Function Import-MyModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a PowerShell module with enhanced error handling and functionality. .DESCRIPTION This function imports a specified PowerShell module with additional error handling, verbose output, and advanced features. It checks if the module is available, handles different versions, and provides options for forced imports and minimum version requirements. It also accepts additional arguments for maximum flexibility. .PARAMETER Name The name of the module to import. .PARAMETER MinimumVersion The minimum version of the module to import. If specified, the function will import the newest version that meets this criteria. .PARAMETER RequiredVersion The exact version of the module to import. If specified, only this version will be imported. .PARAMETER Force Forces a module to be imported even if it's already imported. .PARAMETER Global Imports the module into the global session state. .PARAMETER PassThru Returns the imported module object. .PARAMETER Prefix Adds a prefix to the imported module's cmdlets and other items. .PARAMETER DisableNameChecking Suppresses the message that warns you when you import a cmdlet or function whose name includes an unapproved verb or a prohibited character. .PARAMETER NoClobber Prevents importing commands that would hide or overwrite existing commands. .PARAMETER Scope Defines the scope of the import, either 'Global' or 'Local'. .PARAMETER SkipEditionCheck Skips the edition check if importing modules designed for Windows PowerShell in PowerShell Core. .PARAMETER UseWindowsPowerShell Forces the module to be imported using Windows PowerShell instead of PowerShell Core. .EXAMPLE Import-MyModule -Name ActiveDirectory Tries to import the ActiveDirectory module, providing verbose output and handling errors if the module is not available. .EXAMPLE Import-MyModule -Name AzureAD -MinimumVersion 2.0.0 -Force -Verbose Imports the AzureAD module with a minimum version of 2.0.0, forcing the import even if it's already loaded, and provides verbose output. .NOTES Version: 2.1 DateModified: 27/Aug/2024 LastModifiedBy: Vicente Rodriguez Eguibar Eguibar Information Technology S.L. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo])] Param ( # Param1 STRING for the Module Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of the module to be imported', Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Module', 'ModuleName')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Global, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Version] $MinimumVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Version] $RequiredVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $PassThru, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Prefix, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisableNameChecking, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $NoClobber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('Global', 'Local')] [string] $Scope, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $SkipEditionCheck, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseWindowsPowerShell ) Begin { $txt = ($Variables.Header -f (Get-Date).ToShortDateString(), $MyInvocation.Mycommand, (Get-FunctionDisplay -HashTable $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False) ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt ############################## # Module imports ############################## # Variables Definition $Preference = $VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name # Get Hashtable with corresponding parameters to import module $importParams = @{ Name = $name ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($Force) { $importParams['Force'] = $true } #end If if ($Global) { $importParams['Global'] = $true } #end If # Add optional parameters if specified if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MinimumVersion')) { $importParams['MinimumVersion'] = $MinimumVersion } #end If if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RequiredVersion')) { $importParams['RequiredVersion'] = $RequiredVersion } #end If if ($PassThru) { $importParams['PassThru'] = $true } #end If if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Prefix')) { $importParams['Prefix'] = $Prefix } #end If if ($DisableNameChecking) { $importParams['DisableNameChecking'] = $true } #end If if ($NoClobber) { $importParams['NoClobber'] = $true } #end If if ($Scope) { $importParams['Scope'] = $PSBoundParameters['Scope'] } #end If if ($SkipEditionCheck) { $importParams['SkipEditionCheck'] = $true } #end If if ($UseWindowsPowerShell) { $importParams['UseWindowsPowerShell'] = $true } #end If # Handle Verbose parameter correctly if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true) { $importParams['Verbose'] = $true } elseIf (($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $false) -or (-Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))) { $importParams['Verbose'] = $false } } #end Begin Process { try { If ($Name -eq 'GroupPolicy') { $x = 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\GroupPolicy\GroupPolicy.psd1' Import-Module $x -Verbose:$PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] } If ($Name -eq 'ServerManager') { $x = 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ServerManager\ServerManager.psd1' Import-Module $x -Verbose:$PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] } # Change this part to correctly check for module availability $availableModule = Get-Module -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] if (-not $availableModule) { Write-Error -Message ('Module "{0}" is not installed. Please install the module before importing.' -f $Name) } #end If # Check if the module is already imported $importedModule = Get-Module -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] if ($null -ne $module -and -not $Force) { Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Module {1} is already imported.' -f $functionName, $Name) if ($PassThru) { return $Module } #end If return } #end If # Perform the import if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, 'Import Module')) { $importedModule = Import-Module @importParams -Verbose:$PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] Write-Verbose -Message ('[{0}] Successfully imported module {1}' -f $functionName, $Name) if ($PassThru) { return $importedModule } #end If Write-Verbose -Message ('Module {0} has been successfully imported.' -f $ModuleName) } #end else } catch { Write-Error -Message ('[{0}] Error importing module {1}: {2}' -f $functionName, $Name, $_) #throw } #end Try-Catch } #end Process End { $VerbosePreference = $Preference $txt = ($Variables.Footer -f $MyInvocation.InvocationName, 'importing module.' ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt } #end End } #end Function |