
    A PowerShell Helper Module to interface to ElasticSearch
    Interfacing to ElasticSearch is complex. Even with the Elastic.Console
    module. This module solves some problems for me in publishing resources to ElasticSearch.
    This includes:
    * Index Properties
    * Ingest Pipelines
    * Enrichment Policies
    * Bulk Index requests
    This module supports both Authenticated and Unauthenticated connections to
    ElasticSearch. Which mode you use depends on your ElasticSearch implementation.
    This module is not intended to be an exhaustive implementation of
    ElasticSearch functionality. It was built as a way for me to be able to use
    Kibana, etc, to build up a working ElasticSearch configuration to meet a
    specific set of needs, and to be able to reproduce on an additional system.
    The configuration file structure defines high-level resource types, and at
    the resource definition level supports whatever JSON is generated by using Kibana.
    This module leverages the Elastic.Console PowerShell module.
    Index properties can specify which pipeline to use for indexing, as well as
    an ElasticSearch index properties section. This allows you to specify,
    among other things, the number of replicas that should exist for that index,
    as well as any other, configurable index property in ElasticSearch.
    An Ingest Pipeline in ElasticSearch defines how the data is to be indexed.
    There are a number of factors that may be used:
    * Field Mappings
    * Date field to use as the primary index date
    * Field to use as Document ID to prevent duplicates
    * Index naming, including date-part
    * Enrichment Policies to apply
    Anything that you can specify in Kibana using the Index Definition can be
    exported as JSON, and saved as the
    element of the Pipeline in the configuration.
    An enrichment policy allows you to add data to an index as it is being
    added. This usually takes the form of a lookup in another index.
    Enrichment policies are, therefore, usually based on an index, and specify
    which fields should be added to the index being eriched. Whenever the base
    index is updated, the Enrichment Policy needs to be refreshed in order for
    the system indices that implement the enrichment lookup to be updated.
    There are some helper functions for this.
    * Rebuild-EsEnrichmentIndices - will rebuild all enrichment indices based on
    the provided configuration
    * Update-EsEnrichmentIndicesFromInxed - will rebuild enrichment indices
    based on a specific index in the provided configuration
    Allows for the bulk insert of records to an ElasicSearch index. Currently
    requires the use of Pipelines.
    Take the defined configuration: index; pipeline; enrichment; assess any
    dependencies, and deploy the configuration for which dependencies are met to
    Import-Module Elastic.Helper
    # Force TLS 1.2
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $ConfigName = 'elasticproject'
    $CliXmlCreds = '/path/to/clixml.xml'
    # Load configuration and credentials
    $EsConfig = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName $ConfigName
    $EsCred = Import-CliXml -Path $CliXmlCreds
    Set-ElasticSearchVersion '7.10'
    # Deploy non-dependent elements of defined configuration
    Deploy-EsConfig -EsConfig $EsConfig -EsCreds $EsCred
    Get some SQL data from a database and send it to ElasticSearch via a Bulk
    Index Request.
    Import-Module Elastic.Helper
    Import-Module SqlServer
    # Force TLS 1.2
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $ConfigName = 'elasticproject'
    $CliXmlEsCreds = '/path/to/clixmles.xml'
    $CliXmlSqlCreds = '/path/to/clixmlsql.xml'
    $QueryFile = '/path/to/sqlscript.sql'
    $ServerInstance = 'SQLServerName'
    # Load configuration and credentials
    $EsConfig = Get-EsHelperConfig -ConfigName $ConfigName
    $EsCred = Import-CliXml -Path $CliXmlEsCreds
    Set-ElasticSearchVersion '7.10'
    # Get SQL results
    $Data = Invoke-SqlCmd -Credential $CliXmlSqlCreds -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database 'Database' -InputFile $QueryFile
    # Strip off extraneous elements that cause issues indexing to Elastic
    $DataBare = $Data | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty ItemArray, Table, RowError, RowState, HasErrors
    # Index the data via Bulk Index Request, using the pipeline specified in the $EsConfig definition of the index
    $output = Invoke-EsBulkIndexRequest -EsConfig $EsConfig -IndexName 'myindex' -InputObject $DataBare -EsCreds $LrAieConfig.EsCred -Debug
    # Error Handling
    if ($output.errors) {
        $msg = "$(Get-Date) - Warning: Errors encountered.`n {0} Statistics Records synchronised in {1}ms" -f $output.items.Count,$Output.took
        # Extract the items that had errors so you can do something with them
        $output.items.index | Where-Object {$_.status -ge 400}
    } else {
        $msg = "$(Get-Date) - {0} Statistics Records synchronised in {1}ms" -f $output.items.Count,$Output.took
    Write-Output $msg
    This module is a work in progress, and is not complete. There are likely to
    be bugs and insufficient error checking/handling.
    There will likely be modules releases that leverage this.
    Keep an eye on my GitHub page:
    jberkers42 on GitHub