
function Start-EUCMonitor {
    Starts the main engine behind EUCMonitoring
    Starts the main engine behind EUCMonitoring
    The path to the JSON config file.
    Current Version: 1.1
    Creation Date: 07/02/2018
    Name Version Date Change Detail
    Adam Yarborough 1.0 17/05/2018 Function Creation
    David Brett 1.1 26/06/2018 Added the Worker Error File and Cleaned out the Server and Desktop Files
    David Brett - Original creation and design, Netscaler, Controller, Director, Storefront, XenServer
    James Kindon - AD, Controller, FAS, PVS, SQL, UPS, WEM
    David Wilkinson - AppV, CC,
    Ryan Butler - Pretty much everything testing, automation, sanity checks, cleaning
        up other people's code.

    cd "C:\Monitoring"
    - or -
    Start-EUCMonitor -JSONFile "path\to\euc-monitoring.json"


        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][string]$JSONFile = ("$(get-location)\euc-monitoring.json"),
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][string]$CSSFile = ("$(get-location)\euc-monitoring.css"),
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][string]$LogFile = ("$(get-location)\euc-monitoring.log"),
    $Results = @()

    $StartTime = (Get-Date)

    try {
        $ConfigObject = Get-Content -Raw -Path $JSONFile | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        throw "Error reading JSON. Please Check File and try again."

    $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Start-Transcript $LogFile -Append

    $OutputLocation = $ConfigObject.Global.OutputLocation
    $InfraErrorFile = join-path $OutputLocation $ConfigObject.Global.InfraErrorFile
    $WorkerErrorFile = join-path $OutputLocation $ConfigObject.Global.WorkerErrorFile

    Write-Verbose "Testing Output File Location $OutputLocation"

    If ((Test-Path $OutputLocation) -eq $False) {
        try {
            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?") ) {
                Write-Verbose "Output File Location $OutputLocation Does Not Exist - Creating Directory"
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $OutputLocation -ErrorAction Stop        
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Would create output file location $OutputLocation"
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could Not Create Output Directory $OutputLocation Quitting"

    # Remove the old error files from the system
    If ((Test-Path $InfraErrorFile) -eq $true) { Remove-Item $InfraErrorFile -Force }
    If ((Test-Path $WorkerErrorFile) -eq $true) { Remove-Item $WorkerErrorFile -Force }

    foreach ( $SeriesName in $ConfigObject.PSObject.Properties.Name ) {

        # So, this works by iterating over the top elements of the config file and processing them.
        # $SeriesName = $Series.PSObject.Properties.Name
        # As long as its not the global section of the config file
        if ( "Global" -ne $SeriesName ) {
            # XXX CHANGEME XXX
            # Put in Actual ShouldProcess Checks
            # This is where all the work happens.
            Write-Verbose "Calling Test-Series $JSONFile $SeriesName"
            $SeriesResult = Test-Series $JSONFile $SeriesName

            # As long as we get results, write out any errors to appropriate log file
            if ( $null -ne $SeriesResult ) { 
                $ResultName = $SeriesResult.Series
                foreach ( $Result in $SeriesResult.Results ) {
                    #$ComputerName = $Result.ComputerName
                    if ( $null -ne $Result.Errors ) {
                        foreach ($errorline in $result.Errors) {
                            $ErrorDetails = $errorline
                            $ErrorMessage = "$ResultName - $ErrorDetails"
                            # Check to redirect Desktop errors to DesktopErrorFile
                            if ( "Worker" -eq $ResultName ) {
                                #"$(get-date) - $SeriesName - $($Result.ComputerName)" | Out-File $ServerErrorFile -Append
                                $ErrorMessage | Out-File $WorkerErrorFile -Append

                            # Or Just assume its the supporting infrastructure.
                            else {
                                #"$(get-date) - $SeriesName - $($Result.ComputerName)" | Out-File $InfraErrorFile -Append
                                $ErrorMessage | Out-File $InfraErrorFile -Append
                $Results += $SeriesResult

    # Write-Verbose "$(ConvertTo-JSON -inputObject $Results -Depth 4)"
    # Now we should have results, even if blank.

    # Output handling
    # If we see WebData enabled, send to the report maker.
    if ( $ConfigObject.Global.Webdata.Enabled ) {
        New-HTMLReport $JSONFile $CSSFile $Results 

    # If we see InfluxDB Enabled in ConfigObject, generate the data.
    # We want all results to represent the same moment in time, even if that's not true for
    # collation reasons. This is why this step happens at the end.
    if ( $ConfigObject.Global.Influx.Enabled ) {
        Send-EUCResultToInfluxDB -JSONFile $JSONFile -Results $Results

    # Maybe console formatted data
    if ( $ConfigObject.Global.ConsoleResults ) {
        Show-EUCResult -Results $Results

    # Stop the timer and display the output
    $EndTime = (Get-Date)

    Write-Verbose "Completed."
    Write-Verbose "Elapsed Time: $(($EndTime-$StartTime).TotalMinutes) Minutes"
    Write-Verbose "Elapsed Time: $(($EndTime-$StartTime).TotalSeconds) Seconds"

    if ( $OutputToVar ) { return $Results }
