = "update variables for pipeline bound parameters" }

            $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(" $Name {")
            if ($Parameter.Count) {
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' <#')
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(" region $templateComment")
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' created programmatically via Resolve-DynamicFunctionDefinition')
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' #>')
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine()
                foreach ($param in $Parameter) {
                    $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine((' if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(''{0}'')) {{ ${0} = $PSBoundParameters[''{0}''] }}' -f $param))
                    if ($Name -eq 'begin') {
                        if ($DefaultValueTable.ContainsKey($param)) {
                            $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine((' else {{ ${0} = {1} }}' -f $param, $DefaultValueTable[$param]))
                        } else {
                            $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine((' else {{ ${0} = $null }}' -f $param))
                    $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine()
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' <#')
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(" endregion $templateComment")
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' created programmatically via Resolve-DynamicFunctionDefinition')
                $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine(' #>')

                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Content)) {
                    $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine()
            $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine("$Content }")
            $null = $StringBuilder.AppendLine()
        } catch {
