
#Requires -version 7
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Get-ConversionFactor {
    param (
    $formattedDate = $Date.ToString("yyy-MM-dd")
    $ConversionQuery = $ConversionQuery -replace "DATE", $formattedDate
    $ConversionQuery = $ConversionQuery -replace "CUR_BASE", $BaseCurrency
    $url = $ConversionBaseUrl,$ConversionQuery -join ""
    $standardConversionFactor = Get-StandardCurrencyCode -CurrencyCode $TargetCurrency

        $conversionFactors= Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -ContentType 'application/json' | ConvertFrom-Json
        if($null -ne $conversionFactors.rates.$standardConversionFactor){
            return $conversionFactors.rates.$standardConversionFactor
        else {
            $message = "Error in GetFactor: Target Currency ($standardConversionFactor) Unrecognized"
            Throw $message
        throw "Error in GetFactor: Unsuccessful Conversion Factor Query (" + $url + ")" + [System.Environment]::NewLine + $_


function Get-StandardCurrencyCode {
    param (
    $result = $CurrencyCode.ToUpper()

    switch ($CurrencyCode) {
        "USDOLLARS" { $result ="USD" }
        "UKPOUND" { $result = "GBP"}
        "CANADIANDOLLARS" {$result = "CAD"}
        "EURO" {$result = "EUR"}
        "LRK" {$result = "LKR"}
        "CFA" {$result = "XAF"} # CFA stands fro XOF and XAF, which have the same exchange rate
        Default {}
    return $result
# Variables that we may want to modify
function Convert-EnergyCapBill{
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="ApiKey")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="ApiKey")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="EcapSdk")]
        [int]$ConversionThreshold = .5,
        [int]$CurrencyConversionFactorObservationTypeId = 1027,
        [int]$InfoNativeCostObservationTypeId = 1029,
        throw "Argument Exception: Environmental variable ConversionFactorEnvironment is not set"
        throw "Argument Exception: Environmental variable ConversionFactorHistoricalQuery is not set."

    Set-Variable -Name CURRENCYCONVERSIONFACTOR_OBSERVATIONTYPEID -Option ReadOnly -Value $CurrencyConversionFactorObservationTypeId 
    Set-Variable -Name INFONATIVECOST_OBSERVATIONTYPEID -Option ReadOnly -Value $InfoNativeCostObservationTypeId
    Set-Variable -Name USDOLLARS_UNITID -Option ReadOnly -Value 58
    Set-Variable -Name TOTALPAYAMOUNT_OBSERVATIONTYPEID -Option ReadOnly -Value 1025

    $totalPayAmount = $null
        $EcapSdk = Get-EnergyCapSDK -EcapApiKey $EcapApiKey -BaseUrl $EcapBaseUrl
    $conversionStatus = "$BillId : Bill not converted."

        # You cannot have a bill without bodylines, so we assume that there is always at least one
        $bodyLineObj = $ecapSdk.GetBillBodylinesWithHttpMessagesAsync($BillId).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body
        # Look for the currency conversion body line -- if it exists, it's safe to bail
        $currencyConversionBodyLine = $bodyLineObj.ObservationType | Where-Object { $_.ObservationTypeId -eq $CURRENCYCONVERSIONFACTOR_OBSERVATIONTYPEID } 
        if($null -ne $currencyConversionBodyLine){
            $conversionStatus = "$BillId : Bill already converted."
            return $conversionStatus

        # Are there any lines that are not in USD? $bodyLineObj cannot be null, because a bill cannot exist without any body lines
        $foreignCurrencyCodes = $bodyLineObj.CostUnit | Select-Object 'UnitId','UnitCode' -Unique | Where-Object {$_.UnitCode -ne "USDOLLARS"}
        # There are no non-USD lines
        if($null -eq $foreignCurrencyCodes){
            $conversionStatus += " Bill in USD"
            return $conversionStatus
        # Gets the Bill part of a bill and converts the Bill Response to a Bill Edit.
        $billEditObj = Get-EnergyCapBillEditObj -EcapSdk $EcapSdk -BillId $BillId
        # We are passing in a semi-populated BillEditObj and an array of BodyLine Response Objects -- no APIs being made in this call
        Get-EnergyCapBodylines -BillEditObj $billEditObj -ecapSdk $EcapSdk -bodyLineObj $bodyLineObj

        $conversionDate = Get-ConversionDate -Bill $billEditObj
        $currencyLookupHash = @{}
        # Unlikely, but there may be mixed currency bills
        ForEach($foreignCurrency in $foreignCurrencyCodes){
            # This could throw exceptions
            $conversionFactor = Get-ConversionFactor -Date $conversionDate -ConversionBaseUrl $env:ConversionFactorEnvironment -ConversionQuery $env:ConversionFactorHistoricalQuery -BaseCurrency "USD" -TargetCurrency $foreignCurrency.UnitCode
            Add-Member -InputObject $foreignCurrency -Type NoteProperty -Name "ConversionFactor" -Value $conversionFactor
            $currencyLookupHash.Add($foreignCurrency.UnitId, $foreignCurrency)

        # Do the conversion
        foreach($meter in $billEditObj.Meters){
            $foreignCurrencyBodyLines = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]
            foreach ($line in $meter.BodyLines) {
                if($line.CostUnitId -and $line.CostUnitId -ne $USDOLLARS_UNITID){
                    $bodylineCostCopy = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]::new()
                    Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2 -Obj1 $line -Obj2 $bodylineCostCopy
                    $bodylineCostCopy.ObservationTypeId = $INFONATIVECOST_OBSERVATIONTYPEID
                    $bodylineCostCopy.BodyLineId = $null
                    $bodylineCostCopy.Value = $null
                    $bodylineCostCopy.ValueUnitId = $null

                    $line.CostUnitId = $USDOLLARS_UNITID
                    $conversionFactor = $currencyLookupHash[$bodylineCostCopy.CostUnitId].ConversionFactor
                    $line.Cost = [Math]::Round($bodylineCostCopy.Cost / [Math]::Round($conversionFactor,6),6)
           $foreignCurrencyBodyLines | ForEach-Object { $meter.BodyLines.Add($_)}
        # Convert Account Body Lines
        $foreignCurrencyBodyLines = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillAccountBodyLineEdit]'
        foreach ($line in $billEditObj.AccountBodyLines) {
            if($line.CostUnitId -ne $USDOLLARS_UNITID){
                $bodylineCostCopy = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillAccountBodyLineEdit]::new()
                Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2 -Obj1 $line -Obj2 $bodylineCostCopy
                $bodylineCostCopy.ObservationTypeId = $INFONATIVECOST_OBSERVATIONTYPEID
                $bodylineCostCopy.BodyLineId = $null

                $line.CostUnitId = $USDOLLARS_UNITID
                $conversionFactor = $currencyLookupHash[$bodylineCostCopy.CostUnitId].ConversionFactor
                $line.Cost = [Math]::Round($bodylineCostCopy.Cost / [Math]::Round($conversionFactor,6),6)

                if($line.ObservationTypeId -eq $TOTALPAYAMOUNT_OBSERVATIONTYPEID){
                    $totalPayAmount = $line.Cost
        $foreignCurrencyBodyLines | Foreach-Object { $billEditObj.AccountBodyLines.Add($_)}

        # Add the conversion factor body line(s)
        foreach($currency in $foreignCurrencyCodes){
            New-CurrencyConversionBodyLine -ConversionFactor $($currency.ConversionFactor.ToString()) -EcapSDK $EcapSdk -BillEditObj $billEditObj -FromCurrency $currency.UnitCode -CurrencyConversionFactorObservationTypeId $CURRENCYCONVERSIONFACTOR_OBSERVATIONTYPEID -Date $conversionDate

        $result = $EcapSdk.EditBillWithHttpMessagesAsync($BillId,$billEditObj).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body
        $conversionStatus = ConvertTo-Json $BillEditObj -Depth 10
            $calculatedBill = $EcapSdk.GetBillWithHttpMessagesAsync($BillId).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body
            $calculatedTotalCost = $calculatedBill.TotalCost
            $variance = [Math]::Round([Math]::Abs($calculatedTotalCost - $totalPayAmount),2)

            # If the EnergyCAP calculated value is different than the total pay amount AND within a certain variance ConversionThreshold, we quietly update it -- per client request
            if($variance -ne 0 && $variance -lt $ConversionThreshold && $variance -ge .01){
                $billEditObj.AccountBodyLines | ForEach-Object {$_.Cost = $calculatedTotalCost} | Where-Object {$_.ObservationTypeId -eq $TOTALPAYAMOUNT_OBSERVATIONTYPEID}
        $errorMessage = Get-EnergyCapException($_)
        $result = Handle-Exception -ConversionStatus $conversionStatus -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
        if($result.ThrowException) {throw $result.Message}
        else { return $result.Message}
    return $conversionStatus
Returns date for which we're pulling the currency conversion factor. In order of preference: Statment Date, EndDate, BeginDate, Today if all other dates are in the future
Due date is not considered.
Long description
Bill Edit object
An example
General notes

function Get-ConversionDate{

    $today = Get-Date

    if($Bill.StatementDate -and $Bill.StatementDate -lt $today){
        return $Bill.StatementDate

    if($Bill.EndDate -and $Bill.EndDate -lt $today){
        return $Bill.EndDate

    if($Bill.BeginDate -and $Bill.BeginDate -lt $today){
        return $Bill.BeginDate

    return $today

function New-CurrencyConversionBodyLine{
        [string] $FromCurrency,
        [string]$ToCurrency = "USD",
        $ValueUnitId = 12

    $cleanedFromCurrency = Get-StandardCurrencyCode -CurrencyCode $FromCurrency
    $cleanedToCurrency = Get-StandardCurrencyCode -CurrencyCode $ToCurrency

    $formattedDate = $Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyy")
    $accountId = $BillEditObj.AccountId
    $filter = "accountId equals '" + $accountId + "'";
    if($BillEditObj.Meters.Count -eq 0){
        $BillEditObj.Meters = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterEdit]'
        $meters = $EcapSDK.GetMetersWithHttpMessagesAsync($filter).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body
        $meterInfo = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterEdit]::new()
        $meterInfo.MeterId = $meters[0].MeterId
        $meterInfo.BodyLines = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]

    $bodyLine = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]::new()
    $bodyLine.ValueUnitId = $ValueUnitId
    $bodyLine.ObservationTypeId = $CurrencyConversionFactorObservationTypeId
    $bodyLine.Value = $ConversionFactor
    $bodyLine.Caption = "From $($cleanedFromCurrency) to $($cleanedToCurrency) ($($formattedDate))"

function Handle-Exception {
    param (
    $result = @{
        ThrowException = $true;
        Message = ""
    # If bodylines can't be grabbed, it's very likely the bill no longer exists. This is not an error
    if($errorMessage -match "Status Code: NotFound"){
        $ConversionStatus = "WARNING: " + $ConversionStatus + [System.Environment]::NewLine + "API Result: " + $ErrorMessage
        $result.ThrowException = $False
        $ConversionStatus += [System.Environment]::NewLine + " Error during conversion process: " + $ErrorMessage 
    $result.Message = $ConversionStatus
    return $result
Creates a copy of an EnergyCapBill in BillEdit form.
Long description
EnergyCap ApiKey
Base url. e.g. ""
Single id, not an array
Defaulted to 2
An example
General notes

function Copy-DefaultEnergyCapBill{
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = "ApiKey")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ApiKey")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "EcapSDK")]
        [EnergyCap.Sdk.EnergyCapApi]$EcapSdk ,
        [int]$BillId ,
        [int]$MaxRetry = 2
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        $EcapSdk = Get-EnergyCapSDK -BaseUrl $EcapBaseUrl -EcapApiKey $EcapApiKey

        $billEditObj = Get-EnergyCapBillEditObj -EcapSdk $EcapSdk -BillId $BillId
        Get-EnergyCapBodylines -BillId $BillId -ecapSdk $EcapSdk -BillEditObj $billEditObj -ErrorAction Stop
        # See previous note about having to rethrow exceptions
        throw Get-EnergyCapException($_)
        return ConvertTo-Json $billEditObj -Depth 10
        return $billEditObj
Copies properties from object 1 into object 2 where the property name exists in both objects.
Long description
Object that we copy property values from
Object that we copy property values to
Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2 -Obj1 $billResponseObj -Obj2 $billEditObj
General notes

function Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2{
        $obj1Properties = $(Get-Member -InputObject $Obj1 -MemberType Properties).Name
        $obj2Properties = $(Get-Member -InputObject $Obj2 -MemberType Properties).Name
        throw "Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2: Both Object1 and Object2 must not be null."

    # Copy over stuff from the bill
    foreach ($property in $obj1Properties) {
        if($property -in $obj2Properties){
            $Obj2.$property = $Obj1.$property
    The purpose of this tiny function is to avoid using ".GetAwaiter().GetResult()" to get return values from EnergyCAP SDK methods.
    PS />$sdk.GetSystemSettingsWithHttpMessagesAsync()|Get-AsyncResult

function Get-AsyncResult{
    return $asyncSdkTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Takes in a Bill Edit object and populates to the bodyline fields. Optionally takes in a BodyLineResponse object and populates the body line fields
without re-invoking the get BodyLine API
Long description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
An example
General notes

function Get-EnergyCapBodylines{
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="ApiKey")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="ApiKey")]
        [string]$EcapApiKey ,
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="EcapSdk")]
        [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BodylineResponse[]]$BodyLineObj = $null
        $EcapSdk = Get-EnergyCapSDK -EcapApiKey $EcapApiKey -BaseUrl $EcapBaseUrl

    # if there is an issue, this will throw an exception and bubble up
            $bodyLineObj = $ecapSdk.GetBillBodylinesWithHttpMessagesAsync($BillId).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body
    $meterDict = @{}
    foreach ($line in $bodyLineObj) {
        # account body line
        if($null -eq $line.meter){
            $accountBodyline = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillAccountBodyLineEdit]::new()
            $accountBodyline.BodyLineId = $line.BodyLineId
            $accountBodyline.ObservationTypeId = $line.observationType.ObservationTypeId
            $accountBodyline.CostUnitId = $line.CostUnit.UnitId
            $accountBodyline.Cost = $line.cost
            $accountBodyline.Caption = $line.caption
            $meterId = $line.meter.meterId 
            if($meterId -notin $meterDict.Keys){
                $billMeterEdit = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterEdit]::new()
                $billMeterEdit.MeterId = $meterId
                $billMeterEdit.BodyLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]]::new()
                $meterDict.Add($meterId, $billMeterEdit)
            $meterBodyLine = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterBodyLineEdit]::new()
            $meterBodyLine.BodyLineId = $line.BodyLineId
            $meterBodyLine.ObservationTypeId = $line.observationType.observationTypeId
            $meterBodyLine.ValueUnitId = $line.unit ? $line.unit.unitId : $null
            $meterBodyLine.Value = $line.Value
            $meterBodyLine.CostUnitId = $line.costUnit ? $line.costUnit.unitId : $null
            $meterBodyLine.Cost = $line.Cost ? $line.Cost : $null
            $meterBodyLine.Caption = $line.Caption
    if($meterDict.Values.Count -gt 0){
        $BillEditObj.Meters = [System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillMeterEdit]]$($meterDict.Values)
function Get-EnergyCapEmailConnectionInfo{
    if($CustomScriptContext.EmailConnectionInfo) {
        return $CustomScriptContext.EmailConnectionInfo;
    elseif( $env:EmailConnectionString){
        $emailConnectionInfo = @{}
        $array = $Env:EmailConnectionString -split ";"
        $array | ForEach-Object{
            $kvp = $_ -split "="
            $emailConnectionInfo.Add($kvp[0], $kvp[1])
        return $emailConnectionInfo
        throw "Argument exception: EmailConnectionString has not been set"
New-Alias -Name 'Get-EmailConnectionInfo' -Value 'Get-EnergyCapEmailConnectionInfo'
function Get-EnergyCapException{
    if($null -ne $EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException){
        if($null -ne $EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException.Response){
            $errorCode = "Status Code: " +  $EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException.Response.StatusCode + " ("+$EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException.Response.StatusCode.value__ + ")"
            $responseObj = $EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException.Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
            $result = $errorCode + [System.Environment]::NewLine + $($responseObj.Status.Message)
            return  $result
            return $EnergyCapException.Exception.InnerException.Message
        return $EnergyCapException.Exception.Message
function Get-EnergyCapSDK{

            $settings = New-Object EnergyCap.Sdk.Extensions.EnergyCapClientSettingsApiKeyAuth
            $settings.ApiKey = $EcapApiKey
            $settings.EnvironmentUrl = $BaseUrl
            $settings.UserAgentSuffix = "EnergyCapPowerShell"
            $settings.TimeoutSeconds = 7200 <# 2 hours #>
            $ecapSdk = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Extensions.EnergyCapApiClientFactory]::CreateClientAsync($settings).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
            $ignoreMe = $ecapSdk.MeMethodWithHttpMessagesAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body 
            $ecapSdk.DeserializationSettings.NullValueHandling = [Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling]::Include
            $ecapSdk.SerializationSettings.NullValueHandling = [Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling]::Include;
            return $ecapSdk
            throw Get-EnergyCapException($_)
Takes in a bill id, gets a Bill Response object and returns a populated Bill Edit object.
Long description
An example
General notes

function Get-EnergyCapBillEditObj {
    param (
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    # Will let the exception bubble up
    $billResponseObj = $EcapSdk.GetBillWithHttpMessagesAsync($BillId).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Body

    $billEditObj = [EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillEdit]::new()
    $billEditObj.AccountBodyLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[EnergyCap.Sdk.Models.BillAccountBodyLineEdit]]::new()

    Copy-EnergyCapPropertiesFromObj1ToObj2 -Obj1 $billResponseObj -Obj2 $billEditObj | Out-Null
    $billEditObj.Note = $billResponseObj.BillNote
    $billEditObj.AccountId = $billResponseObj.Account.AccountId
    return $billEditObj
function Initialize-EnergyCapPowerShell{

        Add-Type -Path "$EnergyCapSdkDllPath" -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Host "Unable to load EnergyCap.Sdk.dll. Please check path and try again."
class NotificationButton{
Sends an in-app notification to a specified EnergyCAP user group or set of individual users
Sends an in-app notification to a specified EnergyCAP user group or set of individual users
e.g. ""
Mandatory if UserIds is not set.
An array of EnergyCAP user group ids.
Mandatory if UserGroupIds is not set.
An array of EnergyCap user ids
EnergyCAP Api Key
.Parameter Notification Type
SystemMessages = 1,
BillImportAutomation = 2,
BillExportAutomation = 3,
IntervalDataAutomation = 4,
UserGroupMessages = 5,
UpdatesAndNewFeatures = 6,
HelpArticlesTipsAndSuggestions = 7,
CustomerServiceMessages = 8
Subject line of notification message
Body of notification message
Default is set to
.PARAMETER PrimaryAction
Optional - of class NotificationButton
This module contains the custom class NotificationButton, which is defined below. All properties must be set in order to be considered valid.
class NotificationButton{
.PARAMETER SecondaryAction
Optional - of class NotificationButton
See PrimaryAction parameter for additional details.
Full Path to log file
Send-EnergyCapNotification -BaseUrl "" -UserIds @(1202) -EcapApiKey "123ABC" -Subject "Pony" -Message "Pony" -LogFilePath "C:\temp\test.txt" -Verbose
General notes

function Send-EnergyCapNotification{
        [string] $EcapApikey,
        [string] $BaseUrl,
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Group1')]

        [int]$NotificationType = 5, #

        [string]$ReplyTo = "",
        [NotificationButton]$PrimaryAction = $null,
        [NotificationButton]$SecondaryAction = $null,
        [string]$LogFilePath = "",
    $ApiStem = "api/v202108/notification/type"
            $BaseUrl = $EcapSdk.BaseUri
            throw [System.ArgumentException] "Either baseUrl or EcapSdk needs to be defined."
    $index = $BaseUrl.LastIndexOfAny("/")
    if($index -eq $BaseUrl.Length - 1){
        # lops off final /
        $BaseUrl = $BaseUrl.Substring(0,$index)

    $notificationUrl = "$BaseUrl/$apiStem/$notificationType"
    # If a button is not null, it must have Label and Url properties defined
     if( !($(Validate-NotificationButton -button $PrimaryAction) -and $(Validate-NotificationButton -button $SecondaryAction))){
         Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath $LogFilePath -Data "Invalid PrimaryAction or SecondaryAction Notification buttons. Label and Url properties must be defined."
         throw [System.ArgumentException]"PrimaryAction or SecondaryAction, if defined, must have Label and Url properties defined"
    Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath $LogFilePath -Data "Primary Action and Secondary Actions buttons are valid." -isVerbose $isVerbose 
            $EcapApiKey= $EcapSdk.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.GetValues("Eci-ApiKey")[0]
            throw [System.ArgumentException]"Apikey or EcapSdk must be defined"

    $header = @{"Eci-ApiKey" = $EcapApiKey}
    $notificationSendRequestDTO = @{
        UserIds = $UserIds;
        UserGroupIds = $userGroupIds;
        SendToAllUsers = $SendToAllUsers ? $SendToAllUsers : $false;
        Subject = $subject;
        Message = $message;
        ReplyTo = $ReplyTo;
        PrimaryAction =  $PrimaryAction ? $PrimaryAction : $null
        SecondaryAction = $SecondaryAction ? $SecondaryAction : $null
    } | ConvertTo-Json

        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $notificationUrl -ContentType "application/json" -Body $notificationSendRequestDTO -Headers $header | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath $logfilePath -Data "Notification successfully sent to EnerygCAP." -isVerbose $isVerbose 
        Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath $logfilePath -Data $result -isVerbose $isVerbose
        $errorDto = @{
            StatusCode = $_.Exception.Message;
            EnergyCAPMessage = $_.ErrorDetails.Message 
        } | ConvertTo-Json

        Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath $logfilePath -Data $errorDto -isVerbose $isVerbose 

Returns a boolean indicating whether the NotificationButton class is fully populated
Returns a boolean indicating whether the NotificationButton class is fully populated.
Null values for the parameter button will also return true.
This function is used by the Send-EnergyCapNotification function.
Of the NotificationButton class, may be null
Validate-NotificationButton -button $PrimaryAction

function Validate-NotificationButton(){
    if($null -eq $button){
        return $true
    $properties = Get-Member -InputObject $button -MemberType Properties
    $populatedProperties = $properties.Name | ForEach-Object { $button.$_ } | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null}
    return $populatedProperties.count -eq $properties.count
Logs to data file, if path defined, and to stdout, if isVerbose is set to true
Logs to data file, if path defined, and to stdout, if isVerbose is set to true
Fully-qualified path to log file
Data to be logged
.PARAMETER isVerbose
Bool - controls whether or not contents of data variable is written to stdout
Write-EnergyCapLog -FilePath "C:\temp\logfile.log" -Data "Here's some data" -isVerbose $true
General notes

function Write-EnergyCapLog{
        [string]$FilePath = "",
        $Data = "",
        [bool]$isVerbose = $false
    # If the file path is defined, log it to the log file
    if($FilePath -ne ""){
        $dir = Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Parent
        if(!(Test-Path $dir -PathType Container)){
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $dirPath|Out-Null
        $time=Get-Date -format "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
        $nowobj = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        [void]$nowobj.Append($time + " " + $data)
        Add-Content $FilePath $nowobj.ToString() 
    # If we're verbose, log to stdout
        write-information $Data -InformationAction continue