
function Disconnect-NetScaler {
    Logs out of a Citrix NetScaler.
    Logs out of a Citrix NetScaler and clears the NSSession Global Variable.
    Citrix NetScaler NSIP.
    Name: Disconnect-NetScaler
    Author: David Brett
    Date Created: 15/03/2017
    David Brett 1.0 15/03/2017 Initial Script Creation
    David Brett 1.1 14/06/2018 Edited the Function to remove positional parameters and cleaned out old code

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$NSIP,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$NSSession
    # Validate That the IP Address is valid
    # Test-IP $NSIP

    # Check to see if a valid NSSession is active. If not then quit the function
    if ($null -eq $NSIP) {
        Write-Verbose "Not a valid netscaler address"
    if ($null -eq $NSSession) {
        Write-Verbose "No valid NetScaler session found, quitting"

    # Set up the JSON Payload to send to the netscaler
    $PayLoad = ConvertTo-JSON @{
        "logout" = @{

    # Logout of the NetScaler
    Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$NSIP/nitro/v1/config/logout" -body $PayLoad -WebSession $NSSession.WebSession -Headers @{"Content-Type" = "application/"} -Method POST
