
function Get-OrphanedFolders {


$Date = Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d
Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

##### Home FOLDERS #####

# create an array to put all folders in
$AllHomeFolders = @()

# scan through subfolders and add them to the array
$AllHomeFolders += (Get-ChildItem $HomeDir -Exclude Archive | Get-ChildItem)

# create an array to put orphaned folders in
$OrphanedHomeFolders = @()

# test each folder name against active directory samaccountnames and if they dont exist place them in the orphaned folders array
Foreach ($HomeFolder in $AllHomeFolders) {

    try {
        Write-Verbose "Looking for $($HomeFolder.Name)..."
        Get-ADUser -Identity $HomeFolder.Name | out-null
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "*** Could not find $($HomeFolder.Name) ***"
        $OrphanedHomeFolders += $HomeFolder


# display the orphaned folders that were found
Write-Host "here are the current oprhaned Home folders"

$OrphanedHomeFolders | sort lastaccesstime | ft name,fullname,lastaccesstime

# prompt user if they want to archive them
$confirm = Read-Host "Would you like to move these to an archive folder (y/n)"

# test for archive folder and create it if it does not exist
if ($confirm -eq "y") {

    $HomeArchiveDir = "$HomeDir\Archive\$Date"

    if (!(Test-Path $HomeArchiveDir)) {

        New-Item $HomeArchiveDir -ItemType Directory


# move all orphaned folders to the archive folder
    $OrphanedHomeFolders | Move-Item -Destination $HomeArchiveDir -Force
    Write-Host "The folders have been successfully moved to $HomeArchiveDir" -ForegroundColor Green


##### Profile FOLDERS #####

# create an array to put all folders in
$AllProfileFolders = @()

# scan through subfolders and add them to the array
$AllProfileFolders += (Get-ChildItem $ProfileDir -Exclude Archive | Get-ChildItem)

# create an array to put orphaned folders in
$OrphanedProfileFolders = @()

# test each folder name against active directory samaccountnames and if they dont exist place them in the orphaned folders array
Foreach ($ProfileFolder in $AllProfileFolders) {

    try {
        Write-Verbose "Looking for $($ProfileFolder.Name)..."
        Get-ADUser -Identity $ProfileFolder.Name.Replace(".V6","") | Out-Null
    catch {
        Write-Verbose "*** Could not find $($ProfileFolder.Name) ***"
        $OrphanedProfileFolders += $ProfileFolder


# display the orphaned folders that were found
Write-Host "here are the current oprhaned Profile folders"

$OrphanedProfileFolders | sort lastaccesstime | ft name,fullname,lastaccesstime

# prompt user if they want to archive them
$confirm = Read-Host "Would you like to move these to an archive folder (y/n)"

# test for archive folder and create it if it does not exist
if ($confirm -eq "y") {

    $ProfileArchiveDir = "$ProfileDir\Archive\$Date"

    if (!(Test-Path $ProfileArchiveDir)) {

        New-Item $ProfileArchiveDir -ItemType Directory


# move all orphaned folders to the archive folder
    $OrphanedProfileFolders | Move-Item -Destination $ProfileArchiveDir -Force
    Write-Host "The folders have been successfully moved to $ProfileArchiveDir" -ForegroundColor Green

