
function Format-Hashtable {
        Takes an creates a script to recreate a hashtable
        Allows you to take a hashtable and create a hashtable you would embed into a script.
        Handles nested hashtables and indents nested hashtables automatically.
        # Corrects the presentation of a PowerShell hashtable
        [Ordered]@{Foo='Bar';Baz='Bing';Boo=@{Bam='Blang'}} | Format-Hashtable
    [OutputType([string], [ScriptBlock])]
    [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Format", "Object")]
    [ValidateScript({return $true})]
    # The hashtable or PSObject that will be written as a PowerShell Hashtable

    # Returns the content as a script block, rather than a string

    # If set, will return the hashtable and all nested hashtables as custom objects.

    # If set, items in the hashtable will be sorted alphabetically
    # If set, credentials will be expanded out into a hashtable containing the username and password.

    # If set, the outputted hashtable will not contain any extra whitespace.

    # If set, will embed ScriptBlocks as literal strings,
    # so that the resulting hashtable could work in data language mode.

    # The maximum depth to enumerate.
    # Beneath this depth, items will simply be returned as $null.

    begin {
        $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $myScriptBlock = $myCmd.ScriptBlock

    process {
        if (-not $Compress) {
            $psCallstack = @(Get-PSCallStack)
            $callstack = @(foreach ($cs in $psCallstack) {
                if ($cs.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.ScriptBlock -eq $myCmd.ScriptBlock) {
        } else {
            $callstack = @()

        $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
        $CurrentDepth = $callStack.Count
        if ($Depth -and $CurrentDepth -gt $Depth) {
            return '$null'


        if ($inputObject -and 
            $inputObject -isnot [Collections.IDictionary] -and 
            $inputObject -isnot [string] -and 
            (-not $InputObject.GetType().IsPrimitive) -and
            $InputObject -isnot [Enum]
            $newInputObject = [Ordered]@{
            if ('System.Object', 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject' -contains 
                $newInputObject.pstypename) {
            foreach ($prop in $ {                
                $newInputObject[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
            $inputObject = $newInputObject
        $scriptString = ""
        if ($inputObject -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
            #region Indent
            $indent = $CurrentDepth * 4
                if ($Compress) {
                } else {

            #endregion Indent
            #region Include
            $items = $inputObject.GetEnumerator()

            if ($Sort) {
                $items = $items | Sort-Object Key

            foreach ($kv in $items) {
                if (-not $Compress) {
                    $scriptString+=" " * $indent
                if ($kv.Key -eq 'keywords') {
                    $null = $null
                $keyString = "$($kv.Key)"
                if ($keyString.IndexOfAny(" _.#-+:;()'!?^@#$%&=|".ToCharArray()) -ne -1) {
                    if ($keyString.IndexOf("'") -ne -1) {
                        $scriptString+="'$($keyString.Replace("'","''"))' = "
                    } else {
                        $scriptString+="'$keyString' = "
                } elseif ($keyString) {
                    $scriptString+="$keyString = "
                $value = $kv.Value                
                $value =
                    if ($value -is [string]) {                
                        "'"  + 
                        $value.Replace("'","''").Replace("’", "’’").Replace("‘", "‘‘") +
                    } elseif (
                        $value -is [ScriptBlock] -or $value -is [Management.Automation.Language.Ast]
                    ) {
                        if ($safe) { 
                            "@'" + [Environment]::NewLine +
                            [Environment]::NewLine + "'@'"
                        }  else {
                    } elseif ($value -is [switch]) {
                        if ($value) { '$true' } else { '$false' }
                    } elseif ($value -is [DateTime]) {
                    elseif ($value -is [Timespan]) {                        
                            if ($Safe) { 
                            } else {
                    elseif ($value -is [bool]) {
                        if ($value) { '$true'} else { '$false' }
                    } elseif ($value -and $value.GetType -and (
                        $value.GetType().IsArray -or $value -is [Collections.IList] -or
                        ($value -is [Collections.IEnumerable] -and $value -isnot [Collections.IDictionary])
                    )) {
                        $joiner =
                            if ($Compress) {
                            } else {
                                "," + [Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * ($indent + 4))
                        @(foreach ($v in $value) {
                            if ($v -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {                            
                                & $myScriptBlock -InputObject $v @myParams
                            } elseif ($v -is [ScriptBlock] -or $v -is [Management.Automation.Language.Ast]) {
                                if ($Safe) {

                                } else {
                            } elseif ($v -is [Object] -and $v -isnot [string]) {
                                & $myScriptBlock -InputObject $v @myParams
                            } elseif ($v -is [bool] -or $v -is [switch]) {
                            } elseif ($null -ne ($v -as [float])) {
                            } else {
                                ("'"  + "$v".Replace("'","''").Replace("’", "’’").Replace("‘", "‘‘") + "'")
                        }) -join $joiner                                        
                    } elseif ($value -as [Collections.IDictionary[]]) {
                        @(foreach ($v in $value) {
                            & $myScriptBlock $v @myParams
                        }) -join ","                    
                    } elseif ($value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        "$(& $myScriptBlock $value @myParams)"
                    } elseif ($value -as [Double]) {
                    } elseif ($value -is [Management.Automation.PSCredential] -and $ExpandCredential) {
                        & $myScriptBlock -InputObject ([Ordered]@{
                                Username = $value.Username
                                Password = $value.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                        }) @myParams
                    } else {
                        $valueString = "'$($value -replace "'", "''")'"
                        if ($valueString[0] -eq "'" -and 
                            $valueString[1] -eq "@" -and 
                            $valueString[2] -eq "{") {
                            & $myScriptBlock -InputObject $value @myParams
                        } else {

                    if ($Compress) {
                    } else {
                        "$value" + [Environment]::NewLine

            if (-not $Compress) {
                $scriptString += " " * ($CurrentDepth - 1) * 4
            $scriptString += "}"
            if ($AsPSObject -and -not $Safe) {
                $scriptString = "[PSCustomObject][Ordered]$ScriptString"
            #endregion Include
        elseif ($InputObject -is [string]) {
            $scriptString = "'" + $InputObject.Replace("'", "''") + "'"
        elseif (
            $InputObject.GetType -and $InputObject.GetType().IsPrimitive
        ) {
            $scriptString += "$inputObject"
        elseif ($inputObject -is [Enum]) {
            $scriptString = 
                if ($safe) {
                    "'" + $InputObject.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'"
                } else {
                    "[$($InputObject.GetType().FullName -replace '^System\.')]" + 
                    "'" + $InputObject.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'"
        elseif (-not $inputObject) {
            $scriptString += '$null'
        if ($AsScriptBlock) {
        } else {                