
# Import the Elastic Helper Configuration

function Get-EsHelperConfig {
        Import an Elastic Helper configuration.
        Import an Elastic Helper configuration JSON file from a stored location.
    .PARAMETER ConfigName
        BaseName of Configuration. To determine the actual filename, the '.json' extension is appended.
        (Optional) Path to configuration directory.

        Defaults to .eshelper in the user's home directory.

        On Windows this will be determined by Group Policy, but defaults to C:\Users\<username>

        On Linux this will be determined by OS configuration, but is usually /home/<username>

        On Mac OS/X this is usually /Users/<username>
        System.String -> Configuration Name
        PSCustomObject (Hash) representing the configuration file contents
        Load Configuration file 'elasticproject.json' from default folder into the $EsConf variable

        PS C:\> $EsConf = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName elasticproject
        Load Configuration file 'elasticproject.json' from '/opt/scripts/project/etc'

        PS C:\> $EsConf = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName elasticproject -Path '/opt/scripts/project/etc'


    param (
      [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ConfigName,
      [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Path = [io.path]::Combine($HOME,".eshelper")

    # Build the full path to the config file
    $ConfigFileName = "{0}.json" -f $ConfigName
    $ConfigFilePath = [io.path]::Combine($Path, $ConfigFileName)

    Get-Content -Path $ConfigFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json -depth 10

# Test for Enrich Policy Dependencies
function Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends {
        Test if the Enrichment Policy's Dependencies are met.
        Using the provided configuration definition, determine if it's dependencies are met in ElasticSearch.

        Will check all defined enrichment policies unless one is specified.

        Checks ElasticSearch to confirm that the index on which the policy is based exists.
    .PARAMETER EsConfig
        ElasticHelper configuration loaded using Get-EsHelperConfig.
    .PARAMETER PolicyName
        (Optional) Name of Enrichment Policy to check for unmet dependencies.

        If not specified, checks all defined Enrichment Policies.
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        PSCustomObject -> Defined ElasticHelper Configuration
        Success (1) or Failure (0)
        Test all defined Enrichment Policies for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsEnrichmentPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig
        Test the MyEnrichmentPolicy Enrichment Policy for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsEnrichmentPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PolicyName 'MyEnrichmentPolicy'


    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $PolicyName,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

# Find the Enrichment Policy in the config

foreach ($Policy in $EsConfig._enrich.policies) {
    # Check all policies if none specified, otherwise check just the one
    if(-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PolicyName')) -or $Policy.name -eq $PolicyName) {
        $EsIndex = $Policy.definition.match.indices
        Write-Debug " Checking Index: $EsIndex"
        if ($EsCreds) {
          $EsIndexStatus = Get-EsIndex -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -EsIndex $EsIndex -EsCreds $EsCreds
        } else {
          $EsIndexStatus = Get-EsIndex -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -EsIndex $EsIndex

        Write-Debug "Index Status: $EsIndexStatus"
        if($EsIndexStatus.Error) {
          if ($EsIndexStatus.status -eq 404) {
              $msg = "Unmet Dependency: Index {0} not found" -f $EsIndex
          } else {
              $msg = "Error: {0}" -f $esIndexStatus.Error
          Write-Output $msg
        } elseif ($EsIndexStatus.$EsIndex) {
          Write-Debug " Index $EsIndex Present..."
          if ($EsCreds) {
            $RunningPolicy = Get-EsEnrichmentPolicy -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name -EsCreds $EsCreds | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8
          } else {
            $RunningPolicy = Get-EsEnrichmentPolicy -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8
          if ($RunningPolicy.policies.Count -eq 0) {
            $msg = "Unmet Dependency: Enrichment Policy {0} not loaded" -f $Policy.name
            Write-Error $msg
          } else {
            $msg = "Dependency Met: Enrichment Policy {0} loaded" -f $Policy.name
            Write-Debug $msg

# Test Index dependencies
function Test-EsIndexDepends {
        Test if the Index's Dependencies are met.
        Using the provided configuration definition, determine if it's dependencies are met in ElasticSearch.

        Will check all defined enrichment indices unless one is specified.

        Checks ElasticSearch to confirm that the pipeline, and associated dependencies, configured for the index exists.
    .PARAMETER EsConfig
        ElasticHelper configuration loaded using Get-EsHelperConfig.
    .PARAMETER IndexName
        (Optional) Name of Index to check for unmet dependencies.

        If not specified, checks all defined Indices.
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        PSCustomObject -> Defined ElasticHelper Configuration
        Success (1) or Failure (0)
        Test all defined Indices for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsIndexDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig
        Test the MyIndex Index for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsIndexDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -IndexName 'MyIndex'


  param (
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $IndexName,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

foreach ($Index in $EsConfig.indices) {
    # Check all indices if no index name is specified, otherwise check just the one index
    if ( -not($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IndexName')) -or $Index.name -eq $IndexName ) {
        if ($Index.pipeline) {
            $PipelineDepends = Test-EsPipelineDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PipelineName $Index.pipeline
            if ($null -eq $PipelineDepends) {
                # Dependencies matched
                if ($EsCreds) {
                  $EsIndexStatus = Get-EsIndex -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -EsIndex $Index.name -EsCreds $EsCreds
                } else {
                  $EsIndexStatus = Get-EsIndex -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -EsIndex $Index.name

                if($EsIndexStatus.Error) {
                    if ($EsIndexStatus.status -eq 404) {
                        $msg = "Unmet Dependency: Index {0} not found" -f $Index.name
                    } else {
                        $msg = "Error: {0}" -f $EsIndexStatus.Error
                    Write-Output $msg
                } elseif ($EsIndexStatus.{$Index.name}) {
                    return 1


# Test Pipeline Dependencies
function Test-EsPipelineDepends {
        Test if the Pipeline's Dependencies are met.
        Using the provided configuration definition, determine if it's dependencies are met in ElasticSearch.

        Will check all defined pipelines unless one is specified.

        Checks ElasticSearch to confirm that the pipeline, and associated dependencies exist.
    .PARAMETER EsConfig
        ElasticHelper configuration loaded using Get-EsHelperConfig.
    .PARAMETER PipelineName
        (Optional) Name of Pipeline to check for unmet dependencies.

        If not specified, checks all defined Pipelines.
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        PSCustomObject -> Defined ElasticHelper Configuration
        Success (1) or Failure (0)
        Test all defined Pipelines for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsPipelineDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig
        Test the MyPipeline Pipeline for Dependencies

        PS C:\> $Result = Test-EsPipelineDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PipelineName 'MyPipeline'


    [PsCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $PipelineName,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  # Find the pipeline in the config
foreach($Pipeline in $EsConfig._ingest.pipelines) {
    # Check all pipelines if none specified, otherwise check just the one
  if (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PipelineName')) -or $Pipeline.name -eq $PipelineName) {
    foreach($PipelineProcessor in $Pipeline.definition.processors) {
      if ($PipelineProcessor.enrich) {
        $EnrichPolicy = $PipelineProcessor.enrich.policy_name
        if ($EsCreds) {
          $EnrichPolicyDepends = Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PolicyName $EnrichPolicy -EsCreds $EsCreds
        } else {
          $EnrichPolicyDepends = Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PolicyName $EnrichPolicy
        if ($null -eq $EnrichPolicyDepends){
          # Dependencies matched
          if ($EsCreds) {
            $PipelineStatus = Get-EsPipeline -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Pipeline $Pipeline.name -EsCreds $EsCreds|  ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8
          } else {
            $PipelineStatus = Get-EsPipeline -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Pipeline $Pipeline.name | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8
          if($PipelineStatus.($Pipeline.name)) {
            # Pipeline is there
          } else {
            $msg = "Unmet Dependency: Pipeline {0} not loaded" -f $Pipeline.name
            Write-Output $msg
        } else {
          $msg = "Unmet Dependencies for Pipeline: {0} - " -f $Pipeline.Name
          $msg += $EnrichPolicyDepends
          Write-Output $msg

# Deploy ElasticSearch Configuration
# But only for resources that do not have dependencies, or where these dependencies are met
function Deploy-EsConfig {
        Deploy specified ElasticSearch Resources to ElasticSearch cluster, with dependency checks.
        Using the provided configuration definition, deploy the defined resources to ElasticSearch.

        Will check all dependencies are met before deploying to ElasticSeach, and will not attempt deployment of resources for which dependencies are not met.

        This may be used iteratively to defined the required resouces in ElasticSearch as data is populated.
    .PARAMETER EsConfig
        ElasticHelper configuration loaded using Get-EsHelperConfig.
    .PARAMETER ResourceType
        (Not Yet Implemented)
        (Optional) Type of Resources to deploy to ElasticSearch.

        One of: (index, pipeline, enrichmentpolicy)

        If not specified, attempts to deploy all resources without unmet dependencies.
    .PARAMETER ResourceName
        (Not Yet Implemented)
        (Optional) Name of Resource to deploy to ElasticSearch. If specified, must also specify resource type.

        If not specified, attempts to deploy all resources without unmet dependencies.
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        PSCustomObject -> Defined ElasticHelper Configuration
        Success (1) or Failure (0)
        Deploy all defined Resources to ElasticSearch

        PS C:\> $Result = Deploy-EsConfig -EsConfig $EsConfig
        Load Configuration file 'elasticproject.json' from '/opt/scripts/project/etc'

        PS C:\> $EsConf = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName elasticproject -Path '/opt/scripts/project/etc'


        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ResourceType,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ResourceName,
        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResourceType')) {
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResourceName')) {
            # Process just the single Resource
        } else {
            # Can't have resource Type without Resource name
            Write-Error "Both ResourceType and ResourceName need to be specified"
    } else {
        # In order, we need to do:
        # * Pipeline
        # * Index
        # * Enrichment Policy

        # Pipelines
        foreach ($Pipeline in $EsConfig._ingest.pipelines) {
            # Check dependencies
            if ($EsCreds) {
                $PipelineStatus = Test-EsPipelineDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PipelineName $Pipeline.name -EsCreds $EsCreds
            } else {
                $PipelineStatus = Test-EsPipelineDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PipelineName $Pipeline.name
            if ($null -eq $PipelineStatus) {
                # Dependency check passed
                $msg = "Deploying Pipeline: {0}" -f $PipeLine.name
                Write-Output $msg
                if ($EsCreds) {
                    $result = Update-EsPipeline -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Pipeline $Pipeline.name -PipelineDefinition ($PipeLine.definition | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8) -EsCreds $EsCreds
                } else {
                    $result = Update-EsPipeline -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Pipeline $Pipeline.name -PipelineDefinition ($PipeLine.definition | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8)
                if ($result) {
                    $msg = "Pipeline Deployed: {0}" -f $PipeLine.name
                } else {
                    $msg = "Pipeline Deployment Failed: {0} - {1}" -f $PipeLine.name, $result
                Write-Output $msg
            } else {
                # Dependency check failed
                $msg = "Pipeline Deployment Skipped: {0} - Dependencies not met.`n {1}" -f $PipeLine.name, $PipelineStatus
                Write-Output $msg

        # Indices
        # We don't actually deploy indices, these are written by the data insert process

        # Enrichment Policies
        foreach ($Policy in $EsConfig._enrich.policies) {
            # Check Dependencies
            if ($EsCreds) {
                $PolicyStatus = Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PolicyName $Policy.name -EsCreds $EsCreds
            } else {
                $PolicyStatus = Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends -EsConfig $EsConfig -PolicyName $Policy.name
            if ($null -eq $PolicyStatus) {
                # Dependency Check Passed
                $msg = "Deploying Enrichment Policy: {0}" -f $Policy.name
                Write-Output $msg
                if ($EsCreds) {
                    $result = Update-EsEnrichmentPolicy -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name -PolicyDefinition ($Policy.definition | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8) -EsCreds $EsCreds
                } else {
                    $result = Update-EsEnrichmentPolicy -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name -PolicyDefinition ($Policy.definition | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8)
                if ($result) {
                    $msg = "Enrichment Policy Deployed: {0}" -f $Policy.name
                } else {
                    $msg = "Enrichment Policy Deployment Failed: {0} - {1}" -f $Policy.name, $result
                Write-Output $msg
            } else {
                # Dependency Check failed
                $msg = "Enrichment Policy Deployment Skipped: {0} - Dependencies not met.`n {1}" -f $Policy.name, $PolicyStatus
                Write-Output $msg

# Get the current enrichment policy definition
function Get-EsEnrichmentPolicy {
      Get the currently configured Enrichment Policy configuration on the ElasticSearch server for the specified policy name
      Get the configuration of the specified Enrichment Policy from the nomiated ElasticSearch server.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
      Name of ElasticSearch Enrichment Policy to get current configuration of.
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Definition of current Enrichment Policy on ElasticSearch Cluster
      Retrieve Enrichment Policy named MyEnrichmentPolicy without authentication

      PS C:\> $EnrichPol = Get-EsEnrichmentPolicy -EsUrl -Policy 'MyEnrichmentPolicy'


  param (
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Policy,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  $Method = 'GET'
  $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, "_enrich/policy/", $Policy)

  if ($EsCreds){
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -User $EsCreds.Username -Password $EsCreds.Password -SkipCertificateCheck
  } else {
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck


# Rebuild Enrichment Indices
function Update-EsEnrichmentIndices {
        Rebuild all Enrichment indices associated with the specified Enrichment Policy
        Each time the base/source index for an Enrichment Policy has documents added or updated, the system indices used to perform enrichment lookups need to be rebuilt.

        This operation triggers this task on the cluster.

        Optionally supports Authentication.
        Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
    .PARAMETER Policy
        Name of Enrichment Policy to rebuild enrichment indices for
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        Result of requested operation
        Rebuld enrichment indices associated to 'MyEnrichmentPolicy'

        PS C:\> $result = Update-EsEnrichmentIndices -EsUrl -Policy 'MyEnrichmentPolicy'


  param (
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Policy,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

$Method = 'POST'
$Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, "_enrich/policy/", $Policy, "_execute")

if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Uri)) {
  if ($EsCreds) {
    $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8
  } else {
    $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json'  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8

return $Result

# Execute Enrichment Policies tied to a specified index
function Update-EsEnrichmentIndicesFromIndex {
        Test if the Index's Dependencies are met.
        Each time the base/source index for an Enrichment Policy has documents added or updated, the system indices used to perform enrichment lookups need to be rebuilt.

        This operation triggers this task on the cluster, based on the index that is used in an enrichment policy.

        Optionally supports Authentication.
    .PARAMETER EsConfig
        ElasticHelper configuration loaded using Get-EsHelperConfig.
    .PARAMETER IndexName
        (Optional) Name of Index to check for unmet dependencies.

        If not specified, checks all defined Indices.
    .PARAMETER EsCreds
        PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
        PSCustomObject -> Defined ElasticHelper Configuration
        Success (1) or Failure (0)
        Rebuld enrichment indices associated to 'MyIndex'

        PS C:\> $result = Update-EsEnrichmentIndicesFromIndex -EsUrl -IndexName 'MyIndex'


    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $IndexName,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

# Look through the Enrich Policies in our configuration
foreach ($Policy in $EsConfig._enrich.policies) {
    # Find those that depend on our index
    if ($IndexName -match $Policy.definition.match.indices) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Policy.name)) {
            # Update the Enrichment Index
            $msg = "Updating Enrichment Policy Index - Index: {0}; Policy: {1};" -f $IndexName, $Policy.name
            Write-Debug $msg
            if ($EsCreds) {
              $result = Update-EsEnrichmentIndices -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name -EsCreds $EsCreds
            } else {
              $result = Update-EsEnrichmentIndices -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -Policy $Policy.name
        Write-Debug $result

# Update the Enrichment Policy
function Update-EsEnrichmentPolicy {
      Update the definition of the specified Enrichment Policy with the provided definition.
      Use the supplied policy definition to update the running policy for the specified enrichment policy.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
      Name of ElasticSearch Enrichment Policy to get current configuration of.
  .PARAMETER PolicyDefinition
      PSCustomObject defining the desired state of the policy definition
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Definition of current Enrichment Policy on ElasticSearch Cluster
      Update the Enrichment Policy named MyEnrichmentPolicy without authentication

      PS C:\> $EnrichPol = Update-EsEnrichmentPolicy -EsUrl -Policy 'MyEnrichmentPolicy' -PolicyDefinition $PolicyDef


  param (
      [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
      [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Policy,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $PolicyDefinition,
      [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  $Method = 'PUT'
  $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, "_enrich/policy/", $Policy)
  $EsBody = [Elastic.ElasticsearchRequestBody] $PolicyDefinition

  if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Uri)) {
    if ($EsCreds) {
      $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8
    } else {
      $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8

return $Result.acknowledged

# Get index info

function Get-EsIndex {
      Get the currently configured Index configuration on the ElasticSearch server for the specified index name
      Get the configuration of the specified Index from the nomiated ElasticSearch server.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
      Name of ElasticSearch Index to get current information and configuration of.
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Information about the specified index on ElasticSearch Cluster
      Retrieve status and configuration about an index named MyIndex without authentication

      PS C:\> $EsIndex = Get-EsIndex -EsUrl -EsIndex 'MyIndex'


    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsIndex,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  $Method = 'GET'
  $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, $EsIndex, "_settings")

  if ($EsCreds) {
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8
  } else {
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 8

function Get-EsIndexSettings {
      Get the currently configured Index configuration on the ElasticSearch server for the specified index name
      Get the configuration of the specified Index from the nomiated ElasticSearch server.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
  .PARAMETER IndexName
      Name of ElasticSearch Index to get current information and configuration of.
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Information about the specified index on ElasticSearch Cluster
      Retrieve status and configuration about an index named MyIndex without authentication

      PS C:\> $EsIndex = Get-EsIndex -EsUrl -IndexName 'MyIndex'


    param (
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $IndexName,
        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

    $Method = 'GET'
    $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, $IndexName, "_settings")
    if ($EsCreds) {
      Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password -SkipCertificateCheck
    } else {
      Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck

function Update-EsIndexSettings {
      Update the settings for the specified index with the provided definition.
      Use the supplied index definition to update the existing settings of the specified index.

      If additional settings are present on the ElasticSearch index, the new settings will merge with and override existing settings. Other settings will remain unchanged.

      This allows you to update just the 'number_of_replicas' setting without affecting any other settings.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
  .PARAMETER IndexName
      Name of ElasticSearch Index to update current configuration of.
  .PARAMETER IndexDefinition
      PSCustomObject defining the desired state of the index configuration
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Result of operation
      Update the index named MyIndex without authentication

      PS C:\> $IndexDef = @{'index' = @{ 'number_of_replicas' = '0'} }
      PS C:\> $EnrichPol = Update-EsIndexSettings -EsUrl -IndexName 'MyIndex' -IndexDefinition $IndexDef


    param (
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $IndexName,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $IndexDefinition,
        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

    $Method = 'PUT'
    $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, $IndexName, "_settings")
    $EsBody = [Elastic.ElasticsearchRequestBody] $IndexDefinition

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Uri)) {
      if ($EsCreds) {
        $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8
      } else {
        $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8

    return $Result.acknowledged


function Update-EsIndexSettingsFromConfig {
      Update the ElasticSearch index settings with values from the config file
      Use the supplied configuration object to update the ElasticSearch running environment.

      This will recursively identify required objects to create, such as Pipeline, Enrichment Policy, etc

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      PSCustomObject containing configuration data loaded with Get-EsHelperConfig
  .PARAMETER IndexName
      Name of ElasticSearch Index to update current configuration of.
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Result of operation
      Update the index named MyIndex without authentication

      PS C:\> $EsConf = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName 'esproject'
      PS C:\> $result = Update-EsIndexSettingsFromConfig -EsConf $EsConf -IndexName 'MyIndex'


    param (
        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $EsConfig,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $IndexName,
        [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

    foreach ($Index in $EsConfig.Indices) {
        if ($IndexName -match $Index.name) {
            If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($IndexName)) {
              If ($EsCreds){
                Update-EsIndexSettings -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -IndexName $IndexName -IndexDefinition ($Index.settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8) -EsCreds $EsCreds
              } else {
                Update-EsIndexSettings -ESUrl $EsConfig.eshome -IndexName $IndexName -IndexDefinition ($Index.settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8)


# Get the current pipeline definition
function Get-EsPipeline {
      Get the currently configured Pipeline configuration on the ElasticSearch server for the specified index name
      Get the configuration of the specified Pipeline from the nomiated ElasticSearch server.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
  .PARAMETER Pipeline
      Name of ElasticSearch Pipeline to get current configuration of.
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Configuration of specified pipeline on ElasticSearch Cluster
      Retrieve status and configuration about an pipeline named MyPipeline without authentication

      PS C:\> $EsPipeline = Get-EsPipeline -EsUrl -Pipeline 'MyPipeline'


  param (
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Pipeline,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  $Method = 'GET'
  $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, "_ingest/pipeline/", $Pipeline)
  if ($EsCreds) {
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -User $EsCreds.Username -Password $EsCreds.Password -SkipCertificateCheck
  } else {
    Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipCertificateCheck

# Update the pipeline definition with a new one
function Update-EsPipeline {
      Update the settings for the specified Pipeline with the provided definition.
      Use the supplied Pipeline definition to update the existing settings of the specified Pipeline.

      If additional settings are present on the ElasticSearch Pipeline, the new settings will merge with and override existing settings. Other settings will remain unchanged.

      This allows you to update just the 'number_of_replicas' setting without affecting any other settings.

      Optionally supports Authentication.
      Base URL for your ElasticSearch server/cluster
  .PARAMETER Pipeline
      Name of ElasticSearch Pipeline to update current configuration of.
  .PARAMETER PipelineDefinition
      PSCustomObject defining the desired state of the Pipeline configuration
      PSCredential object containing username and password to access ElasticSearch
      Result of operation
      Update the Pipeline named MyPipeline without authentication

      PS C:\> $EnrichPol = Update-EsPipelineSettings -EsUrl -Pipeline 'MyPipeline' -PipelineDefinition $PipelineDef


  param (
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ESUrl,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Pipeline,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $PipelineDefinition,
    [PSCustomObject] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $EsCreds

  $Method = 'PUT'
  $Uri = [io.path]::Combine($ESUrl, "_ingest/pipeline/", $Pipeline)
  $EsBody = [Elastic.ElasticsearchRequestBody] $PipelineDefinition

  if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Uri)) {
    if ($EsCreds) {
      $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody -User $EsCreds.UserName -Password $EsCreds.Password  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8
    } else {
      $Result = Invoke-Elasticsearch -Uri $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $EsBody  -SkipCertificateCheck| ConvertFrom-Json -depth 8

  if ($Result.acknowledged) {
    # Successfully deployed Pipeline Config
    return $Result.acknowledged
  } else {
    return $Result

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-EsHelperConfig, Test-EsEnrichPolicyDepends, Test-EsIndexDepends, Test-EsPipelineDepends, Deploy-EsConfig, Get-EsEnrichmentPolicy, Update-EsEnrichmentIndices, Update-EsEnrichmentIndicesFromIndex, Update-EsEnrichmentPolicy, Get-EsIndex, Get-EsIndexSettings, Update-EsIndexSettings, Update-EsIndexSettingsFromConfig, Get-EsPipeline, Update-EsPipeline