
using namespace System.Reflection

function GetInferredMember {
        Get inferred member info from a MemberExpressionAst.
        This function attempts to infer the class it belongs to with the function GetInferredType.
        Once the class is determined, it looks for members with the same name, preferring properties
        over fields if both are present.
        If a method or constructor is overloaded, the member with the lowest parameter count will be
        chosen by default. If the ast has arguments specified, the parameter count will be checked for
        a match as well. If the ast has one argument specified and it is of the type int, that will
        be checked as the parameter count. (e.g. [exception]::new(2) would return the overload with
        two parameters)
        You can pass member expressions to this function.
        The inferred member information will be returned if found.
        PS C:\> [Parser]::ParseInput('$host.Context').FindAll({$args[0].Member}, $true) | GetInferredMember
        Returns a System.Reflection.MemberInfo object for the context property.

        # Specifies the member expression ast to infer member info from.
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Alias('MemberExpressionAst', 'Expression')]
    process {
        # If the ast that was passed is our ExtendedMemberExpressionAst class then return the already
        # inferred member info.
        if ($Ast.InferredMember) { return $Ast.InferredMember }

        $type = GetInferredType -Ast $Ast.Expression

        # Predicate to use with FindMembers.
        $predicate = {
            param($Member, $Criteria)

            $nameFilter, $argCountFilter = $Criteria

            $Member.Name -eq $nameFilter -and
            (-not $argCountFilter -or $Member.GetParameters().Count -eq $argCountFilter)
        # Check if it looks like the argument count was specified explicitly.
        $argumentCount     = $Ast.Arguments.Count
        if ($Ast.Arguments.Count -eq 1 -and $Ast.Arguments.StaticType -eq ([int])) {
            $argumentCount = $Ast.Arguments.Value
        $member = $type.FindMembers(
            <# memberType: #> 'All',
            <# bindingAttr: #> [BindingFlags]'NonPublic, Public, Instance, Static, IgnoreCase',
            <# filter: #> $predicate,
            <# filterCriteria: #> @(($Ast.Member.Value -replace '^new$', '.ctor'), $argumentCount)

            # Prioritize properties over fields and methods with smaller parameter counts.
        ) | Sort-Object -Property `
            @{Expression = { $PSItem.MemberType }; Ascending = $false },
            @{Expression = {
                if ($PSItem -is [MethodBase]) { $PSItem.GetParameters().Count }
                else { 0 }

        if ($member.Count -gt 1) { $member = $member[0] }

        if (-not $member) {
            ThrowError -Exception ([MissingMemberException]::new($Ast.Expression, $Ast.Member.Value)) `
                       -Id        MissingMember `
                       -Category  InvalidResult `
                       -Target    $Ast
