
function Read-RRChapter {
        Reads a Royal Road chapter and breaks it down into its components.
        Reads a Royal Road chapter and breaks it down into its components.
        Part of the parsing process to convert Royal Road books into eBooks.
        Url to the specific RR page to process.
    .PARAMETER Index
        The chapter index to include in the return object
    .PARAMETER NoHeader
        The book does not include a header in the text portion.
        Will take the chapter-name as header instead.
    .PARAMETER Replacements
        A hashtable with replacements.
        At the root level, either use the "Global" index for replacements that apply to all chapters or the number of the chapter it applies to.
        Each value of those key/value pairs contains yet another hashtable, using a label as key (they label is ignored, use this for human documentation in the file) and yet another hashtable as value.
        That hashtable may contain three keys:
        - Pattern (mandatory)
        - Text (mandatory)
        - Weight (optional)
        The Pattern is a piece of text used to find matching text within the current chapter. Uses Regex.
        The Text is what we replace matched content with.
        The Weight - if specified - is the processing order in case of multiple replacements - the lower the number, the earlier is it processed.
        PS C:\> Read-RRChapter -Url
        Reads and converts the first chapter of evil incarnate (hint: does not exist)

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    begin {
        #region functions
        function Get-NextLink {
            param (
                [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            process {
                if ($Line -notlike '*<a class="btn btn-primary*>Next <br class="visible-xs" />Chapter</a>*') { return }
                $Line -replace '^.+href="(.+?)".+$', '$1'

        function Get-Title {
            param (
                [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            process {
                if ($Line -notmatch '<h1 .+?>(.+?)</h1>') { return }
        function ConvertTo-Markdown {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


            begin {
                $firstLineCompleted = $false
                $badQuotes = @(
                $badQuotesPattern = $badQuotes -join "|"
                $badSingleQuotes = @(
                $badSingleQuotesPattern = $badSingleQuotes -join "|"

                if ($NoHeader) {
                    '# {0}' -f $Title
            process {
                $lineNormalized = ($Line -replace $badQuotesPattern, '"' -replace $badSingleQuotesPattern, "'").Trim()
                if (-not $firstLineCompleted -and -not $NoHeader) {
                    '# {0}' -f ($lineNormalized -replace '</{0,1}p.{0,}?>' -replace '</{0,1}b>' -replace '</{0,1}strong>' -replace '<br>', '<br />')
                    $firstLineCompleted = $true
                if ($lineNormalized -eq '<p style="text-align: center">* * *</p>') {
## <divide>
  * * *
## </divide>

                $lineNormalized | ConvertTo-MarkdownLine

        function ConvertTo-MarkdownFinal {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


            begin {
                $mapping = @($Replacements.Global.Values) + @($Replacements[$ChapterIndex].Values) | Sort-Object Weight
            process {
                foreach ($item in $mapping) {
                    $Text = $Text -replace $item.Pattern, $item.Text
        #endregion functions
    process {
        $found = $false
        try { $allLines = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content -split "`n" }
        catch {
            if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message -ne 'Slow down!') { throw }
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $allLines = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content -split "`n"
        $lines = $allLines | Where-Object {
            if ($_ -like '*<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content">*') {
                $found = $true
            if ($_ -like '*<h6 class="bold uppercase text-center">Advertisement</h6>*') {
                $found = $false
            # Remove all pictures, they don't close the tags correctly
            if (
                $_ -like '*<img*' -or
                $_ -like '*<input*'
            ) { return }
        $title = $allLines | Get-Title
            Index    = $Index
            Title    = $title
            RawText  = $allLines -join "`n"
            Text     = $lines -join "`n" -replace '<br>', '<br />' -replace '<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content">', '<div>'
            TextMD   = $lines[1 .. ($lines.Length - 2)] | ConvertTo-Markdown -NoHeader:$NoHeader -Title $Title | Join-String "`n" | ConvertTo-MarkdownFinal -Replacements $Replacements -ChapterIndex $Index
            NextLink = $allLines | Get-NextLink