
function Invoke-EasyGraphRequest {
    Invokes a query to Microsoft Graph
    Invokes a query to Microsoft Graph using the Access Token previously retrieved with Connect-EasyGraph.
    Returns the response from Microsoft Graph, with automatic paging and throttling handling.
    # Lists first page of all user resources
    Invoke-EasyGraphRequest -Resource '/users'
    # Lists all user resources
    Invoke-EasyGraphRequest -Resource '/users' -All
    # Lists all user resources from the 'beta' endpoint
    Invoke-EasyGraphRequest -Resource '/users' -APIVersion beta -All
    # Create a user
    $body = @{
        accountEnabled= $true
        displayName= 'displayName-value'
        mailNickname = 'mailNickname-value'
        userPrincipalName = ''
        passwordProfile = @{
            forceChangePasswordNextSignIn = $true
            password = 'password-value'
    Invoke-EasyGraphRequest -Resource '/users' -Method POST -Body $body
    Specifies the resource you want to access
    Specifies the HTTP Method for the request. If no method is specified, a GET request will be sent
    Specified the version of the Microsoft Graph API you are using. Default is '1.0'.
    Specifies the Body that will be sent in your request. Only required for POST, PATCH and PUT Methods.
    Overrides the page size settings, and returns all matching results.
    The data that you requested or the result of the request. The response message can be empty for some requests.


            [string]$Method = 'GET',

            [string]$APIVersion = 'v1.0',


    begin {

        if (($GraphConnection.Expires - [DateTime]::UtcNow).TotalSeconds -lt 300 -or -not $GraphConnection.AccessToken) {
            if ($GraphConnection.AccessToken) {
                Write-Verbose 'Renewing Access Token'

    } process {
        $Request = @{
            Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $($GraphConnection.AccessToken)"
            Uri = "$APIVersion$Resource"
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Method = $Method
            Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        do {
            try {
                $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Request -ErrorAction Stop
                $ResponseStatus = 200 # Assigned manually, since Invoke-RestMethod doesn't return Response Codes. Anything else than 2xx will trigger try-catch

                if ($Response -and ($Response.'@odata.context' -and $Response.value -or $Response.'@odata.nextLink')) {
                    Write-Output $Response.value
                } else {
                    Write-Output $Response

                if ($All -and $Response.'@odata.nextLink') {
                    $Headers.Uri = $Response.'@odata.nextLink'

            } catch {
                $ResponseStatus = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
                if ($ResponseStatus -eq 429) {
                    if( $_.Exception.Response.Headers -and $_.Exception.Response.Headers.Contains('Retry-After') ) {
                        $RetryInternval = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('Retry-After')
                        if($RetryInternval -is [string[]]) {
                            $RetryInternval = [int]$RetryInternval[0]
                    } else {
                        $RetryInternval = 15
                    Write-Warning "Requests are throttled, waiting $RetryInternval seconds"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryInternval
                } else {
                    throw $_

        } while ($ResponseStatus -eq 429 -or ($All -and $Response.'@odata.nextLink'))

        if ($Response.'@odata.nextLink' -and -not $All) {
            Write-Warning 'More results available, use -All to see all results'