function New-CentralItOu { <# .Synopsis Create Central OU and additional Tier 0 infrastructure OUs .DESCRIPTION Create Central OU including sub-OUs, secure them accordingly, move built-in objects and secure them, create needed groups and secure them, make nesting and delegations and finally create PSO and delegate accordingly. This function is mainly a wrapper used to create Tier0 objects .EXAMPLE New-CentralItOu -ConfigXMLFile 'C:\PsScripts\Configuration.xml' .EXAMPLE # Get the Config.xml file $param = @{ ConfigXMLFile = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath Config.xml -Resolve verbose = $true } # Check if Exchange needs to be created if($confXML.N.Domains.Prod.CreateExContainers) { $param.add("CreateExchange", $true) } # Check if DFS needs to be created if($confXML.N.Domains.Prod.CreateDFS) { $param.add("CreateDFS", $true) } # Check if CA needs to be created if($confXML.N.Domains.Prod.CreateCa) { $param.add("CreateCa", $true) } # Check if LAPS needs to be created if($confXML.N.Domains.Prod.CreateLAPS) { $param.add("CreateLAPS", $true) } # Check if DHCP needs to be created if($confXML.N.Domains.Prod.CreateDHCP) { $param.add("CreateDHCP", $true) } #Create Central OU Structure New-CentralItOu @param .PARAMETER ConfigXMLFile [STRING] Full path to the configuration.xml file .PARAMETER CreateExchange [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed Exchange objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER CreateDfs [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed DFS objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER CreateCa [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed Certificate Authority (PKI) objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER CreateAGPM [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed AGPM objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER CreateLAPS [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed LAPS objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER CreateDHCP [SWITCH] If present It will create all needed DHCP objects, containers and delegations .PARAMETER DMscripts [String] Full path to the Delegation Model Scripts Directory .NOTES This function relies on Config.xml file. .NOTES Used Functions: Name | Module ---------------------------------------|-------------------------- Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin | EguibarIT Add-AdGroupNesting | EguibarIT Get-CurrentErrorToDisplay | EguibarIT New-AdDelegatedGroup | EguibarIT New-DelegateAdGpo | EguibarIT New-DelegateAdOU | EguibarIT Set-AdAclDelegateUserAdmin | EguibarIT Set-AdAclDelegateGalAdmin | EguibarIT Remove-Everyone | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Remove-PreWin2000 | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeGroup | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeOU | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeSite | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeSiteLink | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeSubnet | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclChangeUserPassword | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclComputerPersonalInfo | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclComputerPublicInfo | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteComputer | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteContact | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGMSA | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGPO | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteMSA | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteOU | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteOU | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeletePrintQueue | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSite | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSiteLink | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSubnet | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclGPoption | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclLinkGPO | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclMngPrivilegedAccounts | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclMngPrivilegedGroups | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclResetUserPassword | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclUserAccountRestriction | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclUserGroupMembership | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdAclUserLogonInfo | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdDirectoryReplication | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-AdInheritance | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-CreateDeleteInetOrgPerson | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-DeleteOnlyComputer | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Set-GpoPrivilegeRight | EguibarIT.DelegationPS Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject | ActiveDirectory Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy | ActiveDirectory Get-ADGroup | ActiveDirectory Get-ADServiceAccount | ActiveDirectory Get-AdUser | ActiveDirectory Move-ADObject | ActiveDirectory New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy | ActiveDirectory New-ADServiceAccount | ActiveDirectory New-AdUser | ActiveDirectory Set-ADObject | ActiveDirectory Set-AdUser | ActiveDirectory Import-GPO | GroupPolicy Add-KdsRootKey | Kds .NOTES Version: 1.3 DateModified: 21/Oct/2021 LasModifiedBy: Vicente Rodriguez Eguibar Eguibar Information Technology S.L. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] [OutputType([String])] Param ( # PARAM1 full path to the configuration.xml file [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'Full path to the configuration.xml file', Position = 0)] [string] $ConfigXMLFile, # Param2 If present It will create all needed Exchange objects, containers and delegations [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed Exchange objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 1)] [switch] $CreateExchange, # Param3 Create DFS Objects [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed DFS objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 2)] [switch] $CreateDfs, # Param4 Create CA (PKI) Objects [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed Certificate Authority (PKI) objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 3)] [switch] $CreateCa, # Param5 Create AGPM Objects [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed AGPM objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 4)] [switch] $CreateAGPM, # Param6 Create LAPS Objects [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed LAPS objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 5)] [switch] $CreateLAPS, # Param7 Create DHCP Objects [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'If present It will create all needed DHCP objects, containers and delegations.', Position = 6)] [switch] $CreateDHCP, # Param8 Location of all scripts & files [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $false, HelpMessage = 'Path to all the scripts and files needed by this function', Position = 7)] [PSDefaultValue(Help = 'Default Value is "C:\PsScripts\"')] [string] $DMscripts = 'C:\PsScripts\' ) Begin { $error.clear() $txt = ($Variables.Header -f (Get-Date).ToShortDateString(), $MyInvocation.Mycommand, (Get-FunctionDisplay -HashTable $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False) ) Write-Verbose -Message $txt ############################## # Module imports # These modules must be imported without checking and handling. Import-MyModule -Name 'ServerManager' -SkipEditionCheck -Verbose:$false Import-MyModule -Name 'GroupPolicy' -SkipEditionCheck -Verbose:$false Import-MyModule -Name 'ActiveDirectory' -Verbose:$false Import-MyModule -Name 'EguibarIT' -Verbose:$false Import-MyModule -Name 'EguibarIT.DelegationPS' -Verbose:$false ############################## # Variables Definition #region Files-Splatting try { # Check if Config.xml file is loaded. If not, proceed to load it. If (-Not (Test-Path -Path variable:confXML)) { # Check if the Config.xml file exist on the given path If (Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters['ConfigXMLFile']) { #Open the configuration XML file $confXML = [xml](Get-Content $PSBoundParameters['ConfigXMLFile']) } #end if } #end if } catch { Write-Error -Message 'Error when reading XML file' throw } # End Try # Read the value from parsed SWITCH parameters. try { # Check if CreateExchange parameter is parsed. If ($PSBoundParameters['CreateExchange']) { # If parameter is parsed, then make variable TRUE $CreateExchange = $True } else { # Otherwise variable is FALSE $CreateExchange = $False } # Check if CreateDfs parameter is parsed. If ($PSBoundParameters['CreateDfs']) { # If parameter is parsed, then make variable TRUE $CreateDfs = $True } else { # Otherwise variable is FALSE $CreateDfs = $False } # Check if CreateCa parameter is parsed. If ($PSBoundParameters['CreateCa']) { # If parameter is parsed, then make variable TRUE $CreateCa = $True } else { # Otherwise variable is FALSE $CreateCa = $False } # Check if CreateAGPM parameter is parsed. If ($PSBoundParameters['CreateAGPM']) { # If parameter is parsed, then make variable TRUE $CreateAGPM = $True } else { # Otherwise variable is FALSE $CreateAGPM = $False } # Check if CreateLAPS parameter is parsed. If ($PSBoundParameters['CreateLAPS']) { # If parameter is parsed, then make variable TRUE $CreateLAPS = $True } else { # Otherwise variable is FALSE $CreateLAPS = $False } } catch { Write-Error -Message 'Error when reading parameters' throw } # End Try # Naming conventions hashtable $NC = @{'sl' = $confXML.n.NC.LocalDomainGroupPreffix 'sg' = $confXML.n.NC.GlobalGroupPreffix 'su' = $confXML.n.NC.UniversalGroupPreffix 'Delim' = $confXML.n.NC.Delimiter 'T0' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix0 'T1' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix1 'T2' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix2 } #('{0}{1}{2}{1}{3}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $, $NC['T0']) # SG_PAWM_T0 [String]$CurrentDC = '{0}.{1}' -f (($env:LOGONSERVER).replace('\', '')), $env:USERDNSDOMAIN # parameters variable for splatting CMDlets $Splat = [hashtable]::New([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $ArrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New() $AllGroups = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[object]]::New() $Splat = @{ Name = 'SG_Operations' Value = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.Operations.Name) Force = $true } New-Variable @Splat $Splat = @{ Name = 'SG_ServerAdmins' Value = ('SG{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.ServerAdmins.Name) Force = $true } New-Variable @Splat $Splat = @{ Name = 'SL_SvrAdmRight' Value = ('SL{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrAdmRight.Name) Force = $true } New-Variable @Splat $Splat = @{ Name = 'SL_SvrOpsRight' Value = ('SL{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrOpsRight.Name) Force = $true } New-Variable @Splat #endregion Files-Splatting #region Users $AdminName = $confXML.n.Admin.users.Admin.Name $newAdminName = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.Name $GuestNewName = $confXML.n.Admin.users.Guest.Name # Get the AD Objects by Well-Known SID try { # Administrator $AdminName = Get-ADUser -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-500' } # Administrators $Administrators = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-544' } # Domain Admins $DomainAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-512' } # Enterprise Admins $EnterpriseAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-519' } # Schema Admins $SchemaAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-518' } # DomainControllers $DomainControllers = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-516' } # RODC $RODC = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-521' } # Group Policy Creators Owner $GPOCreatorsOwner = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-520' } # Denied RODC Password Replication Group $DeniedRODC = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-572' } # Cryptographic Operators $CryptoOperators = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-569' } # Event Log Readers $EvtLogReaders = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-573' } # Performance Log Users $PerfLogUsers = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-559' } # Performance Monitor Users $PerfMonitorUsers = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-558' } # Remote Desktop Users $RemoteDesktopUsers = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-555' } # Server Operators $ServerOperators = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-549' } # Remote Management Users $RemoteMngtUsers = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-580' } # Account Operators $AccountOperators = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-548' } # Network Configuration Operators $NetConfOperators = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-32-556' } # DNS Administrators $DnsAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'DnsAdmins' # Protected Users $ProtectedUsers = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Protected Users' } catch { Write-Error -Message 'One or some of the User/Groups was not able to be retrived. Please check' } #end Try-Catch #endregion Users # Organizational Units Names # Iterate all OUs within Admin Foreach ($node in $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ChildNodes) { $Splat = @{ Name = "$($Node.LocalName)" Value = $Node.Name Description = $Node.Description Option = 'ReadOnly' Force = $true } # Create variable for current OUs name, Using the XML LocalName of the node for the variable New-Variable @Splat } #region DistinguishedNames # Organizational Units Distinguished Names #region Tier0DistinguishedNames # Domain Controllers DistinguishedName $DCsOuDn = ('OU=Domain Controllers,{0}' -f $Variables.AdDn) # Admin Area # IT Admin OU Distinguished Name New-Variable -Name 'ItAdminOuDn' -Value ('OU={0},{1}' -f $ItAdminOu, $Variables.AdDn) -Option ReadOnly -Force # It Admin Users OU Distinguished Name $ItAdminAccountsOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItAdminAccountsOu, $ItAdminOuDn # It Admin Groups OU Distinguished Name $ItAdminGroupsOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItAdminGroupsOu, $ItAdminOuDn # IT Administration purposes, containing groups used to grant local server Admin access. $ItAdminSrvGroupsOUDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItAdminSrvGroupsOU, $ItAdminOuDn # It Privileged Groups OU Distinguished Name $ItPrivGroupsOUDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPrivGroupsOU, $ItAdminOuDn # It Admin Rights OU Distinguished Name $ItRightsOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItRightsOu, $ItAdminOuDn # It Admin ServiceAccount OU Distinguished Name $ItServiceAccountsOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItServiceAccountsOu, $ItAdminOuDn # It Admin T0SA OU Distinguished Name $ItSAT0OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItSAT0Ou, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn # It Admin T0SA OU Distinguished Name $ItSAT1OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItSAT1Ou, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn # It Admin T0SA OU Distinguished Name $ItSAT2OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItSAT2Ou, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn # It PAW OU Distinguished Name $ItPawOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPawOu, $ItAdminOuDn # It PAW T0 OU Distinguished Name $ItPawT0OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPawT0Ou, $ItPawOuDn # It PAW T1 OU Distinguished Name $ItPawT1OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPawT1Ou, $ItPawOuDn # It PAW T2 OU Distinguished Name $ItPawT2OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPawT2Ou, $ItPawOuDn # It PAW Staging OU Distinguished Name $ItPawStagingOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItPawStagingOu, $ItPawOuDn # It Infrastructure Servers OU Distinguished Name $ItInfraOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItInfraOu, $ItAdminOuDn # It Infrastructure Servers T0 OU Distinguished Name $ItInfraT0OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItInfraT0Ou, $ItInfraOuDn # It Infrastructure Servers T1 OU Distinguished Name $ItInfraT1OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItInfraT1Ou, $ItInfraOuDn # It Infrastructure Servers T2 OU Distinguished Name $ItInfraT2OuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItInfraT2Ou, $ItInfraOuDn # It Infrastructure Servers Staging OU Distinguished Name $ItInfraStagingOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItInfraStagingOu, $ItInfraOuDn # It HOUSEKEEPING OU Distinguished Name $ItHousekeepingOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItHousekeepingOu, $ItAdminOuDn #endregion Tier0DistinguishedNames # Servers Area # Servers OU New-Variable -Name 'ServersOu' -Value $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ServersOU.Name -Option ReadOnly -Force # Servers OU Distinguished Name $ServersOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ServersOu, $Variables.AdDn # Sites Area # Sites OU New-Variable -Name 'SitesOu' -Value $ -Option ReadOnly -Force # Sites OU Distinguished Name $SitesOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $SitesOu, $Variables.AdDn # Sites GLOBAL OU $SitesGlobalOu = $ # Sites GLOBAL OU Distinguished Name $SitesGlobalOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $SitesGlobalOu, $SitesOuDn # Sites GLOBAL GROUPS OU $SitesGlobalGroupOu = $ # Sites GLOBAL GROUPS OU Distinguished Name $SitesGlobalGroupOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $SitesGlobalGroupOu, $SitesGlobalOuDn # Sites GLOBAL APPACCUSERS OU $SitesGlobalAppAccUserOu = $ # Sites GLOBAL APPACCUSERS OU Distinguished Name $SitesGlobalAppAccUserOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $SitesGlobalAppAccUserOu, $SitesGlobalOuDn #endregion DistinguishedNames # Quarantine OU for PCs New-Variable -Name 'ItQuarantinePcOu' -Value $ -Option ReadOnly -Force # Quarantine OU Distinguished Name $ItQuarantinePcOuDn = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $ItQuarantinePcOu, $Variables.AdDn # Quarantine OU for Users New-Variable -Name 'ItQuarantineUserOu' -Value $ -Option ReadOnly -Force #endregion Declarations ################################################################################ } #end Begin Process { ############################################################################### # Create IT Admin and Sub OUs Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Create Admin Area and related structure...') $Splat = @{ ouName = $ItAdminOu ouPath = $Variables.AdDn ouDescription = $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItAdminOU.description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat # Remove Inheritance and copy the ACE Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItAdminOuDn -RemoveInheritance $true -RemovePermissions $true <# # Remove AUTHENTICATED USERS group from OU # # CHECK... This one should not "LIST" but must be on ACL Remove-AuthUser -LDAPPath $ItAdminOuDn # Clean Ou Start-AdCleanOU -LDAPPath $ItAdminOuDn -RemoveUnknownSIDs # Remove Pre-Windows 2000 Access group from OU Remove-PreWin2000FromOU -LDAPPath $ItAdminOuDn # Remove ACCOUNT OPERATORS 2000 Access group from OU Remove-AccountOperator -LDAPPath $ItAdminOuDn # Remove PRINT OPERATORS 2000 Access group from OU Remove-PrintOperator -LDAPPath $ItAdminOuDn #> <# Computer objects within this ares MUST have read access, otherwise GPO will not apply - TO BE DONE Manually change Authenticated Users from "This Object Only" to "This and descendant objects" then ACL will look like this: Get-AclAccessRule -LDAPpath 'OU=Admin,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local' -SearchBy 'Authenticated Users' VERBOSE: ACE (Access Control Entry) Filtered By: Authenticated Users VERBOSE: ============================================================ ACENumber : 1 DistinguishedName : OU=Admin,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local IdentityReference : Authenticated Users ActiveDirectoryRights : ReadProperty, GenericExecute AccessControlType : Allow ObjectType : GuidNULL InheritanceType : All InheritedObjectType : GuidNULL IsInherited : False #> ############################################################################### #region Create Sub-OUs for admin Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Create Sub-OUs for Admin(Tier0)...') $Splat = @{ ouPath = $ItAdminOuDn CleanACL = $True } New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItAdminAccountsOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItAdminAccountsOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItAdminGroupsOU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItAdminGroupsOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPrivGroupsOU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPrivGroupsOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPawOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItRightsOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItRightsOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItServiceAccountsOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItServiceAccountsOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItHousekeepingOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItHousekeepingOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItInfraOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraOU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItAdminSrvGroupsOU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItAdminSrvGroups.description @Splat # Ensure inheritance is enabled for child Admin OUs $Splat = @{ RemoveInheritance = $false RemovePermissions = $True } Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItAdminGroupsOUDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPawOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItRightsOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItServiceAccountsOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItHousekeepingOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItInfraOuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItAdminSrvGroupsOUDn @Splat # PAW Sub-OUs $Splat = @{ ouPath = $ItPawOuDn CleanACL = $True } New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPawT0Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT0OU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPawT1Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT1OU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPawT2Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT2OU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItPawStagingOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawStagingOU.description @Splat # Ensure inheritance is enabled for child Admin OUs $Splat = @{ RemoveInheritance = $false RemovePermissions = $True } Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPawT0OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPawT1OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPawT2OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItPawStagingOuDn @Splat # Service Accounts Sub-OUs $Splat = @{ ouPath = $ItServiceAccountsOuDn CleanACL = $True } New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItSAT0OU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT0OU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItSAT1OU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT1OU.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItSAT2OU -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT2OU.description @Splat # Ensure inheritance is enabled for child Admin OUs $Splat = @{ RemoveInheritance = $false RemovePermissions = $True } Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItSAT0OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItSAT1OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItSAT2OuDn @Splat # Infrastructure Servers Sub-OUs $Splat = @{ ouPath = $ItInfraOuDn CleanACL = $True } New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItInfraT0Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT0.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItInfraT1Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT1.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItInfraT2Ou -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT2.description @Splat New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $ItInfraStagingOu -ouDescription $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraStagingOU.description @Splat # Ensure inheritance is enabled for child Admin OUs $Splat = @{ RemoveInheritance = $false RemovePermissions = $True } Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItInfraT0OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItInfraT1OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItInfraT2OuDn @Splat Set-AdInheritance -LDAPpath $ItInfraStagingOuDn @Splat #endregion ############################################################################### #region Move Built-In Admin user & Groups (Builtin OU groups can't be moved) Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Moving objects to Admin (Tier 0)...') # Move, and if needed, rename the Admin account If ($AdminName -ne $confXML.n.Admin.users.Admin.Name) { Rename-ADObject -Identity $AdminName.DistinguishedName -NewName $confXML.n.Admin.users.Admin.Name Set-ADUser $AdminName -SamAccountName $confXML.n.Admin.users.Admin.Name -DisplayName $confXML.n.Admin.users.Admin.Name } # Move the Guest Account Get-ADUser -Identity $GuestNewName | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC $AdminName | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADUser -Identity krbtgt | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC $DomainAdmins | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC $EnterpriseAdmins | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity $SchemaAdmins | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity $DomainControllers | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity $GPOCreatorsOwner | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity $RODC | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'DnsUpdateProxy' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Domain Users' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Domain Computers' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Domain Guests' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Allowed RODC Password Replication Group' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'RAS and IAS Servers' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC $DnsAdmins | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Cert Publishers' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity $DeniedRODC | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC $ProtectedUsers | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Cloneable Domain Controllers' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Access-Denied Assistance Users' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Filter { SamAccountName -like 'WinRMRemoteWMIUsers*' } | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC # Following groups only exist on Win 2019 If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 17763) { Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Enterprise Key Admins' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Key Admins' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Server $CurrentDC Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Windows Admin Center CredSSP Administrators' | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn } # Get-ADGroup $Administrators | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Account Operators" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Backup Operators" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Certificate Service DCOM Access" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Cryptographic Operators" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Server Operators" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Remote Desktop Users" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Distributed COM Users" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Event Log Readers" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Guests" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "IIS_IUSRS" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Incoming Forest Trust Builders" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup $NetConfOperators | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Performance Log Users" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Performance Monitor Users" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Print Operators" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Replicator" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Terminal Server License Servers" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Users" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # Get-ADGroup "Windows Authorization Access Group" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItRightsOuDn # REFRESH - Get the object after moving it. $AdminName = Get-ADUser -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-500' } $DomainAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-512' } $EnterpriseAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-519' } $GPOCreatorsOwner = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-520' } $DeniedRODC = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object { $_.SID -like 'S-1-5-21-*-572' } $DnsAdmins = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'DnsAdmins' $ProtectedUsers = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Protected Users' #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Creating Secured Admin accounts Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Creating and securing Admin accounts...') #try { # Try to get the new Admin $NewAdminExists = Get-ADUser -Filter { SamAccountName -eq $newAdminName } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Get picture if exist. Use default if not. If (Test-Path -Path ('{0}\Pic\{1}.jpg' -f $DMscripts, $newAdminName)) { # Read the path and file name of JPG picture $PhotoFile = '{0}\Pic\{1}.jpg' -f $DMscripts, $newAdminName # Get the content of the JPG file #$photo = [byte[]](Get-Content -Path $PhotoFile -AsByteStream -Raw ) [byte[]]$photo = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($PhotoFile) } else { If (Test-Path -Path ('{0}\Pic\Default.jpg' -f $DMscripts)) { # Read the path and file name of JPG picture $PhotoFile = '{0}\Pic\Default.jpg' -f $DMscripts # Get the content of the JPG file #$photo = [byte[]](Get-Content -Path $PhotoFile -Encoding byte) - NOT WORKING since PS 6 # Alternative [byte[]]$photo = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($PhotoFile) #$photo = [byte[]](Get-Content -Path $PhotoFile -AsByteStream -Raw) } else { $photo = $null } #end If-Else } #end If-Else # Check if the new Admin account already exist. If not, then create it. If ($NewAdminExists) { #The user was found. Proceed to modify it accordingly. $Splat = @{ Enabled = $true UserPrincipalName = ('{0}@{1}' -f $newAdminName, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) SamAccountName = $newAdminName DisplayName = $newAdminName Description = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.description employeeId = '0123456' TrustedForDelegation = $false AccountNotDelegated = $true Company = $confXML.n.RegisteredOrg Country = 'MX' Department = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.department State = 'Puebla' EmailAddress = ('{0}@{1}' -f $newAdminName, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) Replace = @{ 'employeeType' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix0 'msNpAllowDialin' = $false 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' = '24' } } # If photo exist, add it to parameters If ($photo) { # Only if photo exists, add it to splatting $Splat.Replace.Add('thumbnailPhoto', $photo) } Set-ADUser -Identity $newAdminName @Splat } Else { # User was not Found! create new. $Splat = @{ Path = $ItAdminAccountsOuDn Name = $newAdminName AccountPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $confXML.n.DefaultPassword -AsPlainText -Force) ChangePasswordAtLogon = $false Enabled = $true UserPrincipalName = ('{0}@{1}' -f $newAdminName, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) SamAccountName = $newAdminName DisplayName = $newAdminName Description = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.description employeeId = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.employeeId TrustedForDelegation = $false AccountNotDelegated = $true Company = $confXML.n.RegisteredOrg Country = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.Country Department = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.department State = $confXML.n.Admin.users.NEWAdmin.State EmailAddress = ('{0}@{1}' -f $newAdminName, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) OtherAttributes = @{ 'employeeType' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix0 'msNpAllowDialin' = $false 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' = '24' } } If ($photo) { # Only if photo exists, add it to splatting $Splat.OtherAttributes.Add('thumbnailPhoto', $photo) } #end If # Create the new Admin with special values Try { New-ADUser @Splat } Catch { Write-Error -Message 'Error when creating new Admin account' throw } # # 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes'= Kerberos DES Encryption = 2, Kerberos AES 128 = 8, Kerberos AES 256 = 16 } #end else-if new user created #$newAdminName = Get-ADUser -Identity $ # Move AD object Get-ADUser -Identity $newAdminName | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn -Server $CurrentDC #refresh object $NewAdminExists = Get-ADUser -Identity $newAdminName # Set the Protect against accidental deletions attribute # Identity ONLY accepts DistinguishedName or GUID -- DN fails I don't know why Set-ADObject -Identity $AdminName.ObjectGUID -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true Set-ADObject -Identity $NewAdminExists.ObjectGUID -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true # Make it member of administrative groups Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $DomainAdmins -Members $NewAdminExists Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $EnterpriseAdmins -Members $NewAdminExists Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $GPOCreatorsOwner -Members $NewAdminExists Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $DeniedRODC -Members $NewAdminExists # #### # Remove Everyone group from Admin-User & Administrator Remove-Everyone -LDAPpath $NewAdminExists.DistinguishedName Remove-Everyone -LDAPpath $AdminName.DistinguishedName #### # Remove AUTHENTICATED USERS group from Admin-User & Administrator #Remove-AuthUser -LDAPPath $NewAdminExists.DistinguishedName #Remove-AuthUser -LDAPPath ('CN={0},{1}' -f $AdminName, $ItAdminAccountsOuDn) #### # Remove Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group from Admin-User & Administrator Remove-PreWin2000 -LDAPpath $NewAdminExists.DistinguishedName Remove-PreWin2000 -LDAPpath $AdminName.DistinguishedName ### # Configure TheGood account $params = @{ 'employeeType' = $confXML.n.NC.AdminAccSufix0 'msNpAllowDialin' = $false 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' = 24 } If ($photo) { # Only if photo exists, add it to splatting $params.Add('thumbnailPhoto', $photo) } $Splat = @{ Identity = $AdminName TrustedForDelegation = $false AccountNotDelegated = $true Add = $params Server = $CurrentDC } Set-ADUser @Splat Write-Verbose -Message 'Admin accounts created and secured.' #endregion Creating Secured Admin accounts ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create Admin groups Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Creating Admin groups...') # Iterate through all Admin-LocalGroups child nodes Foreach ($Node in $confXML.n.Admin.LG.ChildNodes) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Create group {0}' -f ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sl'], $NC['Delim'], $Node.LocalName)) $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sl'], $NC['Delim'], $Node.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'DomainLocal' DisplayName = $Node.DisplayName Path = $ItRightsOuDn Description = $Node.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat $varparam = @{ Name = "$('SL{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $Node.LocalName)" Value = $createdGroup Force = $true } New-Variable @varparam #Clear variable for next use $createdGroup = $null } # End ForEach # Iterate through all Admin-GlobalGroups child nodes Foreach ($Node in $confXML.n.Admin.GG.ChildNodes) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Create group {0}' -f ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $Node.localname)) $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $Node.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'Global' DisplayName = $Node.DisplayName Path = $ItAdminGroupsOuDn Description = $Node.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat $varparam = @{ Name = "$('SG{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $Node.LocalName)" Value = $createdGroup Force = $true } New-Variable @varparam #Clear variable for next use $createdGroup = $null } # End ForEach # Create Servers Area / Tier1 Domain Local & Global Groups $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.Operations.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'Global' DisplayName = $confXML.n.Servers.GG.Operations.DisplayName Path = $ItAdminGroupsOuDn Description = $confXML.n.Servers.GG.Operations.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat New-Variable -Name "$('SG{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.Operations.LocalName)" -Value $createdGroup -Force $createdGroup = $null $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sg'], $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.ServerAdmins.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'Global' DisplayName = $confXML.n.Servers.GG.ServerAdmins.DisplayName Path = $ItAdminGroupsOuDn Description = $confXML.n.Servers.GG.ServerAdmins.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat New-Variable -Name "$('SG{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.GG.ServerAdmins.LocalName)" -Value $createdGroup -Force $createdGroup = $null $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sl'], $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrOpsRight.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'DomainLocal' DisplayName = $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrOpsRight.DisplayName Path = $ItRightsOuDn Description = $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrOpsRight.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat New-Variable -Name "$('SL{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrOpsRight.LocalName)" -Value $createdGroup -Force $createdGroup = $null $Splat = @{ Name = '{0}{1}{2}' -f $NC['sl'], $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrAdmRight.Name GroupCategory = 'Security' GroupScope = 'DomainLocal' DisplayName = $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrAdmRight.DisplayName Path = $ItRightsOuDn Description = $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrAdmRight.Description ProtectFromAccidentalDeletion = $True RemoveAccountOperators = $True RemoveEveryone = $True RemovePreWin2000 = $True } $createdGroup = New-AdDelegatedGroup @Splat New-Variable -Name "$('SL{0}{1}' -f $NC['Delim'], $confXML.n.Servers.LG.SvrAdmRight.LocalName)" -Value $createdGroup -Force $createdGroup = $null # Get all Privileged groups into an array $AllGroups If ($null -ne $SG_InfraAdmins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_InfraAdmins) } If ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } If ($null -ne $SG_GpoAdmins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_GpoAdmins) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } If ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } If ($null -ne $SG_AllSiteAdmins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_AllSiteAdmins) } If ($null -ne $SG_AllGALAdmins) { [Void]$AllGroups.Add($SG_AllGALAdmins) } # Move the groups to PG OU foreach ($item in $AllGroups) { # AD Object operations ONLY supports DN and GUID as identity # Remove the ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion, otherwise throws error when moving Set-ADObject -Identity $item.ObjectGUID -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false # Move objects to PG OU Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn -Identity $item.ObjectGUID # Set back again the ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion flag. #The group has to be fetch again because of the previous move Set-ADObject -Identity $item.ObjectGUID -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true #refresh the variable because DistinguishedName changed Set-Variable -Name $item.SamAccountName -Value (Get-ADGroup -Identity $item.SID) -Force } #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create Group Managed Service Account Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Create Group Managed Service Account') # Get the current OS build # Create the KDS Root Key (only once per domain). This is used by the KDS service # on DCs (along with other information) to generate passwords # # If working in a test environment with a minimal number of DCs and the ability to guarantee immediate replication, please use: Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((Get-Date).addhours(-10)) # Check if ServiceAccount exists $gMSASamAccountName = '{0}$' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name $ExistSA = Get-ADServiceAccount -Filter { SamAccountName -like $gMSASamAccountName } If (-not $ExistSA) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Creating {0} Service Account {0}.' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name) If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build -ge 9200) { $Splat = @{ Name = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name SamAccountName = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name DNSHostName = ('{0}.{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) AccountNotDelegated = $true Description = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Description DisplayName = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.DisplayName KerberosEncryptionType = 'AES128,AES256' Path = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn enabled = $True TrustedForDelegation = $false ServicePrincipalName = ('HOST/{0}.{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } $ReplaceValues = @{ 'company' = $confXML.n.RegisteredOrg 'department' = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Department 'employeeID' = 'T0' 'employeeType' = 'ServiceAccount' 'info' = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Description 'title' = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.DisplayName 'userPrincipalName' = '{0}@{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name, $env:USERDNSDOMAIN } If (($null -or '') -ne $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.c) { $ReplaceValues.Add('c', $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.c) } If (($null -or '') -ne $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Co) { $ReplaceValues.Add('Co', $ } If (($null -or '') -ne $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.l) { $ReplaceValues.Add('l', $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.l) } $ReplaceParams = @{ Replace = $ReplaceValues ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } try { New-ADServiceAccount @Splat | Set-ADServiceAccount @ReplaceParams } catch { Write-Error -Message 'Error when creating AD Scheduler service account.' throw } #end Try-Catch } else { $Splat = @{ name = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name Description = $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Description Path = 'OU={0},{1}' -f $, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn enabled = $True ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } New-ADServiceAccount @Splat } #end If-Else } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Service Account {0} already exists.' -f $confXML.n.Admin.gMSA.AdTaskScheduler.Name) }# End If-Else # Ensure the gMSA is member of Tier0 ServiceAccount group. This group will be configured on the Rights assignment. # Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount -Members $gMSASamAccountName #Configure gMSA so all members of group "Domain Controllers" can retrieve the password Set-ADServiceAccount $gMSASamAccountName -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword 'Domain Controllers' #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create a New Fine Grained Password Policy for Admins Accounts Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Create a New Fine Grained Password Policy for Admins Accounts...') $PSOexists = $null [String]$PsoName = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.Name $PSOexists = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter { name -like $PsoName } if (-not($PSOexists)) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Creating {0} PSO.' -f $PsoName) $Splat = @{ Name = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.Name Precedence = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.Precedence ComplexityEnabled = [System.Boolean]$confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.ComplexityEnabled Description = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.Description DisplayName = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.DisplayName LockoutDuration = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.LockoutDuration LockoutObservationWindow = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.LockoutObservationWindow LockoutThreshold = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.LockoutThreshold MaxPasswordAge = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.MaxPasswordAge MinPasswordAge = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.MinPasswordAge MinPasswordLength = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.MinPasswordLength PasswordHistoryCount = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.PasswordHistoryCount ReversibleEncryptionEnabled = [System.Boolean]$confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ItAdminsPSO.ReversibleEncryptionEnabled Passthru = $true } $PSOexists = New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy @Splat If ( -not $PSOexists ) { $PSOexists = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter { name -like $PsoName } } } # End If PSO exists Write-Verbose -Message ('Apply the {0} PSO to the corresponding accounts and groups.' -f $PsoName) Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Apply the PSO to the corresponding accounts and groups $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$ArrayList.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) if ($null -ne $SG_InfraAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_InfraAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GpoAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GpoAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Operations) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Operations) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServerAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServerAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllSiteAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllSiteAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllGALAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllGALAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalUserAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalUserAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalPcAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalPcAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServiceDesk) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServiceDesk) } if ($null -ne $SL_InfraRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_InfraRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_AdRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_AdRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_UM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_UM) } if ($null -ne $SL_GM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PUM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PUM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PGM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PGM) } if ($null -ne $SL_GpoAdminRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GpoAdminRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_DnsAdminRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DnsAdminRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_DirReplRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DirReplRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_PromoteDcRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PromoteDcRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_TransferFSMOright) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_TransferFSMOright) } if ($null -ne $SL_DcManagement) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DcManagement) } if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PISM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PAWM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PAWM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PSAM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PSAM) } if ($null -ne $SL_SvrAdmRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_SvrAdmRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_SvrOpsRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_SvrOpsRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_GlobalGroupRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GlobalGroupRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_GlobalAppAccUserRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GlobalAppAccUserRight) } # Adding groups Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject -Identity $PSOexists -Subjects $ArrayList $ArrayList.Clear() if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($NewAdminExists) } # Adding Users. Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject -Identity $PSOexists -Subjects $ArrayList #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create a New Fine Grained Password Policy for Service Accounts Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Create a New Fine Grained Password Policy for Service Accounts.') $PSOexists = $null [String]$PsoName = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.Name $PSOexists = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter { name -like $PsoName } if (-not($PSOexists)) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Creating {0} PSO.' -f $PsoName) $Splat = @{ Name = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.Name Precedence = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.Precedence ComplexityEnabled = [System.Boolean]$confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.ComplexityEnabled Description = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.Description DisplayName = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.DisplayName LockoutDuration = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.LockoutDuration LockoutObservationWindow = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.LockoutObservationWindow LockoutThreshold = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.LockoutThreshold MaxPasswordAge = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.MaxPasswordAge MinPasswordAge = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.MinPasswordAge MinPasswordLength = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.MinPasswordLength PasswordHistoryCount = $confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.PasswordHistoryCount ReversibleEncryptionEnabled = [System.Boolean]$confXML.n.Admin.PSOs.ServiceAccountsPSO.ReversibleEncryptionEnabled Passthru = $true } $PSOexists = New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy @Splat If (-not $PSOexists) { $PSOexists = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Filter { name -like $PsoName } } #$PSOexists = Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Identity $PsoName } Write-Verbose -Message ('Apply the {0} PSO to the corresponding accounts and groups.' -f $PsoName) Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Apply the PSO to all Tier Service Accounts $ArrayList.Clear() if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } # todo: Fix error "The name reference is invalid." Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject -Identity $PSOexists -Subjects $ArrayList #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Nest Groups - Security for RODC # Avoid having privileged or semi-privileged groups copy to RODC Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Nesting groups...') $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$ArrayList.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) if ($null -ne $SG_InfraAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_InfraAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GpoAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GpoAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Operations) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Operations) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServerAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServerAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllSiteAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllSiteAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllGALAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllGALAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalUserAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalUserAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalPcAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalPcAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServiceDesk) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServiceDesk) } if ($null -ne $SL_InfraRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_InfraRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_AdRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_AdRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_UM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_UM) } if ($null -ne $SL_GM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PUM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PUM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PGM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PGM) } if ($null -ne $SL_GpoAdminRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GpoAdminRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_DnsAdminRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DnsAdminRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_DirReplRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DirReplRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_PromoteDcRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PromoteDcRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_TransferFSMOright) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_TransferFSMOright) } if ($null -ne $SL_DcManagement) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_DcManagement) } if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PISM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PAWM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PAWM) } if ($null -ne $SL_PSAM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PSAM) } if ($null -ne $SL_SvrAdmRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_SvrAdmRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_SvrOpsRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_SvrOpsRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_GlobalGroupRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GlobalGroupRight) } if ($null -ne $SL_GlobalAppAccUserRight) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_GlobalAppAccUserRight) } # Add groups Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $DeniedRODC -Members $ArrayList # Add Users $ArrayList.Clear() if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($NewAdminExists) } Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $DeniedRODC -Members $ArrayList #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Enabling Management Accounts to Modify the Membership of Protected Groups Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Enabling Management Accounts to Modify the Membership of Protected Groups...' ) # Enable PUM to manage Privileged Accounts (Reset PWD, enable/disable Administrator built-in account) Set-AdAclMngPrivilegedAccount -Group $SL_PUM # Enable PGM to manage Privileged Groups (Administrators, Domain Admins...) Set-AdAclMngPrivilegedGroup -Group $SL_PGM #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Nest Groups - Delegate Rights through Builtin groups # # # Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Nest Groups - Delegate Rights through Builtin groups...') Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $CryptoOperators -Members $SG_AdAdmins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $DnsAdmins -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Tier0Admins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $EvtLogReaders -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Operations Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $NetConfOperators -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Tier0Admins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $PerfLogUsers -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Operations, $SG_Tier0Admins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $PerfMonitorUsers -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Operations, $SG_Tier0Admins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $RemoteDesktopUsers -Members $SG_AdAdmins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $ServerOperators -Members $SG_AdAdmins Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $RemoteMngtUsers -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Tier0Admins $RemoteWMI = Get-ADGroup -Filter { SamAccountName -like 'WinRMRemoteWMIUsers*' } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If (-not $RemoteWMI) { $Splat = @{ GroupScope = 'DomainLocal' GroupCategory = 'Security' Name = 'WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__' Path = $ItRightsOuDn } New-ADGroup @Splat $RemoteWMI = Get-ADGroup 'WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__' } Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $RemoteWMI -Members $SG_AdAdmins, $SG_Tier0Admins # $ArrayList.Clear() if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void][void]$ArrayList.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_InfraAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_InfraAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GpoAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GpoAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Operations) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Operations) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServerAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServerAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllSiteAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllSiteAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AllGALAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AllGALAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalUserAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalUserAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalPcAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalPcAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_GlobalGroupAdmins) } if ($null -ne $SG_ServiceDesk) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_ServiceDesk) } Add-AdGroupNesting -Identity $ProtectedUsers -Members $ArrayList #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Nest Groups - Extend Rights through delegation model groups # Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Nest Groups - Extend Rights through delegation model groups...') # InfraAdmins as member of InfraRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_InfraRight Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of PUM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_PUM Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of PGM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_PGM Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of PISM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_PISM Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of PAWM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_PAWM Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of PSAM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_PSAM Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of Tier0Admins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_Tier0Admins Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of DirReplRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_DirReplRight Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # InfraAdmins as member of AdAdmins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_AdAdmins Members = $SG_InfraAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of AdRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_AdRight Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of UM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_UM Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of GM $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_GM Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of GpoAdmins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_GpoAdmins Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of AllSiteAdmins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_AllSiteAdmins Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of ServerAdmins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_ServerAdmins Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of DcManagement $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_DcManagement Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AdAdmins as member of Tier0Admins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_Tier0Admins Members = $SG_AdAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # Tier0Admins as member of DcManagement $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_DcManagement Members = $SG_Tier0Admins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # GpoAdmins as member of GpoAdminRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_GpoAdminRight Members = $SG_GpoAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AllSiteAdmins as member of AllGalAdmins $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_AllGALAdmins Members = $SG_AllSiteAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # AllGalAdmins as member of ServiceDesk $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_ServiceDesk Members = $SG_AllGALAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # ServerAdmins as member of SvrAdmRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_SvrAdmRight Members = $SG_ServerAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # Operations as member of SvrOpsRight $Splat = @{ Identity = $SL_SvrOpsRight Members = $SG_Operations } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat # ServerAdmins as member of Operations $Splat = @{ Identity = $SG_Operations Members = $SG_ServerAdmins } Add-AdGroupNesting @Splat #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region redirect Users & Computers containers Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'redirect Users & Computers containers...') $Splat = @{ ouName = $ItQuarantinePcOu ouPath = $Variables.AdDn ouDescription = $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewComputersOU.description RemoveAuthenticatedUsers = $true } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat $Splat = @{ ouName = $ItQuarantineUserOu ouPath = $Variables.AdDn ouDescription = $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewUsersOU.description RemoveAuthenticatedUsers = $true } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat # START Remove Delegation to BuiltIn groups BEFORE REDIRECTION $Splat = @{ Group = $AccountOperators LDAPPath = 'CN=Computers,{0}' -f $Variables.AdDn RemoveRule = $True } ### COMPUTERS # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Users Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Computers Set-AdAclCreateDeleteComputer @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Groups Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Contacts Set-AdAclCreateDeleteContact @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete inetOrgPerson Set-CreateDeleteInetOrgPerson @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete inetOrgPerson Set-AdAclCreateDeletePrintQueue @Splat $Splat = @{ Group = $AccountOperators LDAPPath = 'CN=Users,{0}' -f $Variables.AdDn RemoveRule = $True } ### USERS # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Users Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Computers Set-AdAclCreateDeleteComputer @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Groups Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Contacts Set-AdAclCreateDeleteContact @Splat # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete inetOrgPerson Set-CreateDeleteInetOrgPerson @Splat # Remove the Print Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete PrintQueues Set-AdAclCreateDeletePrintQueue @Splat ############################################################################### # Redirect Default USER & COMPUTERS Containers redircmp.exe ('OU={0},{1}' -f $ItQuarantinePcOu, $Variables.AdDn) redirusr.exe ('OU={0},{1}' -f $ItQuarantineUserOu, $Variables.AdDn) #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Delegation to ADMIN area (Tier 0) Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Delegate Admin Area (Tier 0)...') # Computer objects within this ares MUST have read access, otherwise GPO will not apply # UM - Semi-Privileged User Management Set-AdAclDelegateUserAdmin -Group $SL_UM -LDAPpath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn Set-AdAclDelegateGalAdmin -Group $SL_UM -LDAPpath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn # GM - Semi-Privileged Group Management Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup -Group $SL_GM -LDAPpath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn Set-AdAclChangeGroup -Group $SL_GM -LDAPpath $ItAdminGroupsOuDn # PUM - Privileged User Management Set-AdAclDelegateUserAdmin -Group $SL_PUM -LDAPpath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn Set-AdAclDelegateGalAdmin -Group $SL_PUM -LDAPpath $ItAdminAccountsOuDn # PGM - Privileged Group Management # Create/Delete Groups Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup -Group $SL_PGM -LDAPpath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup -Group $SL_PGM -LDAPpath $ItRightsOuDn # Change Group Properties Set-AdAclChangeGroup -Group $SL_PGM -LDAPpath $ItPrivGroupsOUDn Set-AdAclChangeGroup -Group $SL_PGM -LDAPpath $ItRightsOuDn # Local Admin groups management # Create/Delete Groups Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup -Group $SL_SAGM -LDAPpath $ItAdminSrvGroupsOUDn # Change Group Properties Set-AdAclChangeGroup -Group $SL_SAGM -LDAPpath $ItAdminSrvGroupsOUDn # PISM - Privileged Infrastructure Services Management # Create/Delete Computers Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PISM -LDAPpath $ItInfraT0OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PISM -LDAPpath $ItInfraT1OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PISM -LDAPpath $ItInfraT2OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PISM -LDAPpath $ItInfraStagingOuDn # PAWM - Privileged Access Workstation Management Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PAWM -LDAPpath $ItPawT0OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PAWM -LDAPpath $ItPawT1OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PAWM -LDAPpath $ItPawT2OuDn Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_PAWM -LDAPpath $ItPawStagingOuDn # DC_Management - Domain Controllers Management Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_DcManagement -LDAPpath $DCsOuDn # PSAM - Privileged Service Account Management - Create/Delete Managed Service Accounts & Standard user service accounts # Managed Service Accounts "Default Container" $Splat = @{ Group = $SL_PSAM LDAPPath = ('CN=Managed Service Accounts,{0}' -f $Variables.AdDn) } Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteMSA @Splat # TIER 0 $Splat = @{ Group = $SL_PSAM LDAPPath = $ItSAT0OuDn } Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @Splat Set-AdAclResetUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclChangeUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclUserGroupMembership @Splat Set-AdAclUserAccountRestriction @Splat Set-AdAclUserLogonInfo @Splat # TIER 1 $Splat = @{ Group = $SL_PSAM LDAPPath = $ItSAT1OuDn } Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @Splat Set-AdAclResetUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclChangeUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclUserGroupMembership @Splat Set-AdAclUserAccountRestriction @Splat Set-AdAclUserLogonInfo @Splat # TIER 2 $Splat = @{ Group = $SL_PSAM LDAPPath = $ItSAT2OuDn } Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteMSA @Splat Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @Splat Set-AdAclResetUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclChangeUserPassword @Splat Set-AdAclUserGroupMembership @Splat Set-AdAclUserAccountRestriction @Splat Set-AdAclUserLogonInfo @Splat # GPO Admins # Create/Delete GPOs Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGPO -Group $SL_GpoAdminRight # Link existing GPOs to OUs Set-AdAclLinkGPO -Group $SL_GpoAdminRight # Change GPO options Set-AdAclGPoption -Group $SL_GpoAdminRight # Delegate Directory Replication Rights Set-AdDirectoryReplication -Group $SL_DirReplRight # Infrastructure Admins # Organizational Units at domain level Set-AdAclCreateDeleteOU -Group $SL_InfraRight -LDAPpath $Variables.AdDn # Organizational Units at Admin area Set-AdAclCreateDeleteOU -Group $SL_InfraRight -LDAPpath $ItAdminOuDn # Subnet Configuration Container # Create/Delete Subnet Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSubnet -Group $SL_InfraRight # Site Configuration Container # Create/Delete Sites Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSite -Group $SL_InfraRight # Site-Link Configuration Container # Create/Delete Site-Link Set-AdAclCreateDeleteSiteLink -Group $SL_InfraRight # Transfer FSMO roles Set-AdAclFMSOtransfer -Group $SL_TransferFSMOright -FSMOroles 'Schema', 'Infrastructure', 'DomainNaming', 'RID', 'PDC' # AD Admins # Domain Controllers management Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_AdRight -LDAPpath $DCsOuDn # Delete computers from default container Set-DeleteOnlyComputer -Group $SL_AdRight -LDAPpath $ItQuarantinePcOuDn # Subnet Configuration Container| # Change Subnet Set-AdAclChangeSubnet -Group $SL_AdRight # Site Configuration Container # Change Site Set-AdAclChangeSite -Group $SL_AdRight # Site-Link Configuration Container # Change SiteLink Set-AdAclChangeSiteLink -Group $SL_AdRight #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create Baseline GPO Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Creating Baseline GPOs and configure them accordingly...') # Domain $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = 'Baseline' gpoLinkPath = $Variables.AdDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat -gpoScope 'C' -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.PCbaseline.backupID New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat -gpoScope 'U' -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.Userbaseline.backupID # Domain Controllers $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = '{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DCBaseline.Name gpoScope = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DCBaseline.Scope gpoLinkPath = 'OU=Domain Controllers,{0}' -f $Variables.AdDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupId = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DCBaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat # Admin Area $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = '{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.Adminbaseline.Name gpoLinkPath = $ItAdminOuDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo -gpoScope 'C' @Splat -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.Adminbaseline.backupID New-DelegateAdGpo -gpoScope 'U' @Splat -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.AdminUserbaseline.backupID # Users $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = '{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItAdminAccountsOU.Name gpoScope = 'U' gpoLinkPath = $ItAdminAccountsOuDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupId = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.AdminUserbaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat # Service Accounts $Splat = @{ gpoScope = 'U' GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItServiceAccountsOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = $ItServiceAccountsOuDn } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT0OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT0OU.Name, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT1OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT1OU.Name, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT2OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItSAT2OU.Name, $ItServiceAccountsOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 # PAWs $Splat = @{ gpoScope = 'C' GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = $ItPawOuDn gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.PAWbaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT0OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT0OU.Name, $ItPawOuDn) gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.PawT0baseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT1OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT1OU.Name, $ItPawOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT2OU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT2OU.Name, $ItPawOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawStagingOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawStagingOU.Name, $ItPawOuDn) gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.PawStagingbaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 # Infrastructure Servers $Splat = @{ gpoScope = 'C' GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = $ItInfraOuDn gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.INFRAbaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT0Ou.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT0Ou.Name, $ItInfraOuDn) gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.INFRAT0baseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT1Ou.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT1Ou.Name, $ItInfraOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT2Ou.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT2Ou.Name, $ItInfraOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraStagingOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraStagingOU.Name, $ItInfraOuDn) gpoBackupID = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.INFRAStagingBaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 # redirected containers (X-Computers & X-Users) $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-LOCKDOWN' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewComputersOU.Name) gpoScope = 'C' gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewComputersOU.Name, $Variables.AdDn) GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-LOCKDOWN' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewUsersOU.Name) gpoScope = 'U' gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItNewUsersOU.Name, $Variables.AdDn) GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat # Housekeeping $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-LOCKDOWN' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItHousekeepingOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = $ItHousekeepingOuDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight } New-DelegateAdGpo -gpoScope 'U' @Splat New-DelegateAdGpo -gpoScope 'C' @Splat ############################################################################### # Import GPO from Archive #Import the Default Domain Policy If ($confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DefaultDomain.backupID) { $splat = @{ BackupId = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DefaultDomain.backupID TargetName = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.DefaultDomain.Name path = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } Import-GPO @splat } ############################################################################### # Configure GPO Restrictions based on Tier Model Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Configure GPO Restrictions based on Tier Model...') # Domain #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Access this computer from the network $NetworkLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$NetworkLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$NetworkLogon.Add('Authenticated Users') [void]$NetworkLogon.Add('enterprise domain controllers') # Deny access to this computer from the network $DenyNetworkLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyNetworkLogon.Add('ANONYMOUS LOGON') [void]$DenyNetworkLogon.Add('Local Account') [void]$DenyNetworkLogon.Add('Local Account and member of administrators group') # Allow Logon Locally # $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() # Deny Logon Locally $DenyInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add('Guests') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } # Allow Logon through RDS/TerminalServices # $RemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() # Deny logon through RDS/TerminalServices $DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add('Local Account') [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add('Guests') [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($ServerOperators) [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($DomainControllers) [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($RODC) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } # Allow Logon as a Batch job # $BatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $DenyBatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($ServerOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($DomainControllers) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($RODC) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($GPOCreatorsOwner) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($CryptoOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Guests') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } # Logon as a Service $ServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$ServiceLogon.Add('Network Service') [void]$ServiceLogon.Add('All Services') <# # NOT Modified for this GPO $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $RemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DenyBatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DenyServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $MachineAccount = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $IncreaseQuota = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Backup = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ChangeNotify = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $SystemTime = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $TimeZone = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $CreatePagefile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $CreateGlobal = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $CreateSymbolicLink = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $EnableDelegation = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $RemoteShutdown = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Audit = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Impersonate = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $IncreaseWorkingSet = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $IncreaseBasePriority = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $LoadDriver = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $AuditSecurity = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Relabel = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $SystemEnvironment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DelegateSessionUserImpersonate = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ManageVolume = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ProfileSingleProcess = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $SystemProfile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Undock = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $AssignPrimaryToken = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Restore = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Shutdown = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $SyncAgent = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $TakeOwnership = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() #> # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-Baseline' NetworkLogon = $NetworkLogon DenyNetworkLogon = $DenyNetworkLogon DenyInteractiveLogon = $DenyInteractiveLogon DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon DenyBatchLogon = $DenyBatchLogon ServiceLogon = $ServiceLogon } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Domain Controllers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Access this computer from the network $NetworkLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$NetworkLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$NetworkLogon.Add('Authenticated Users') [void]$NetworkLogon.Add('Enterprise Domain Controllers') # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon through RDP/TerminalServices $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } $RemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $RemoteInteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon # Deny Logon Locally / Deny Logon through RDP/TerminalServices $DenyInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add('Guests') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyInteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } $DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $DenyInteractiveLogon # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $DenyBatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($ServerOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($GPOCreatorsOwner) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($CryptoOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Guests') if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } $DenyServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DenyServiceLogon = $DenyBatchLogon # Back up files and directories / Bypass traverse checking / Create Global Objects / Create symbolic links # Change System Time / Change Time Zone / Force shutdown from a remote system # Create Page File / Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation # Impersonate a client after authentication / Load and unload device drivers # Increase scheduling priority / Manage auditing and security log # Modify firmware environment values / Perform volume maintenance tasks # Profile single process / Profile system performance / Restore files and directories # Shut down the system / Take ownership of files or other objects $Backup = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$Backup.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$Backup.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [void]$Backup.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } <# # Not modified for this GPO $DenyNetworkLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $MachineAccount = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $IncreaseQuota = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $CreateGlobal = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Audit = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $IncreaseWorkingSet = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Relabel = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DelegateSessionUserImpersonate = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $Undock = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $SyncAgent = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() #> # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-DomainControllers-Baseline' NetworkLogon = $NetworkLogon InteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon RemoteInteractiveLogon = $RemoteInteractiveLogon DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon DenyInteractiveLogon = $DenyInteractiveLogon BatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, 'Performance Log Users' ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, 'Network Service' DenyServiceLogon = $DenyServiceLogon DenyBatchLogon = $DenyBatchLogon Backup = $Backup ChangeNotify = $Backup, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' CreateGlobal = $Backup, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' Systemtime = $Backup, 'LOCAL SERVICE' TimeZone = $Backup CreatePagefile = $Backup CreateSymbolicLink = $Backup EnableDelegation = $Backup RemoteShutDown = $Backup Impersonate = $Backup, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE', 'SERVICE' IncreaseBasePriority = $Backup LoadDriver = $Backup AuditSecurity = $Backup SystemEnvironment = $Backup ManageVolume = $Backup ProfileSingleProcess = $Backup SystemProfile = $Backup AssignPrimaryToken = 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' Restore = $Backup Shutdown = $Backup TakeOwnership = $Backup } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service $BatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$BatchLogon.Add('Network Service') [void]$BatchLogon.Add('All Services') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$BatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } $ServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ServiceLogon = $BatchLogon # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $DenyBatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($ServerOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($RODC) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($GPOCreatorsOwner) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($CryptoOperators) [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add('Guests') if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier1ServiceAccount) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) { [void]$DenyBatchLogon.Add($SG_Tier2ServiceAccount) } $DenyServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $DenyServiceLogon = $DenyBatchLogon $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_AdAdmins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.Adminbaseline.Name BatchLogon = $BatchLogon ServiceLogon = $ServiceLogon DenyBatchLogon = $DenyBatchLogon DenyServiceLogon = $DenyServiceLogon MachineAccount = $ArrayList Backup = $ArrayList SystemTime = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE' TimeZone = $ArrayList CreatePagefile = $ArrayList CreateSymbolicLink = $ArrayList RemoteShutdown = $ArrayList IncreaseBasePriority = $ArrayList LoadDriver = $ArrayList AuditSecurity = $ArrayList SystemEnvironment = $ArrayList ManageVolume = $ArrayList ProfileSingleProcess = $ArrayList SystemProfile = $ArrayList Restore = $ArrayList Shutdown = $ArrayList TakeOwnership = $ArrayList } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = HOUSEKEEPING #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Access this computer from the network / Allow Logon Locally $NetworkLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$NetworkLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$NetworkLogon.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$NetworkLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $InteractiveLogon = $NetworkLogon # Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service $BatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$ArrayList.Add('Network Service') [void]$ArrayList.Add('All Services') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } $ServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ServiceLogon = $BatchLogon # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-Housekeeping-LOCKDOWN' NetworkLogon = $NetworkLogon InteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon BatchLogon = $BatchLogon ServiceLogon = $ServiceLogon } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Infrastructure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon through RDP/TerminalServices $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($SL_PISM) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$InteractiveLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } $RemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $RemoteInteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_AdAdmins) } # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT0OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon RemoteInteractiveLogon = $RemoteInteractiveLogon MachineAccount = $ArrayList Backup = $ArrayList CreateGlobal = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' SystemTime = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE' TimeZone = $ArrayList CreatePagefile = $ArrayList CreateSymbolicLink = $ArrayList RemoteShutdown = $ArrayList Impersonate = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE', 'SERVICE' IncreaseBasePriority = $ArrayList LoadDriver = $ArrayList AuditSecurity = $ArrayList SystemEnvironment = $ArrayList ManageVolume = $ArrayList ProfileSingleProcess = $ArrayList SystemProfile = $ArrayList Restore = $ArrayList Shutdown = $ArrayList TakeOwnership = $ArrayList } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier0 Infrastructure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices $InteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$ArrayList.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PISM) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } $RemoteInteractiveLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $RemoteInteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon # Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service $BatchLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$ArrayList.Add('Network Service') [void]$ArrayList.Add('All Services') if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0ServiceAccount) } $ServiceLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() $ServiceLogon = $BatchLogon # Modify all rights in one shot $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT0OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $InteractiveLogon RemoteInteractiveLogon = $RemoteInteractiveLogon BatchLogon = $BatchLogon ServiceLogon = $ServiceLogon } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier1 Infrastructure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT1OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins, $Administrators RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins BatchLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier2 Infrastructure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItInfraT2OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins, $Administrators RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins BatchLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Staging Infrastructure #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SL_PISM) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SL_PISM) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = ('C-{0}-Baseline' -f $ InteractiveLogon = $ArrayList RemoteInteractiveLogon = $ArrayList } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = PAWs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Not Defined # Admin Area = Staging PAWs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawStagingOU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SL_PAWM, $Administrators RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SL_PAWM } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier0 PAWs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service # Deny Allow Logon Locally / Deny Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT0OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SL_PAWM, $Administrators, $SG_Tier0Admins, $AdminName, $NewAdminExists RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SL_PAWM, $Administrators, $SG_Tier0Admins, $AdminName, $NewAdminExists BatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount DenyInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins, $SG_Tier2Admins DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins, $SG_Tier2Admins DenyBatchLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount DenyServiceLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier1 PAWs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service # Deny Allow Logon Locally / Deny Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT1OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins, $Administrators RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins BatchLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount DenyInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier0Admins, $SG_Tier2Admins DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier0Admins, $SG_Tier2Admins DenyBatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount DenyServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Admin Area = Tier2 PAWs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service # Deny Allow Logon Locally / Deny Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices # Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Admin.OUs.ItPawT2OU.Name InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins, $Administrators RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins BatchLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount DenyInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier0Admins, $SG_Tier1Admins DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier0Admins, $SG_Tier1Admins DenyBatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount DenyServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region SERVERS OU (area) Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Creating Servers Area (Tier 1)...') ############################################################################### # Create Servers and Sub OUs $Splat = @{ ouName = $ServersOu ouPath = $Variables.AdDn ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ServersOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat # Create Sub-OUs for Servers $Splat = @{ ouPath = $ServersOuDn } $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ApplicationOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ApplicationOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.FileOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.FileOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.HypervOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.HypervOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.LinuxOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.LinuxOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.RemoteDesktopOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.RemoteDesktopOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.SqlOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.SqlOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ ouName = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.WebOU.Name ouDescription = $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.WebOU.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat @Splat1 # Create basic GPO for Servers $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = '{0}-Baseline' -f $ServersOu gpoScope = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.ServersBaseline.Scope gpoLinkPath = $ServersOuDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupId = $confXML.n.Admin.GPOs.ServersBaseline.backupID gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat # Create basic GPOs for different types under Servers $Splat = @{ gpoScope = 'C' GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ApplicationOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.ApplicationOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.FileOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.FileOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.HypervOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.HypervOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.RemoteDesktopOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.RemoteDesktopOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.SqlOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.SqlOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 $Splat1 = @{ gpoDescription = ('{0}-Baseline' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.WebOU.Name) gpoLinkPath = ('OU={0},{1}' -f $confXML.n.Servers.OUs.WebOU.Name, $ServersOuDn) } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat @Splat1 # Tier1 Restrictions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Access this computer from the network / Deny Access this computer from the network # Not Defined # Allow Logon Locally / Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Logon as a Batch job / Logon as a Service # Deny Allow Logon Locally / Deny Allow Logon throug RDP/TerminalServices / Deny Logon as a Batch job / Deny Logon as a Service $DenyLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyLogon.Add($ServerOperators) if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } # Back up files and directories / Bypass traverse checking / Create Global Objects / Create symbolic links # Change System Time / Change Time Zone / Force shutdown from a remote system # Create Page File / Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation # Impersonate a client after authentication / Load and unload device drivers # Increase scheduling priority / Manage auditing and security log # Modify firmware environment values / Perform volume maintenance tasks # Profile single process / Profile system performance / Restore files and directories # Shut down the system / Take ownership of files or other objects $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $ServersOu BatchLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier1Admins DenyInteractiveLogon = $DenyLogon DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $DenyLogon DenyBatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount DenyServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount Backup = $ArrayList MachineAccount = $ArrayList CreateGlobal = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' Systemtime = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE' TimeZone = $ArrayList CreatePagefile = $ArrayList CreateSymbolicLink = $ArrayList RemoteShutDown = $ArrayList Impersonate = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE', 'SERVICE' IncreaseBasePriority = $ArrayList LoadDriver = $ArrayList AuditSecurity = $ArrayList SystemEnvironment = $ArrayList ManageVolume = $ArrayList ProfileSingleProcess = $ArrayList SystemProfile = $ArrayList Restore = $ArrayList Shutdown = $ArrayList TakeOwnership = $ArrayList } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat ############################################################################### #region Delegation to SL_SvrAdmRight and SL_SvrOpsRight groups to SERVERS area # Get the DN of 1st level OU underneath SERVERS area $Splat = @{ Filter = '*' SearchBase = $ServersOuDn SearchScope = 'OneLevel' } $AllSubOu = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName # Iterate through each sub OU and invoke delegation Foreach ($Item in $AllSubOu) { ############################################################################### # Delegation to SL_SvrAdmRight group to SERVERS area Set-AdAclDelegateComputerAdmin -Group $SL_SvrAdmRight -LDAPpath $Item ############################################################################### # Delegation to SL_SvrOpsRight group on SERVERS area # Change Public Info Set-AdAclComputerPublicInfo -Group $SL_SvrOpsRight -LDAPpath $Item # Change Personal Info Set-AdAclComputerPersonalInfo -Group $SL_SvrOpsRight -LDAPpath $Item }#end foreach # Create/Delete OUs within Servers Set-AdAclCreateDeleteOU -Group $SL_InfraRight -LDAPpath $ServersOuDn # Change OUs within Servers Set-AdAclChangeOU -Group $SL_AdRight -LDAPpath $ServersOuDn #endregion ############################################################################### #endregion ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #region Create Sites OUs (Area) Write-Verbose -Message ($Variables.NewRegionMessage -f 'Creating Sites Area (Tier 2)...') New-DelegateAdOU -ouName $SitesOu -ouPath $Variables.AdDn -ouDescription $confXML.n.Sites.OUs.SitesOU.Description # Create basic GPO for Users and Computers $Splat = @{ gpoDescription = '{0}-Baseline' -f $SitesOu gpoLinkPath = $SitesOuDn GpoAdmin = $sl_GpoAdminRight gpoBackupPath = Join-Path -Path $DMscripts -ChildPath 'SecTmpl' -Resolve } New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat -gpoScope 'C' -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Sites.OUs.OuSiteComputer.backupID New-DelegateAdGpo @Splat -gpoScope 'U' -gpoBackupID $confXML.n.Sites.OUs.OuSiteUser.backupID # Tier2 Restrictions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $DenyLogon = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New() [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SchemaAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($EnterpriseAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($DomainAdmins) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($Administrators) [void]$DenyLogon.Add($AccountOperators) [void]$DenyLogon.Add('Backup Operators') [void]$DenyLogon.Add('Print Operators') [void]$DenyLogon.Add($ServerOperators) if ($null -ne $AdminName) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($AdminName) } if ($null -ne $NewAdminExists) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($NewAdminExists) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier0Admins) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SG_Tier0Admins) } if ($null -ne $SG_Tier1Admins) { [void]$DenyLogon.Add($SG_Tier1Admins) } # Back up files and directories / Bypass traverse checking / Create Global Objects / Create symbolic links # Change System Time / Change Time Zone / Force shutdown from a remote system # Create Page File / Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation # Impersonate a client after authentication / Load and unload device drivers # Increase scheduling priority / Manage auditing and security log # Modify firmware environment values / Perform volume maintenance tasks # Profile single process / Profile system performance / Restore files and directories # Shut down the system / Take ownership of files or other objects $ArrayList.Clear() [void]$ArrayList.Add($Administrators) if ($null -ne $SG_Tier2Admins) { [void]$ArrayList.Add($SG_Tier2Admins) } $Splat = @{ GpoToModify = 'C-{0}-Baseline' -f $SitesOu DenyInteractiveLogon = $DenyLogon DenyRemoteInteractiveLogon = $DenyLogon DenyBatchLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount DenyServiceLogon = $SG_Tier0ServiceAccount, $SG_Tier1ServiceAccount BatchLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount ServiceLogon = $SG_Tier2ServiceAccount InteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins RemoteInteractiveLogon = $SG_Tier2Admins Backup = $ArrayList MachineAccount = $ArrayList CreateGlobal = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE' Systemtime = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE' TimeZone = $ArrayList CreatePagefile = $ArrayList CreateSymbolicLink = $ArrayList RemoteShutDown = $ArrayList Impersonate = $ArrayList, 'LOCAL SERVICE', 'NETWORK SERVICE', 'SERVICE' IncreaseBasePriority = $ArrayList LoadDriver = $ArrayList AuditSecurity = $ArrayList SystemEnvironment = $ArrayList ManageVolume = $ArrayList ProfileSingleProcess = $ArrayList SystemProfile = $ArrayList Restore = $ArrayList Shutdown = $ArrayList TakeOwnership = $ArrayList } Set-GpoPrivilegeRight @Splat # Create Global OU within SITES area $Splat = @{ ouName = $SitesGlobalOu ouPath = $SitesOuDn ouDescription = $confXML.n.Sites.OUs.OuSiteGlobal.Description } New-DelegateAdOU @Splat $Splat = @{ ouName = $SitesGlobalGroupOu ouPath |