
function Get-PsOneEncoding
      Gets Encoding for BOM and Non-BOM text files.
      Returns the encoding of text files.
      For BOM-encoded files, the fast .NET methods are used, and confidence level is always 100%.
      For Non-BOM-encoded files, extensive heuristicts are applied, and confidence level varies depending on file content.
      Heuristics are calculated by a porting of the Mozilla Universal Charset Detector (https://github.com/errepi/ude)
      Important: this library is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, alternatively licensed
      either under terms of GNU General Public License Version 2 or later, or GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later.
      .PARAMETER Path
      Path to text file
      .PARAMETER BomOnly
      Returns information for BOM-encoded files only.
      Get-PsOneEncoding -Path c:\sometextfile.txt
      Returns the encoding of the text file specified
      Get-ChildItem -Path $home -Filter *.txt -Recurse | Get-PsOneEncoding
      Returns the encoding of any text file found anywhere in the current user profile.
      Make sure you respect the license terms of the ported charset detector DLL.

    # load charset detector dll:
    Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot\Ude.dll
    $cdet = [Ude.CharsetDetector]::new()
    # try and read the BOM encoding:
    $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Path,[Text.Encoding]::Default,$true)
    # must read the file at least once to get encoding:
    $null = $reader.Peek()
    $encoding = $reader.CurrentEncoding
    # if the encoding equals default encoding then there was no bom:
    $bom = $encoding -ne [Text.Encoding]::Default
    $bodyname = $encoding.BodyName
    $confidence = 100
    # if there was no bom and non-bom files were not excluded...
    if (($bom -eq $false) -and ($BomOnly.IsPresent -eq $false))
      # ...do a heuristic analysis based on file content:
      [System.IO.FileStream]$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path)
      $bodyname = $cdet.Charset
      $confidence = [int]($cdet.Confidence * 100)
    # return findings as a custom object:
    if ($bom -or !$BomOnly.IsPresent)
        BOM          = $bom
        Encoding     = $bodyName.ToUpper()
        Confidence   = $confidence
        Path = $Path

Set-Alias -Name Get-Encoding -Value Get-PsOneEncoding