
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID 134de175-8fd8-4938-9812-053ba39eed83

"Email_To_SMS_Call.ps1" is used to monitor a specific mailbox that some important emails you don't want to miss and check later. When the condition matched, the script will send a SMS message to you or make a phone call to you.
It can be used to monitor IT system warning emails or security alert emails to different team by different time range. to get the init.xml
This script use the Twilio API to send the SMS and make phone call. So please register a Twilio phone number first.
Before you run the script Install the Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.2.
Please check the License before you download this script, if you don't agree with the License please don't download and use this script.

.PARAMETER <Parameter_Name>
  Version: 1.0.0
  Author: <HAO BAN/>
  Creation Date: <01/24/2020>
  Purpose/Change: Initial version
How to config the init.xml
<EMAILFROM> is used to define which sender you want to monitor. It should be unique in the XML file.
    <EMAILSUBJECT> is used to define which email subject you want to monitor. You can define different <EMAILSUBJECT> under the <EMAILFROM>. If you want to match any Subject from one Email Address, the use the "*"
            <DaysOfWeek> is from Monday to Sunday, If you want to match all days then use "*"
                <HOUR> is hour range. 24 hours format 00-23. The script will get the email received hour and compare with this element.
                    <TWILIOPHONETO> is the phone number you want to call.
The following example will monitor the sender's email address is from "". When the Subject is match "TEST 1" and the Day is Saturday from 09 to 20 it will call "SaturdaySupportTeam1PhoneNumber", from 00-08 it will call "SaturdaySupportTeam2PhoneNumber", from 21-23 it will call "SaturdaySupportTeam3PhoneNumber". If it is Sunday, at anytime it will call "SundaySupportTeamPhoneNumber"
            <EMAILSUBJECT>TEST 1


$ADUSERNAME = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/ADUSERNAME" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$DOMAIN = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/DOMAIN" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$EMAILADDRESS = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/EMAILADDRESS" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
#$EXCHANGESRV = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/EXCHANGESRV" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$EWSDLLPATH = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/EWSDLLPATH" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$INTERVAL = [int]$(Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/INTERVAL" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML})
$TWILIOSMSAPIURL = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/TWILIOSMSAPIURL" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$TWILIOVOICEAPIURL = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/TWILIOVOICEAPIURL" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$VOICEURL = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/VOICEURL" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$TWILIOSID = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/TWILIOSID" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$TWILIOTOKEN = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/TWILIOTOKEN" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$TWILIOPHONEFROM = Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/TWILIOPHONEFROM" | foreach {$_.node.InnerXML}
$xmlEMAILFROM = $(Select-Xml -Path .\init.xml -XPath "//SETTINGS/POLICY/EMAILFROM" | foreach {$_.node}).'#text'
$xmlSETTINGS = [xml](Get-Content -Path .\init.xml)
$ADCREDENTIAL = Get-Credential -credential $ADUSERNAME

function xmlEMAIL-SUBJECT-Node {
    if ( [string]$($xmlEMAILSUBJECT.'#text').Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -eq "*" ){
        $xmlDaysOfWeek = $($xmlEMAILSUBJECT | where-object{$_.parentnode.'#text' -match $SENDERADDRESS}).DaysOfWeek
        if ( $([string]$xmlEMAILSUBJECT.'#text').contains($EMAIL.Subject) ){
            $xmlDaysOfWeek = $($xmlEMAILSUBJECT | where-object{$_.'#text' -match $EMAIL.Subject}).DaysOfWeek

function xmlEMAIL-DaysOfWeek-Node {
    if ( [string]$($xmlDaysOfWeek.'#text').Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -eq "*" ){
        $xmlHOUR = $($xmlDaysOfWeek | where-object{$_.parentnode.'#text' -match $EMAIL.Subject}).HOUR
        if ( $([string]$xmlDaysOfWeek.'#text').contains($EMAILDAYOFWEEK) ){
            $xmlHOUR = $($xmlDaysOfWeek | where-object{$_.'#text' -match $EMAILDAYOFWEEK}).HOUR

function xmlEMAIL-HOUR-Node {
    if ( [string]$($xmlHOUR.'#text').Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -eq "*" ){
        for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $($xmlHOUR.length); $i++ ){    ##Get phone number by HOUR##
            if ( $EMAILHOUR -ge $xmlHOUR[$i].'#text'.Split("{-}")[0] -and $EMAILHOUR -le $xmlHOUR[$i].'#text'.Split("{-}")[1] ){
                $global:TWILIOSMSTO = $xmlHOUR[$i].TWILIOPHONETO

function MAIN {
    Import-Module $EWSDLLPATH
    $SERVICE = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2010_SP2)
    $SERVICE.Credentials = New-Object Net.NetworkCredential($ADUSERNAME, $ADCREDENTIAL.PASSWORD, $DOMAIN)
    $INBOX = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($SERVICE,[Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Inbox)
    $PROPERTYSET = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BasePropertySet]::FirstClassProperties)
    $PROPERTYSET.RequestedBodyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.BodyType]::Text
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    if ( $INBOX.TotalCount -ne 0 ){
        $ITEMS = $INBOX.FindItems($INBOX.TotalCount)
        foreach ( $EMAIL in $ITEMS.Items ){
            # only get unread emails
            if( $EMAIL.isread -eq $false ){
                # load the property set to get to the body
                if ( $([string]$xmlEMAILFROM).contains($EMAIL.From.Address) ){    ##Email address is in the XML file##
                    $EMAILDAYOFWEEK = $(Get-Date -Date "$($EMAIL.DateTimeReceived)").DayOfWeek    ##Get the email received day of week##
                    $EMAILHOUR = Get-Date -Date "$($EMAIL.DateTimeReceived)" -Format HH    ##Get the email received hour##
                    $SENDERADDRESS = [string]$($EMAIL.From.Address)
                    $SMSBODY = $($EMAIL.Subject) + "," + $($EMAIL.DateTimeReceived)
                    $TWILIOSMSBODY = @{ To = $TWILIOSMSTO; From = $TWILIOPHONEFROM; Body = $SMSBODY }
                    $TWILIOCREDENTIAL = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($TWILIOSID, $($TWILIOTOKEN | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force))
                    $SMSRESULTS = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TWILIOSMSAPIURL -Method 'Post' -Credential $TWILIOCREDENTIAL -Body $TWILIOSMSBODY
                    $CALLRESULTS = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TWILIOVOICEAPIURL -Method 'Post' -Credential $TWILIOCREDENTIAL -Body $TWILIOVOICEBODY
                    $EMAIL.isRead = $true
    }else{ Write-OutPut "==============There is no email in the inbox==================" }

# Main Procedure
if ( $INTERVAL -eq 0 ){
        Write-Host -NoNewline "==============After"$INTERVAL" seconds will check again=============="
        Start-Sleep -s $INTERVAL