
function Add-TypeData
        Adds type data to the current session.
        The Add-TypeData command adds type data to the current session.

    # The Format XML Document. The XML document can be supplied directly,
    # but it's easier to use Write-FormatView to create it
        if ((-not $_.Types)) {
            throw "The root of a types XML most be a types element"
        return $true
    # The name of the format module. If the name is not provided, the name of the module will be the first
    # type name encountered. If no typename is encountered, the name of the module will be FormatModuleN, where
    # N is the number of modules loaded so far
    # If set, the module that contains the format files will be outputted to the pipeline
    begin {        
        # Create a list of all of the format files that will be loaded in this batch.
        $typeFiles = @()
    process {
        #region Create a temporary file to hold each of the type files
        $tempFile = Join-Path $env:Temp ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
        $typeFileName = "${tempFile}.Type.ps1xml"
        $typeFiles += (Get-Item $typeFileName).Name
        #endregion Create a temporary file to hold each of the type files
    end {     
        #region Generate a Module to hold the item
        if (-not $name) { 
            $typeName = $TypeXml.SelectSingleNode("//Name")
            if ($typeName) {
                $name = $typeName.'#text'
            } else {
                $name = "TypeModule$($TypeModules.Count + 1)"

        $Name = $Name.Replace("#","").Replace("\","").Replace("/","")                
        $tempFile = Join-Path $env:Temp $name
        $tempFile = "${tempFile}.psd1"
        Get-Module $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | 
        $ModuleManifestParameters = @{
            FormatsToProcess = @()
            NestedModules = @()
            Author = $env:UserName
            CompanyName = ""
            Copyright = Get-Date
            ModuleToProcess =  ""
            RequiredModules = @()
            Description = ""
            RequiredAssemblies = @()
            TypesToProcess = $TypeFiles
            FileList = $TypeFiles
            Path = $tempFile
        New-ModuleManifest @ModuleManifestParameters
        $script:TypeModules.Values | Import-Module -Force
        $module = Import-Module $tempFile -Force -PassThru           
        $script:TypeModules[$name] = $module        
        if ($passThru) { $module }
        #endregion Generate a Module to hold the item