
# *************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2023 Andrei Gramakov. All rights reserved.
# This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# site: https://agramakov.me
# e-mail: mail@agramakov.me
# *************************************************************************

. $PSScriptRoot/EnvironmentHandle.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/EnvironmentRegistry.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/FindTools.ps1

Returns a table with all active environments

function Get-Environment {
    return [EnvironmentRegistry]::EnvironmentTable

Creates a new environment and returns a DirectoryInfo object

Name of the a environment

function New-Environment ($Name) {
    if (!$Name) { $Name = [EnvironmentHandle]::DefaultEnvDirName }
    $env = [EnvironmentHandle]::new($Name)
    return $env.EnvironmentLocation

function Select-Environment($EnvironmentHandleList){
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnvTable = @()
    $i = 1
    foreach ($e in $EnvironmentHandleList){
        $EnvTable.Add([PSCustomObject]@{N = $i; Location = $e.EnvironmentLocation }) > $null
        $i += 1
    if ($EnvTable.Count -gt 1) {
        Write-Host "[INFO] Found several environments. Specify the environment to Enable..."
        $EnvTable | Format-Table | Out-Host
        $selected_n = Read-Host -Prompt "Write an environment number: "
    } elseif ($EnvTable.Count -eq 1) {
        $selected_n = 1
    $selected = $EnvTable | where N -EQ  $selected_n
    return $selected[0].Location

Enables an environment with the provided name. If the name is not provided, used the default one - psenv

Name of an environment to enable
function Enable-Environment {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    if (!$Path){
        $envs = Find-EnvironmentsInBranch
        $Path = Select-Environment $envs
        "[INFO] Selected: $Path"
    if ($Path){
        $env_info = [EnvironmentHandle]::New($Path)
        $env_is_valid = $env_info.IsValid()
    $env_name = $env_info.GetName()
    if (Get-Module $env_name){
        "[ERROR] $env_name is already enabled!"
    if (!$env_is_valid){
        "[ERROR] No environment found"
    "[INFO] Enabling environment: $($env_info.EnvironmentLocation)"
    [EnvironmentRegistry]::Add($env_name, $env_info.GetModulePath())
    "[DONE] Environment $env_name is enabled."

function Get-EnabledEnvironments{
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnabledEnvs = @()
    foreach ($env_module in [EnvironmentRegistry]::EnvironmentTable.Values) {
        $env_path = Get-Item $env_module
        $e = [EnvironmentHandle]::New($env_path.Directory)
        $EnabledEnvs.Add($e) > $null
    return $EnabledEnvs

Disables an environment with the provided name. If the name is not provided, used the default one - psenv

Name of an environment to disable
function Disable-Environment($Name){
    if ([EnvironmentRegistry]::EnvironmentTable.Count -eq 0) {
        "[ERROR] No enabled environments."
    if (!$Name){
        "[ERROR] The name is not provided. Curretly active environments:"
        return Get-Environment
    if (![EnvironmentRegistry]::Contains($Name)){
        "[ERROR] The environment is not enabled."
    $module = Get-Module $Name
    if ($module){
        Remove-Module $Name -Force
    } else{
        "[WARNING] Environment is in the registry, but not enabled. `
        Probably disabled using Remove-Module."

    "[DONE] Environment $Name is disabled."