
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Connect-EDiscovery.Config.NoSearchPath'           = 'No default tag import has been configured yet. Consider specifying a default file using Register-EDisSearchTag.' #
    'Connect-EDiscovery.Connecting'                       = 'Connecting to the Office 365 Compliance Center' #
    'Import-EDisSearchTag.DefaultImport.Failed'           = 'Failed to import configuration from {0}' # $importPath
    'Import-EDisSearchTag.DefaultImport.NoConfig'       = 'No default tag import has been configured yet. Consider specifying a default file using Register-EDisSearchTag.' #
    'Import-EDisSearchTag.DefaultImport.PathNotExists' = 'The specified default path could not be found: {0}. Verify that the configured path is correct.' # $importPath
    'New-EDisCase.AdvancedSearch.NotSupported'           = 'Managing Advanced eDiscovery via PowerShell is not yet supported, adding searches to cases is not yet possible.' #
    'New-EDisCase.Case.Create'                           = 'Creating case' #
    #'New-EDisSearch.Execute' = 'Creating search for {0}' # $Case
    'New-EDisSearch.Tag.Invalid'                       = 'Invalid tag: {0}' # $tag
    'Validate.Path.Failed'                               = 'Failed to validate path: {0}' # <user input>, <validation item>