
Function Add-EFPoshEntity{
    Adds an entity to the database
    Will add an entity to a database and queue it for inserting. Use -SaveChanges switch to commit change immediately
    .PARAMETER DbContext
    Optional - DbContext you want to add the entity to. Will use last created one if not provided
    .PARAMETER Entity
    Created entity(s) we want to add to the database
    .PARAMETER SaveChanges
    Used if we want the changes to be commited immediately. If not called - Save-EFPoshChanges will need to be called manually to save the changes.
    Can also save changes using $DbContext.SaveChanges();
    Add-EFPoshEntity -DbContext $MyDbContext -Entity $MyEntity
    .Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DbContext')){
        $DbContext = $Script:LatestDBContext
    if($null -eq $DbContext){
        throw "Null DbContext - Run New-EFPoshContext to get one and provide it."
    if($Entity.Count -gt 1){
        Save-EFPoshChanges -DbContext $DbContext