
    Renders a heading
    Renders a heading.
    If $request or $host.UI.SupportsHTML, this will render heading tags.
    Otherwise, this will render Markdown style headings
    IsFormatPart: true

# The content inside of the heading

# The level of heading
$Level = 2,

# If using SeText style headings (a line followed by a line of equals or a line of dashes)
# -UnderlineLength will adjust the length of the second line.

# If set, will render all markdown headings as ATX style, rather than SeText style
# (ATX style always starts with a comment, SeText styles are underlined)

if ($Request -or $Host.UI.SupportsHTML) {
} else {
    if ($Level -eq 1 -and -not $NoSeText) {
        '' + $Content + [Environment]::NewLine + ('=' * $(if ($UnderlineLength) { $UnderlineLength } else {$Content.Length})) + [Environment]::NewLine
    } elseif ($Level -eq 2 -and -not $NoSeText) {
        '' + $Content + [Environment]::NewLine + ('-' * $(if ($UnderlineLength) { $UnderlineLength } else {$Content.Length})) + [Environment]::NewLine
    } else {
        [Environment]::NewLine + ('#' * $Level) + ' ' + $Content