
#Requires -Version 7
    Runs a Power BI flavoured build process.
    This script was scaffolded using a template from the Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build PowerShell module.
    It uses the InvokeBuild module to orchestrate an opinonated software build process for .NET solutions.
    PS C:\> ./build.ps1
    Downloads any missing module dependencies (Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build & InvokeBuild) and executes
    the build process.
    Optionally override the default task executed as the entry-point of the build.
.PARAMETER BuildModulePath
    The path to import the Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build module from. This is useful when
    testing pre-release versions of the Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build that are not yet
    available in the PowerShell Gallery.
.PARAMETER BuildModuleVersion
    The version of the Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build module to import. This is useful when
    testing pre-release versions of the Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build that are not yet
    available in the PowerShell Gallery.
.PARAMETER InvokeBuildModuleVersion
    The version of the InvokeBuild module to be used.

param (
    [string[]] $Tasks = @("."),

    [string] $BuildModulePath,

    [version] $BuildModuleVersion = "<%= $((Get-Module Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version).ToString())%>",

    [version] $InvokeBuildModuleVersion = "<%= $InvokeBuildModuleVersion %>"

$ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference ? $ErrorActionPreference : 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'

$here = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath

#region InvokeBuild setup
if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable InvokeBuild)) {
    Install-Module InvokeBuild -RequiredVersion $InvokeBuildModuleVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Repository PSGallery
Import-Module InvokeBuild
# This handles calling the build engine when this file is run like a normal PowerShell script
# (i.e. avoids the need to have another script to setup the InvokeBuild environment and issue the 'Invoke-Build' command )
if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notlike '*Invoke-Build.ps1') {
    try {
        Invoke-Build $Tasks $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path @PSBoundParameters
    catch {

#region Import shared tasks and initialise build framework
if (!($BuildModulePath)) {
    if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build | ? { $_.Version -eq $BuildModuleVersion })) {
        Write-Information "Installing 'Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build' module..."
        Install-Module Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build -RequiredVersion $BuildModuleVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Repository PSGallery
    $BuildModulePath = "Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build"
else {
    Write-Information "BuildModulePath: $BuildModulePath"
Import-Module $BuildModulePath -RequiredVersion $BuildModuleVersion -Force

# Load the build process & tasks
. Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build.tasks

# Build process control options
$SkipInit = $false
$SkipVersion = $false
$SkipBuild = $false
$SkipPowerBi = $false
$CleanBuild = $Clean
$SkipTest = $false
$SkipTestReport = $false
$SkipAnalysis = $false
$SkipPackage = $false
$SkipPublish = $false

# Build process configuration

# Power BI build configuration
$PbixDir = (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $here "<%= $PbixFilesPath %>")).Path
$PbiReportsDir = (Resolve-Path (Join-Path $here "<%= $ReportsPath %>")).Path

# Synopsis: Build, Test and Package
task . FullBuild

# build extensibility tasks
task RunFirst {}
task PreInit {}
task PostInit {}
task PreVersion {}
task PostVersion {}
task PreBuild {}
task PostBuild {}
task PreTest {}
task PostTest {}
task PreTestReport {}
task PostTestReport {}
task PreAnalysis {}
task PostAnalysis {}
task PrePackage {}
task PostPackage {}
task PrePublish {}
task PostPublish {}
task RunLast {}