
$script = ''
function ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML {
Provides an enhanced version of the ConvertTo-HTML command that includes
inserting an embedded CSS style sheet, JQuery, and JQuery Data Tables for
interactivity. Intended to be used with HTML fragments that are produced
by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment. This command does not accept pipeline
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) pointing to the location of the
jQuery script file. You can download jQuery from www.jquery.com; you should
host the script file on a local intranet Web server and provide a URI
that starts with http:// or https://. Alternately, you can also provide
a file system path to the script file, although this may create security
issues for the Web browser in some configurations.
Tested with v1.8.2.
Defaults to http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js, which
will pull the file from Microsoft's ASP.NET Content Delivery Network.
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) pointing to the location of the
jQuery Data Table script file. You can download this from www.datatables.net;
you should host the script file on a local intranet Web server and provide a URI
that starts with http:// or https://. Alternately, you can also provide
a file system path to the script file, although this may create security
issues for the Web browser in some configurations.
Tested with jQuery DataTable v1.9.4
Defaults to http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.3/jquery.dataTables.min.js,
which will pull the file from Microsoft's ASP.NET Content Delivery Network.
.PARAMETER CssStyleSheet
The CSS style sheet content - not a file name. If you have a CSS file,
you can load it into this parameter as follows:
    -CSSStyleSheet (Get-Content MyCSSFile.css)
Alternately, you may link to a Web server-hosted CSS file by using the
-CssUri parameter.
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) to a Web server-hosted CSS file.
Must start with either http:// or https://. If you omit this, you
can still provide an embedded style sheet, which makes the resulting
HTML page more standalone. To provide an embedded style sheet, use
the -CSSStyleSheet parameter.
A plain-text title that will be displayed in the Web browser's window
title bar. Note that not all browsers will display this.
Raw HTML to insert before all HTML fragments. Use this to specify a main
title for the report:
    -PreContent "<H1>My HTML Report</H1>"
.PARAMETER PostContent
Raw HTML to insert after all HTML fragments. Use this to specify a
report footer:
    -PostContent "Created on $(Get-Date)"
One or more HTML fragments, as produced by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment.
    -HTMLFragments $part1,$part2,$part3
For examples, please see the free ebooks, "Creating HTML Reports in PowerShell,"
available at http://powershell.org/wp/ebooks.

        [string]$jQueryURI = 'http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js',
        [string]$jQueryDataTableURI = 'http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.3/jquery.dataTables.min.js',
        [string]$Title = 'Report',

        Add CSS style sheet. If provided in -CssUri, add a <link> element.
        If provided in -CssStyleSheet, embed in the <head> section.
        Note that BOTH may be supplied - this is legitimate in HTML.

    Write-Verbose "Making CSS style sheet"
    $stylesheet = ""
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CssUri')) {
        $stylesheet = "<link rel=`"stylesheet`" href=`"$CssUri`" type=`"text/css`" />"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CssStyleSheet')) {
        $stylesheet = "<style>$CssStyleSheet</style>" | Out-String

        Create the HTML tags for the page title, and for
        our main javascripts.

    Write-Verbose "Creating <TITLE> and <SCRIPT> tags"
    $titletag = ""
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('title')) {
        $titletag = "<title>$title</title>"
    $script += "<script type=`"text/javascript`" src=`"$jQueryURI`"></script>`n<script type=`"text/javascript`" src=`"$jQueryDataTableURI`"></script>"

        Render supplied HTML fragments as one giant string

    Write-Verbose "Combining HTML fragments"
    $body = $HTMLFragments | Out-String

        If supplied, add pre- and post-content strings

    Write-Verbose "Adding Pre and Post content"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('precontent')) {
        $body = "$PreContent`n$body"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('postcontent')) {
        $body = "$body`n$PostContent"

        Add a final script that calls the datatable code
        We dynamic-ize all tables with the .enhancedhtml-dynamic-table
        class, which is added by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment.

    Write-Verbose "Adding interactivity calls"
    $datatable = ""
    $datatable = "<script type=`"text/javascript`">"
    $datatable += '$(document).ready(function () {'
    $datatable += "`$('.enhancedhtml-dynamic-table').dataTable();"
    $datatable += '} );'
    $datatable += "</script>"

        Datatables expect a <thead> section containing the
        table header row; ConvertTo-HTML doesn't produce that
        so we have to fix it.

    Write-Verbose "Fixing table HTML"
    $body = $body -replace '<tr><th>','<thead><tr><th>'
    $body = $body -replace '</th></tr>','</th></tr></thead>'

        Produce the final HTML. We've more or less hand-made
        the <head> amd <body> sections, but we let ConvertTo-HTML
        produce the other bits of the page.

    Write-Verbose "Producing final HTML"
    ConvertTo-HTML -Head "$stylesheet`n$titletag`n$script`n$datatable" -Body $body  
    Write-Debug "Finished producing final HTML"


function ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment {
Creates an HTML fragment (much like ConvertTo-HTML with the -Fragment switch
that includes CSS class names for table rows, CSS class and ID names for the
table, and wraps the table in a <DIV> tag that has a CSS class and ID name.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object to be converted to HTML. You cannot select properties using this
command; precede this command with Select-Object if you need a subset of
the objects' properties.
.PARAMETER EvenRowCssClass
The CSS class name applied to even-numbered <TR> tags. Optional, but if you
use it you must also include -OddRowCssClass.
The CSS class name applied to odd-numbered <TR> tags. Optional, but if you
use it you must also include -EvenRowCssClass.
Optional. The CSS ID name applied to the <TABLE> tag.
Optional. The CSS ID name applied to the <DIV> tag which is wrapped around the table.
.PARAMETER TableCssClass
Optional. The CSS class name to apply to the <TABLE> tag.
Optional. The CSS class name to apply to the wrapping <DIV> tag.
Must be 'List' or 'Table.' Defaults to Table. Actually produces an HTML
table either way; with Table the output is a grid-like display. With
List the output is a two-column table with properties in the left column
and values in the right column.
.PARAMETER Properties
A comma-separated list of properties to include in the HTML fragment.
This can be * (which is the default) to include all properties of the
piped-in object(s). In addition to property names, you can also use a
hashtable similar to that used with Select-Object. For example:
 Get-Process | ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment -As Table `
               -Properties Name,ID,@{n='VM';
                                     css={if ($_.VM -gt 100) { 'red' }
                                          else { 'green' }}}
This will create table cell rows with the calculated CSS class names.
E.g., for a process with a VM greater than 100, you'd get:
  <TD class="red">475858</TD>
You can use this feature to specify a CSS class for each table cell
based upon the contents of that cell. Valid keys in the hashtable are:
  n, name, l, or label: The table column header
  e or expression: The table cell contents
  css or csslcass: The CSS class name to apply to the <TD> tag
Another example:
    e={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]};
    css={ if ($_.FreeSpace -lt 100) { 'red' } else { 'blue' }}
This example creates a column titled "Free(MB)". It will contain
the input object's FreeSpace property, divided by 1MB and cast
as a whole number (integer). If the value is less than 100, the
table cell will be given the CSS class "red." If not, the table
cell will be given the CSS class "blue." The supplied cascading
style sheet must define ".red" and ".blue" for those to have any
Raw HTML content to be placed before the wrapping <DIV> tag.
For example:
    -PreContent "<h2>Section A</h2>"
.PARAMETER PostContent
Raw HTML content to be placed after the wrapping <DIV> tag.
For example:
    -PostContent "<hr />"
.PARAMETER MakeHiddenSection
Used in conjunction with -PreContent. Adding this switch, which
needs no value, turns your -PreContent into clickable report
section header. The section will be hidden by default, and clicking
the header will toggle its visibility.
When using this parameter, consider adding a symbol to your -PreContent
that helps indicate this is an expandable section. For example:
    -PreContent '<h2>&diams; My Section</h2>'
If you use -MakeHiddenSection, you MUST provide -PreContent also, or
the hidden section will not have a section header and will not be
.PARAMETER MakeTableDynamic
When using "-As Table", makes the table dynamic. Will be ignored
if you use "-As List". Dynamic tables are sortable, searchable, and
are paginated.
You should not use even/odd styling with tables that are made
dynamic. Dynamic tables automatically have their own even/odd
styling. You can apply CSS classes named ".odd" and ".even" in
your CSS to style the even/odd in a dynamic table.
 $fragment = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
             Select-Object -Property PSComputerName,DeviceID,FreeSpace,Size |
             ConvertTo-HTMLFragment -EvenRowClass 'even' `
                                    -OddRowClass 'odd' `
                                    -PreContent '<h2>Disk Report</h2>' `
                                    -MakeHiddenSection `
 You will usually save fragments to a variable, so that multiple fragments
 (each in its own variable) can be passed to ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML.
Consider adding the following to your CSS when using dynamic tables:
    .paginate_enabled_next, .paginate_enabled_previous {
        border:1px solid #222222;
    .paginate_disabled_previous, .paginate_disabled_next {
    .dataTables_info { margin-bottom:4px; }
This applies appropriate coloring to the next/previous buttons,
and applies a small amount of space after the dynamic table.
If you choose to make sections hidden (meaning they can be shown
and hidden by clicking on the section header), consider adding
the following to your CSS:
    .sectionheader { cursor:pointer; }
    .sectionheader:hover { color:red; }
This will apply a hover-over color, and change the cursor icon,
to help visually indicate that the section can be toggled.



        [string]$As = 'Table',

        [object[]]$Properties = '*',




    BEGIN {
            Accumulate output in a variable so that we don't
            produce an array of strings to the pipeline, but
            instead produce a single string.

        $out = ''

            Add the section header (pre-content). If asked to
            make this section of the report hidden, set the
            appropriate code on the section header to toggle
            the underlying table. Note that we generate a GUID
            to use as an additional ID on the <div>, so that
            we can uniquely refer to it without relying on the
            user supplying us with a unique ID.

        Write-Verbose "Precontent"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PreContent')) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeHiddenSection')) {
               [string]$tempid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
               $out += "<span class=`"sectionheader`" onclick=`"`$('#$tempid').toggle(500);`">$PreContent</span>`n"
            } else {
                $out += $PreContent
                $tempid = ''

            The table will be wrapped in a <div> tag for styling
            purposes. Note that THIS, not the table per se, is what
            we hide for -MakeHiddenSection. So we will hide the section
            if asked to do so.

        Write-Verbose "DIV"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DivCSSClass')) {
            $temp = " class=`"$DivCSSClass`""
        } else {
            $temp = ""
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeHiddenSection')) {
            $temp += " id=`"$tempid`" style=`"display:none;`""
        } else {
            $tempid = ''
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DivCSSID')) {
            $temp += " id=`"$DivCSSID`""
        $out += "<div $temp>"

            Create the table header. If asked to make the table dynamic,
            we add the CSS style that ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML will look for
            to dynamic-ize tables.

        Write-Verbose "TABLE"
        $_TableCssClass = ''
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeTableDynamic') -and $As -eq 'Table') {
            $_TableCssClass += 'enhancedhtml-dynamic-table '
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TableCssClass')) {
            $_TableCssClass += $TableCssClass
        if ($_TableCssClass -ne '') {
            $css = "class=`"$_TableCSSClass`""
        } else {
            $css = ""
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TableCSSID')) {
            $css += "id=`"$TableCSSID`""
        } else {
            if ($tempid -ne '') {
                $css += "id=`"$tempid`""
        $out += "<table $css>"

            We're now setting up to run through our input objects
            and create the table rows

        $fragment = ''
        $wrote_first_line = $false
        $even_row = $false

        if ($properties -eq '*') {
            $all_properties = $true
        } else {
            $all_properties = $false


        foreach ($object in $inputobject) {
            Write-Verbose "Processing object"
            $datarow = ''
            $headerrow = ''

                Apply even/odd row class. Note that this will mess up the output
                if the table is made dynamic. That's noted in the help.

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EvenRowCSSClass') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OddRowCssClass')) {
                if ($even_row) {
                    $row_css = $OddRowCSSClass
                    $even_row = $false
                    Write-Verbose "Even row"
                } else {
                    $row_css = $EvenRowCSSClass
                    $even_row = $true
                    Write-Verbose "Odd row"
            } else {
                $row_css = ''
                Write-Verbose "No row CSS class"

                If asked to include all object properties, get them.

            if ($all_properties) {
                $properties = $object | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select -ExpandProperty Name

                We either have a list of all properties, or a hashtable of
                properties to play with. Process the list.

            foreach ($prop in $properties) {
                Write-Verbose "Processing property"
                $name = $null
                $value = $null
                $cell_css = ''

                    $prop is a simple string if we are doing "all properties,"
                    otherwise it is a hashtable. If it's a string, then we
                    can easily get the name (it's the string) and the value.

                if ($prop -is [string]) {
                    Write-Verbose "Property $prop"
                    $name = $Prop
                    $value = $object.($prop)
                } elseif ($prop -is [hashtable]) {
                    Write-Verbose "Property hashtable"
                        For key "css" or "cssclass," execute the supplied script block.
                        It's expected to output a class name; we embed that in the "class"
                        attribute later.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('cssclass')) { $cell_css = $Object | ForEach $prop['cssclass'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('css')) { $cell_css = $Object | ForEach $prop['css'] }

                        Get the current property name.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('n')) { $name = $prop['n'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('name')) { $name = $prop['name'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('label')) { $name = $prop['label'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('l')) { $name = $prop['l'] }

                        Execute the "expression" or "e" key to get the value of the property.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('e')) { $value = $Object | ForEach $prop['e'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('expression')) { $value = $tObject | ForEach $prop['expression'] }

                        Make sure we have a name and a value at this point.

                    if ($name -eq $null -or $value -eq $null) {
                        Write-Error "Hashtable missing Name and/or Expression key"
                } else {
                        We got a property list that wasn't strings and
                        wasn't hashtables. Bad input.

                    Write-Warning "Unhandled property $prop"

                    When constructing a table, we have to remember the
                    property names so that we can build the table header.
                    In a list, it's easier - we output the property name
                    and the value at the same time, since they both live
                    on the same row of the output.

                if ($As -eq 'table') {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding $name to header and $value to row"
                    $headerrow += "<th>$name</th>"
                    $datarow += "<td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$value</td>"
                } else {
                    $wrote_first_line = $true
                    $headerrow = ""
                    $datarow = "<td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$name :</td><td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$value</td>"
                    $out += "<tr$(if ($row_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$row_css+'"' })>$datarow</tr>"

                Write the table header, if we're doing a table.

            if (-not $wrote_first_line -and $as -eq 'Table') {
                Write-Verbose "Writing header row"
                $out += "<tr>$headerrow</tr><tbody>"
                $wrote_first_line = $true

                In table mode, write the data row.

            if ($as -eq 'table') {
                Write-Verbose "Writing data row"
                $out += "<tr$(if ($row_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$row_css+'"' })>$datarow</tr>"
    END {
            Finally, post-content code, the end of the table,
            the end of the <div>, and write the final string.

        Write-Verbose "PostContent"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PostContent')) {
            $out += "`n$PostContent"
        Write-Verbose "Done"
        $out += "</tbody></table></div>"
        Write-Output $out