
function Remove-DisabledUsers {

        This function checks a specified OU for disabled users and removes them from AD
        It will also delete their home folder and roaming profile folder
        Name: Remove-DisabledUsers
        Author: Elliott Marter
        Get-Something -UserPrincipalName ""


    $OU = (Select-ADOrganizationalUnit).DistinguishedName
    # Get all disabled users in OU
    $Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $false} -Properties * -SearchBase $OU

    if ($Users -eq $null) {throw "No users to remove in $OU"}

    $Users | Format-Table Name,samaccountname

    # Here is a confirmation that exits unless y is entered

    $Confirm = Read-Host "Proceed with the removal? [y/n]"

    if ($Confirm -ne "y") {throw "Removal aborted..."}

    foreach ($U in $Users) {
        Write-Host "Removing $($U.samaccountname) Home Folder - $($U.homedirectory)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Remove-Item -Path $U.homedirectory -Recurse -Force
        Write-Host "Removing $($U.samaccountname) Profile Folder - $($U.profilepath)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Remove-Item -Path "$($U.profilepath).V*" -Recurse -Force
        Write-Host "Removing $($U.samaccountname) Account" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Remove-ADUser $U.samaccountname -Confirm:$false
        Write-Host "$("*" * 20)"
