
function Show-CustomAction
    # If a property name is provided, then the custom action will show the contents
    # of the property
    # If a script block is provided, then the custom action shown in formatting
    # will be the result of the script block.
    # If this is set, collections will not be enumerated, and the custom action
    # will be shown once no matter how many items were returned from the
    # scriptblock or property. If this is not set, then the custom action will
    # be shown as once for each item in the results of running the script block or
    # the contents of the property.
    process {
        $EnumerationChunk = "<EnumerateCollection/>"
        $ControlChunk = "<CustomControlName>$ActionName</CustomControlName>"
        if ($DoNotEnumerator) {  $EnumerationChunk = "" }
        if ($psCmdlet.PArameterSetName -eq "Property") {
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ScriptBlock") {