
function ConvertFrom-MarkdownLine
        Converts markdown notation of bold and cursive to html.
        Converts markdown notation of bold and cursive to html.
        The line of text to convert.
        PS C:\> Convert-MarkdownLine -Line '_value1_'
        Will convert "_value1_" to "<i>value1</i>"

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]
        foreach ($string in $Line) {
            $string -replace '\*\*(.+?)\*\*', '<b>$1</b>' -replace '_(.+?)_', '<i>$1</i>'

function ConvertFrom-MdBlock
        Converts special blocks defined in markdown into html.
        Converts special blocks defined in markdown into html.
        The resultant html is appended to the stringbuilder specified.
        The conversion logic is provided by Register-EBMarkdownBlock.
        Returns whether the next line should be a first paragraph or a regular paragraph.
        What kind of block is this?
    .PARAMETER Lines
        The lines of text contained in the block.
    .PARAMETER Attributes
        Any attributes provided to the block.
    .PARAMETER StringBuilder
        The stringbuilder containing the overall html string being built.
        PS C:\> ConvertFrom-MdBlock -Type $type -Lines $lines -Attributes @{ } -StringBuilder $builder
        Converts the provided block data to html and appends it to the stringbuilder.
        Returns whether the next line should be a first paragraph or a regular paragraph.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $converter = $script:mdBlockTypes[$Type]
        if (-not $converter)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Converter for block $Type not found! Make sure it is properly registered using Register-EBMarkdownBlock" -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -Category InvalidArgument
        $data = [pscustomobject]($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable)
        $converter.Invoke($data) -as [bool]

function ConvertTo-MarkdownLine {
        Converts an input html paragraph to a markdown line of text.
        Converts an input html paragraph to a markdown line of text.
        The line of text to convert.
        PS C:\> ConvertTo-MarkdownLine -Line $Line
        Converts the HTML $Line to markdown

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {
        $mapping = @{
            '</{0,1}em>'     = '_'
            '</{0,1}i>'         = '_'
            '</{0,1}strong>' = '**'
            '</{0,1}b>'         = '**'
            '<br>'             = '<br />'
    process {
        foreach ($string in $Line) {
            foreach ($pair in $mapping.GetEnumerator()) {
                $string = $string -replace $pair.Key, $pair.Value
            ($string -replace '</{0,1}p.{0,}?>').Trim()

function Read-RRChapter {
        Reads a Royal Road chapter and breaks it down into its components.
        Reads a Royal Road chapter and breaks it down into its components.
        Part of the parsing process to convert Royal Road books into eBooks.
        Url to the specific RR page to process.
    .PARAMETER Index
        The chapter index to include in the return object
        PS C:\> Read-RRChapter -Url
        Reads and converts the first chapter of evil incarnate (hint: does not exist)

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {
        #region functions
        function Get-NextLink {
            param (
                [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            process {
                if ($Line -notlike '*<a class="btn btn-primary*>Next <br class="visible-xs" />Chapter</a>*') { return }
                $Line -replace '^.+href="(.+?)".+$', '$1'
        function ConvertTo-Markdown {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            begin {
                $firstLineCompleted = $false
                $badQuotes = @(
                $badQuotesPattern = $badQuotes -join "|"
                $badSingleQuotes = @(
                $badSingleQuotesPattern = $badSingleQuotes -join "|"
            process {
                $lineNormalized = ($Line -replace $badQuotesPattern, '"' -replace $badSingleQuotesPattern, "'").Trim()
                if (-not $firstLineCompleted) {
                    '# {0}' -f ($lineNormalized -replace '</{0,1}p.{0,}?>' -replace '</{0,1}b>' -replace '</{0,1}strong>' -replace '<br>', '<br />')
                    $firstLineCompleted = $true
                if ($lineNormalized -eq '<p style="text-align: center">* * *</p>') {
## <divide>
  * * *
## </divide>

                $lineNormalized | ConvertTo-MarkdownLine
        #endregion functions
    process {
        $found = $false
        $allLines = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing).Content -split "`n"
        $lines = $allLines | Where-Object {
            if ($_ -like '*<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content">*') {
                $found = $true
            if ($_ -like '*<h6 class="bold uppercase text-center">Advertisement</h6>*') {
                $found = $false
            # Remove all pictures, they don't close the tags correctly
            if (
                $_ -like '*<img*' -or
                $_ -like '*<input*'
            ) { return }
            Index   = $Index
            RawText = $allLines -join "`n"
            Text    = $lines -join "`n" -replace '<br>', '<br />' -replace '<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content">', '<div>'
            TextMD  = $lines[1 .. ($lines.Length - 2)] | ConvertTo-Markdown | Join-String "`n"
            NextLink = $allLines | Get-NextLink

function Export-EBBook
        Exports pages and images into a epub ebook.
        Exports pages and images into a epub ebook.
        The path to export to.
        Will ignore the name if an explicit filename was specified.
        The name of the ebook. Will also be used for the filename if a path to a folder was specified.
    .PARAMETER Author
        The author to set for the ebook.
    .PARAMETER Publisher
        The publisher of the ebook.
    .PARAMETER CssData
        Custom CSS to use to style the ebook.
        Allows you to tune how the ebook is styled.
        The pages to compile into an ebook.
        PS C:\> Read-EBMicrosoftDocsIndexPage -Url | Export-EBBook -Path . -Name ads-best-practices.epub -Author "Friedrich Weinmann" -Publisher "Infernal Press"
        Compiles an ebook out of the Active Directory Best Practices.

    param (
        [PsfValidateScript({ Resolve-PSFPath -Path $args[0] -Provider FileSystem -SingleItem -NewChild }, ErrorMessage = "Folder to place the file in must exist!")]
        $Path = ".",
        $Name = "New Book",
        $Author = $env:USERNAME,
        $Publisher = $env:USERNAME,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        function Write-File
            param (
            $tempPath = Resolve-PSFPath -Path (Join-Path $Root.FullName $Path) -NewChild
            Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Writing file: $($Path)"
            $utf8NoBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($tempPath, $Text, $utf8NoBom)
        function ConvertTo-ManifestPageData
            param (
            $lines = $Pages | ForEach-Object {
                    ' <item id="{0}" href="Text/{0}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>' -f $_.EbookFileName
            $lines -join "`n"
        function ConvertToManifestImageData
            param (
            $lines = $images | ForEach-Object {
                ' <item id="{0}" href="Images/{1}" media-type="image/{2}"/>' -f $_.ImageID, $_.FileName, "Jpeg"
            $lines -join "`n"
        #region Prepare Resources
        $resolvedPath = Resolve-PSFPath -Path $Path -Provider FileSystem -SingleItem -NewChild
        if (Test-Path $resolvedPath)
            if ((Get-Item $resolvedPath).PSIsContainer) { $resolvedPath = Join-Path $resolvedPath $Name }
        if ($resolvedPath -notlike "*.epub") { $resolvedPath += ".epub" }
        $zipPath = $resolvedPath -replace 'epub$', 'zip'
        $cssContent = $CssData
        if (-not $cssContent)
            $cssContent = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText((Resolve-Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\data\Common.css"), [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
        $pages = @()
        $images = @()
        #endregion Prepare Resources
        #region Process Input items
        foreach ($item in $Page)
            switch ($item.Type)
                "Page" { $pages += $item }
                "Image" { $images += $item }
        #endregion Process Input items
        $id = 1
        $pages = $pages | Sort-Object Index | Select-PSFObject -KeepInputObject -Property @{
            Name = "EbookFileName"
            Expression = { "{0}.xhtml" -f (New-Guid) }
        }, @{
            Name = "TocIndex"
            Expression = { $id++ }
        $tempPath = New-Item -Path $env:TEMP -Name "Ebook-$(Get-Random -Maximum 99999 -Minimum 10000)" -ItemType Directory -Force
        Write-File -Root $tempPath -Path 'mimetype' -Text 'application/epub+zip'
        $metaPath = New-Item -Path $tempPath.FullName -Name "META-INF" -ItemType Directory
        Write-File -Root $metaPath -Path 'cotnainer.xml' -Text @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
        <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>

        $oebpsPath = New-Item -Path $tempPath.FullName -Name "OEBPS" -ItemType Directory
        #region content.opf
        $contentOpfText = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package version="2.0" unique-identifier="uuid_id" xmlns="">
  <metadata xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:opf="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:calibre="">
    <dc:creator opf:role="aut" opf:file-as="{1}">{1}</dc:creator>
    <dc:title opf:file-as="{2}">{2}</dc:title>
    <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>
    <item id="style.css" href="Styles/Style.css" media-type="text/css"/>
  <spine toc="ncx">
 -f $Publisher, $Author, $Name, (ConvertTo-ManifestPageData -Pages $pages), (ConvertToManifestImageData -Images $images), (($pages | ForEach-Object { ' <itemref idref="{0}"/>' -f $_.EbookFileName }) -join "`n")
        Write-File -Root $oebpsPath -Path 'content.opf' -Text $contentOpfText
        #endregion content.opf
        #region TOC.ncx
        $bookMarkText = ($pages | ForEach-Object {
    <navPoint id="navPoint-{0}" playOrder="{0}">
        <text>Chapter {0}</text>
      <content src="Text/{1}"/>
 -f $_.TocIndex, $_.EbookFileName
        }) -join "`n"
        $contentTocNcxText = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
 ""><ncx version="2005-1" xmlns="">
    <meta content="{0}" name="dtb:uid"/>
    <meta content="1" name="dtb:depth"/>
    <meta content="0" name="dtb:totalPageCount"/>
    <meta content="0" name="dtb:maxPageNumber"/>
 -f (New-Guid), $Name, $bookMarkText
        Write-File -Root $oebpsPath -Path 'toc.ncx' -Text $contentTocNcxText
        #endregion TOC.ncx
        #region Files
        $stylesPath = New-Item -Path $oebpsPath.FullName -Name "Styles" -ItemType Directory
        Write-File -Root $stylesPath -Path 'Style.css' -Text $cssContent
        $textPath = New-Item -Path $oebpsPath.FullName -Name 'Text' -ItemType Directory
        foreach ($pageItem in $pages)
            $pageText = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
  <meta content="; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
  <link href="../Styles/Style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
 -f $Name, $pageItem.Content
            Write-File -Root $textPath -Path $pageItem.EbookFileName -Text $pageText
        #endregion Files
        #region Images
        if ($images)
            $imagesPath = New-Item -Path $oebpsPath.FullName -Name 'Images' -ItemType Directory
            foreach ($image in $images)
                $targetPath = Join-Path $imagesPath.FullName $image.FileName
                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($targetPath, $image.Data)
        #endregion Images
        Get-ChildItem $tempPath | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $zipPath
        Rename-Item -Path $zipPath -NewName (Split-Path $resolvedPath -Leaf)
        Remove-Item $tempPath -Recurse -Force

function Read-EBMarkdown
        Reads a markdown file and converts it to a page to be built into an ebook
        Reads a markdown file and converts it to a page to be built into an ebook
        Path to the file to read.
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem *.md | Read-EBMarkdown
        Reads and converts all markdown files in he current folder

    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        function ConvertFrom-Markdown
            param (
            $lines = Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8
            $stringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
            $inBlock = $false
            $blockData = [pscustomobject]@{
                Attributes = @{ }
                Type = $null
                Lines = @()
            $paragraph = @()
            $firstPar = $true
            foreach ($line in $lines)
                #region Process Block Content
                if ($inBlock)
                    if ($line -like '## <*')
                        try { $firstPar = ConvertFrom-MdBlock -Type $blockData.Type -Lines $blockData.Lines -Attributes $blockData.Attributes -StringBuilder $stringBuilder }
                        catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message 'Failed to convert block' -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $blockData -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }
                        $inBlock = $false
                    else { $blockData.Lines += $line }
                #endregion Process Block Content
                # Handle Chapter Title
                if ($line -like '# *')
                    $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("<h2>$line</h2>")
                # Handle begin of a Block
                if ($line -like '## <*')
                    $inBlock = $true
                    $blockData = New-Block -Line $line
                #region Process paragraph
                if ($line.Trim() -eq "")
                    if (-not $paragraph) { continue }
                    $class = 'text'
                    if ($firstPar)
                        $class = 'firstpar'
                        $firstPar = $false
                    $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("<p class=`"$class`">$(($paragraph -join " ") -replace '\*\*(.+?)\*\*','<b>$1</b>' -replace '_(.+?)_','<i>$1</i>')</p>")
                    $paragraph = @()
                $paragraph += $line
                #endregion Process paragraph
            #region Ensure final paragraph is taken care of
            if ($paragraph)
                $class = 'text'
                if ($firstPar)
                    $class = 'firstpar'
                    $firstPar = $false
                $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("<p class=`"$class`">$(($paragraph -join " ") -replace '\*\*(.+?)\*\*', '<b>$1</b>' -replace '_(.+?)_', '<i>$1</i>')</p>")
            #endregion Ensure final paragraph is taken care of
            New-Object EbookBuilder.Page -Property @{
                Index = $Index
                Name  = (Get-Item -Path $Path).BaseName
                Content = $stringBuilder.ToString()
                SourceName = $Path
                TimeCreated = Get-Date
                MetaData = @{ }
        function New-Block
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (
            $type = $Line -replace '## <(\w+).+$', '$1'
            $attributes = @{ }
            $entries = $Line | Select-String '(\w+)="(.+?)"' -AllMatches
            foreach ($match in $entries.Matches)
                $attributes[$match.Groups[1].Value] = $match.Groups[2].Value
                Attributes = $attributes
                Type       = $type
                Lines       = @()
        $Index = 1
        foreach ($pathItem in $Path)
            ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path $pathItem -Index $Index

function Read-EBMicrosoftDocsIndexPage
        Converts an index page of a Microsoft Docs into a book.
        Converts an index page of a Microsoft Docs into a book.
        Resolves all links in the index.
        The Url to the index page.
    .PARAMETER StartIndex
        Start Index the pages will begin with.
        Index is what Export-EBBook will use to determine page order.
        PS C:\> Read-EBMicrosoftDocsIndexPage -Url
        Parses the Active Directory Security Best Practices into page and image objects.

    Param (
        $StartIndex = 0
        $index = $StartIndex
        $indexPage = Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage -Url $Url -StartIndex $index
        $pages = $indexPage.Content | Select-String '<a href="(.*?)"' -AllMatches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value }
        $basePath = (Split-Path $indexPage.SourceName) -replace "\\", "/"
        foreach ($page in $pages)
            $tempPath = $basePath
            while ($page -like "../*")
                $tempPath = (Split-Path $tempPath) -replace "\\", "/"
                $page = $page -replace "^../", ""
            Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage -Url ("{0}/{1}" -f $tempPath, $page) -StartIndex $index

function Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage
        Parses a web document from the Microsoft documents.
        Parses a web document from the Microsoft documents.
        The url of the website to parse.
    .PARAMETER StartIndex
        The index of the page. Used for sorting the pages when building the ebook.
        PS C:\> Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage -Url
        Parses the file of the specified link and converts it into a page.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $StartIndex = 1
        $index = $StartIndex
        foreach ($weblink in $Url)
            $data = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $weblink
            $main = ($data.RawContent | Select-String "(?ms)<main.*?>(.*?)</main>").Matches.Groups[1].Value
            $source, $title = ($main | Select-String '<h1.*?sourceFile="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</h1>').Matches.Groups[1 .. 2].Value
            $text = ($main | Select-String '(?ms)<!-- <content> -->(.*?)<!-- </content> -->').Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
            $content = "<h1>{0}</h1> {1}" -f $title, $text
            $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
            foreach ($imageMatch in ($content | Select-String '(<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?alt="(.*?)".*?>)' -AllMatches).Matches)
                $relativeImagePath = $imageMatch.Groups[2].Value
                $imageName = $imageMatch.Groups[3].Value
                $imagePath = "{0}/{1}" -f ($weblink -replace '/[^/]*?$', '/'), $relativeImagePath
                $image = New-Object EbookBuilder.Image -Property @{
                    Data = $webClient.DownloadData($imagePath)
                    Name = $imageName
                    TimeCreated = Get-Date
                    Extension = $imagePath.Split(".")[-1]
                    MetaData = @{ WebLink = $imagePath }
                $content = $content -replace ([regex]::Escape($relativeImagePath)), "../Images/$($image.FileName)"
            New-Object EbookBuilder.Page -Property @{
                Index = $index++
                Name  = $title
                Content = $content
                SourceName = $weblink
                TimeCreated = Get-Date
                MetaData = @{ GithubPath = $source }

function Read-EBRoyalRoad {
        Reads an entire series from Royal Road.
        Reads an entire series from Royal Road.
        Converts it into the markdown format expected by Read-EBMarkdown.
        The Url to the first chapter of a given Royal Road series
        Name of the series
    .PARAMETER Books
        A hashtable mapping page numbers as the start of a book to the name of that book.
        If left empty, there will only be one book, named for the series.
        Each page number key must an integer type.
    .PARAMETER OutPath
        The folder in which to create one subfolder per book, in which the chapter files will be created.
        PS C:\> Read-EBRoyalRoad -Url -Name 'Evil Incarnate' -OutPath .
        Downloads the specified series, creates a folder in the current path and writes each chapter as its own .md file into that folder.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Books = @{ },
    begin {
        $index = 1
        $bookCount = 1
        if (-not $Books[1]) {
            $Books[1] = $Name
        $currentBook = '{0} {1} - {2}' -f $Name, $bookCount, $Books[1]
        $currentBookPath = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $currentBook
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $currentBookPath)) {
            $null = New-Item -Path $currentBookPath -Force -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
    process {
        $nextLink = $Url
        while ($nextLink) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message 'Processing {0} Chapter {1} : {2}' -StringValues $Name, $index, $nextLink
            $page = Read-RRChapter -Url $nextLink -Index $index
            $nextLink = $page.NextLink
            $page.TextMD | Set-Content -Path ("{0}\{1}-{2:D4}-{3:D4}.md" -f $currentBookPath, $Name, $bookCount, $index) -Encoding UTF8
            if ($Books[$index]) {
                $currentBook = '{0} {1} - {2}' -f $Name, $bookCount, $Books[$index]
                $currentBookPath = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $currentBook
                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $currentBookPath)) {
                    $null = New-Item -Path $currentBookPath -Force -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop

function Register-EBMarkdownBlock
        Register a converter scriptblock for parsing block data with Read-EBMarkdown
        Register a converter scriptblock for parsing block data with Read-EBMarkdown
        These allow you to custom-tailor and extend how special blocks are converted from markdown to html.
        The converter script receives one input object, which will contain three properties:
        - Type : What kind of block is being provided
        - Lines : The lines of text within the block
        - Attributes : Any attributes provided to the block
        - StringBuilder : The StringBuilder that you should append any lines of html to
        Your scriptblock should return a boolean value - whether the next paragraph should have the default indentation or be treated as a first line.
        Name of the block.
        Equal to the html tag name used within markdown.
    .PARAMETER Converter
        Script logic performing the conversion.
        PS C:\> Register-EBMarkdownBlock -Name Warning -Converter $warningScript
        Registers a converter that will convert warning blocks to useful html.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $script:mdBlockTypes[$Name] = $Converter