.SYNOPSIS Returns the latest output of a job in a thread-safe way. .DESCRIPTION Returns the latest output of a job in a thread-safe way. It returns immediately without waiting for the job output. It returns $null if the job has never returned an output. .PARAMETER InputObject Job object to get the output. .INPUTS PSCustomObject that represents a job object. .OUTPUTS Objects returned by the job's ScriptBlock. .EXAMPLE $job = Start-DTJobBackgroundThreadTimer -ScriptBlock {Invoke-RestMethod"%c%t\n"} -IntervalMilliseconds 60000 $weather = Get-DTJobLatestOutput $job #> function Get-DTJobLatestOutput { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [PSCustomObject]$InputObject ) process { $InputObject.Sync.output } } |