
function Write-CustomAction
    # The script block used to fill in the contents of a custom control.
    # The script block can either be an arbitrary script, which will be run, or it can include a
    # number of speicalized commands that will translate into parts of the formatter.
    # The indentation depth of the custom control

    # If set, the content will be created as a control, which can be used
    # The name of the action
    # The VisibilityCondition parameter is used to add a condition that will determine
    # if the content will be rendered.
    [ScriptBlock[]]$VisibilityCondition = {}
    process {
$header = @"
                    $(if ($Indent) { "<LeftIndent>$Indent</LeftIndent>" } )

$footer = @"

            $c =0
            $middle = foreach ($sb in $Action) {                 
                $VisibilityXml =""                
                if ("$($VisibilityCondition[$c])") {
                    $VisibilityXml = "<ItemSelectionCondition><ScriptBlock>

                $tokens = @([Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($sb, [ref]$null) | 
                    Where-Object { "Comment", "NewLine" -notcontains $_.Type })
                Write-Verbose "$($tokens | Out-String)"
                if ($tokens.Count -eq 1) {
                    if ($tokens[0].Type -eq "Command" -and $tokens[0].Content -ieq "Write-Newline") {
                        "<NewLine />"
                    } elseif ($tokens[0].Type -eq "String") {
                        $content = $tokens[0].Content
                        # If the expanded size is the same as the original size, then the string most likely didn't
                        # contain expansion, and we can write out a text field instead
                        if (-not ($content.Contains('$'))) {
                        } else {

                    } else {
                } elseif ($tokens[0].Type -eq "Command" -and $tokens[0].Content -eq "Show-CustomAction") {
                    # If the script block was Expand-FormatView go ahead and run it
                    $result = & $sb
                    if ($result) {
                        $result.Insert("<ExpressionBinding>".Length + 1, $VisibilityXml)
                } else {
            if (-not $AsControl) {
                $header + $middle + $footer           
            } else {
                if (-not $Name) {
                    Write-Error "Custom Controls must be named"
                "<Control><Name>$Name</Name>" + $header + $middle + $footer + "</Control>"