
$script:moduleCacheFileLocation = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:tmpEnvironmentRootPath, "ModuleCache.xml")
$script:localSearchPathsFileLocation = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:localConfigEnvironmentRootPath, "CustomSearchPaths.xml")
$script:globalSearchPathsFileLocation = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:globalConfigEnvironmentRootPath, "CustomSearchPaths.xml")

function Initialize-EnvironmentModuleCache()
    Load the environment modules cache file.
    This function will load all environment modules that part of the cache file and will provide them in the environemtModules list.
    No output is returned.

    $script:environmentModules = @{}
    if(-not (test-path $moduleCacheFileLocation))

    $script:environmentModules = @{}
    (Import-CliXml -Path $moduleCacheFileLocation).GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        $item = $_.Value
        $script:environmentModules[$_.Name] = (New-Object EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModuleInfoBase -ArgumentList $item.FullName, $item.ModuleBase, $item.Name, $item.Version, $item.Architecture, $item.AdditionalOptions, $item.ModuleType)

function Initialize-CustomSearchPaths()
    Load the custom search paths files.
    This function will load all environment modules that part of the cache file and will provide them in the environemtModules list.
    No output is returned.

    $script:customSearchPaths = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]]"

    $knownTypes = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Type]"

    Read-CustomSearchPathsFromFile $script:localSearchPathsFileLocation
    Read-CustomSearchPathsFromFile $script:globalSearchPathsFileLocation

function Read-CustomSearchPathsFromFile([string] $FilePath)
    Append the search paths stored in the given file to the internal search path list.
    This function will load the search paths defined in the given file. All identified search paths are added to the internal search path collection.
    No output is returned.

    if(-not (Test-Path $FilePath)) {
    $serializer = New-Object "System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer" -ArgumentList $script:customSearchPaths.GetType(), $knownTypes

    $fileStream = $null
    try {
        $fileStream = New-Object "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList $FilePath, ([System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
        $reader = $null
        try {
            $reader = [System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader]::CreateTextReader($fileStream, (New-Object "System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas"))
            Write-Verbose "Reading file $FilePath"
            $searchPaths = $serializer.ReadObject($reader)
            Write-Verbose "Found $($searchPaths.Count) items"
            foreach($moduleFullName in $searchPaths.Keys) {
                foreach($searchPath in $searchPaths[$moduleFullName]) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found search path"
                    $oldValue = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]"

                    if($script:customSearchPaths.ContainsKey($moduleFullName)) {
                        $oldValue = $script:customSearchPaths[$moduleFullName]

                    $script:customSearchPaths[$moduleFullName] = $oldValue
        finally {
            if ($null -ne $reader)
    finally {
        if ($null -ne $fileStream)

function Test-IsEnvironmentModule([psmoduleinfo] $Module) {
    Check if the given module is an environment module.
    .PARAMETER Module
    The module to check.
    True if the module is an environment module, otherwise false.

    Write-Verbose "Module $($module.Name) depends on $($module.RequiredModules)"
    $isEnvironmentModule = ("$($module.RequiredModules)" -match "EnvironmentModuleCore")

    if(-not ($isEnvironmentModule)) {
        Write-Verbose "Module $($module.Name) depends on $($module.PrivateData.PSData.ExternalModuleDependencies) externally"
        if(-not ($module.PrivateData.PSData.ExternalModuleDependencies -match "EnvironmentModuleCore")) {
            return $false
    return $true

function Update-EnvironmentModuleCache
    Search for all modules that depend on the environment module and add them to the cache file.
    This function will clear the cache file and later iterate over all modules of the system. If the module depends on the environment module,
    it is added to the cache file.
    No output is returned.

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Update the environment module cache file")) {

    $script:environmentModules = @{}
    $modulesByShortName = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]'
    $modulesByArchitecture = @{}  # Name -> Set(Architecture)
    $modulesByMajorVersion = @{} # Name -> Set(Version)
    $allModuleNames = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String]'

    # Delete all temporary modules created previously
    Remove-Item (Join-Path $script:tmpEnvironmentModulePath "*") -Force -Recurse

    foreach ($module in (Get-Module -ListAvailable)) {
        if(-not (Test-IsEnvironmentModule $module)) {

        Write-Verbose "Environment module $($module.Name) found"
        Add-EnvironmentModuleInternal(New-EnvironmentModuleInfoBase $module)
        $moduleNameParts = Split-EnvironmentModuleName $module.Name

        if($null -eq $moduleNameParts) {
            continue # The module is invalid

        # Read the environment module properties from the pse1 file
        $info = New-EnvironmentModuleInfoBase $module

        if($info.ModuleType -ne [EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModuleType]::Default) {
            continue #Ignore meta and abstract modules

        # Add the module to the list of all modules
        $allModuleNames.Add($module.Name) > $null

        # Handle the module by short name
        $modulesByShortName.Add($moduleNameParts.Name) | Out-Null

        # Handle the module by architecture (if architecture is specified)
        if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($moduleNameParts.Architecture))) {
            $knownValues = $modulesByArchitecture[$moduleNameParts.Name]
            if($null -eq $knownValues) {
                $knownValues = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]"
            $knownValues.Add($moduleNameParts.Architecture) | Out-Null
            $modulesByArchitecture[$moduleNameParts.Name] = $knownValues

        # Handle the module by major version (if version is specified)
        if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($moduleNameParts.Version))) {
            if(-not ($moduleNameParts.Version -match "^(?<MajorVersion>[0-9]+)[._]")) {

            $knownValues = $modulesByMajorVersion[$moduleNameParts.Name]
            if($null -eq $knownValues) {
                $knownValues = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[object]"
            $newValue = New-Object "System.Tuple[string,string]" -ArgumentList $Matches["MajorVersion"],$moduleNameParts.Architecture
            $knownValues.Add($newValue) | Out-Null
            $modulesByMajorVersion[$moduleNameParts.Name] = $knownValues

    $createdEnvironmentModules = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[object]"

    # Create the environment modules by short name
    if($script:configuration["CreateDefaultModulesByName"] -ne $false) {
        foreach($moduleName in $modulesByShortName) {

            #Check if there is no module with the default name
            if($allModuleNames.Contains($moduleName)) {
                Write-Verbose "The module $moduleName is not generated, because it does already exist"

            [EnvironmentModuleCore.ModuleCreator]::CreateMetaEnvironmentModule($moduleName, $script:tmpEnvironmentModulePath, ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:moduleFileLocation, "..")), $true, "", $null)
            Write-Verbose "EnvironmentModule $moduleName generated"

    # Create the environment modules by architecture
    if($script:configuration["CreateDefaultModulesByArchitecture"] -ne $false) {
        foreach($module in $modulesByArchitecture.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach($architecture in $module.Value) {
                $moduleName = "$($module.Key)-$architecture"

                #Check if there is no module with the default name
                if($allModuleNames.Contains($moduleName)) {
                    Write-Verbose "The module $moduleName is not generated, because it does already exist"

                [EnvironmentModuleCore.ModuleCreator]::CreateMetaEnvironmentModule($moduleName, $script:tmpEnvironmentModulePath, ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:moduleFileLocation, "..")), $true, "", $null)
                Write-Verbose "EnvironmentModule $moduleName generated"

    # Create the environment modules by major version
    if($script:configuration["CreateDefaultModulesByMajorVersion"] -ne $false) {
        foreach($module in $modulesByMajorVersion.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach($versionArchitecture in $module.Value) {
                $version = $versionArchitecture.Item1
                $architecture = $versionArchitecture.Item2

                $moduleName = "$($module.Key)-$version"
                if(-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($architecture))) {
                    $moduleName = "$moduleName-$architecture"

                #Check if there is no module with the default name
                if($allModuleNames.Contains($moduleName)) {
                    Write-Verbose "The module $moduleName is not generated, because it does already exist"

                [EnvironmentModuleCore.ModuleCreator]::CreateMetaEnvironmentModule($moduleName, $script:tmpEnvironmentModulePath, ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($script:moduleFileLocation, "..")), $true, "", $null)
                Write-Verbose "EnvironmentModule $moduleName generated"

    $modules = Get-Module -ListAvailable
    foreach($moduleDescription in $createdEnvironmentModules) {
        $module = $modules | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $moduleDescription.FullName}
        if($null -eq $module) {
            Write-Warning "Unable to find the created module $moduleName in the PS module list"
        Add-EnvironmentModuleInternal(New-Object EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModuleInfoBase -ArgumentList @($module, $module.ModuleBase, $moduleDescription.Name, $moduleDescription.Version, $moduleDescription.Architecture, $moduleDescription.AdditionalOptions, [EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModuleType]::Meta))

    Export-Clixml -Path "$moduleCacheFileLocation" -InputObject $script:environmentModules

function Add-EnvironmentModuleInternal([EnvironmentModuleCore.EnvironmentModuleInfoBase] $Module)
    Add the given module to the internal collection of environment modules.
    This function will add the passed module to the environment modules collection. If a module with the same name is already part of the collection,
    no action is performed.
    No output is returned.

    if($script:environmentModules.Contains($Module.FullName)) {
        Write-Warning "The module '$($Module.FullName)' was detected multiple times"

    $script:environmentModules[$Module.FullName] = $Module

function Add-EnvironmentModuleSearchPath
    Add a new custom search path for an environment module.
    This function will register a new custom search path for a module.
    .PARAMETER IsGlobal
    True if the value should be stored in the global storage file.
    .PARAMETER IsTemporary
    True if the value should not be stored in a storage file. It is only valid for the active Powershell session.
    The type of the search path.
    The key to set - the key of the class EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath.
    .PARAMETER ModuleFullName
    The module that should be extended with a new search path.
    .PARAMETER SubFolder
    The sub folder for the search.
    List of all search paths.

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Switch] $IsGlobal,
        [Switch] $IsTemporary
    DynamicParam {
        $runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        $moduleSet = Get-AllEnvironmentModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        Add-DynamicParameter 'ModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 0 -ValidateSet $moduleSet

        Add-DynamicParameter 'Type' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 1 -ValidateSet $script:searchPathTypes.Keys
        Add-DynamicParameter 'Key' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 2
        Add-DynamicParameter 'SubFolder' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 3
        Add-DynamicParameter 'Priority' Int $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 4
        Add-DynamicParameter 'CustomModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 5

        return $runtimeParameterDictionary

    begin {
        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add a new environment module search path")) {

        $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['ModuleFullName']
        if(-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PsBoundParameters['CustomModuleFullName']))) {
            $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['CustomModuleFullName']
            $IsTemporary = $true

        $Type = $PsBoundParameters['Type']
        $Key = $PsBoundParameters['Key']
        $SubFolder = $PsBoundParameters['SubFolder']

        if(-not $SubFolder) {
            $SubFolder = ""

        $Priority = $PsBoundParameters['Priority']

        if(-not $Priority) {
            $Priority = $script:searchPathTypes[$Type].Item2 + 20 # Get the default priority of the type and increase it because it is custom
            if($IsGlobal) {
                $Priority = $Priority - 10 # Local search definition will have a higher priority than the global ones

    process {
        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleFullName)) {
            Write-Error "No module name specified"

        $oldSearchPaths = $script:customSearchPaths[$ModuleFullName]
        $newSearchPath = New-Object EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath -ArgumentList @($Key, $Type.ToUpper(), $Priority, $SubFolder, $false, $IsTemporary, $IsGlobal)

        if($oldSearchPaths) {
            $script:customSearchPaths[$ModuleFullName] = $oldSearchPaths
        else {
            $searchPaths = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]"
            $script:customSearchPaths[$ModuleFullName] = $searchPaths

        if(-not $IsTemporary) {
            Write-CustomSearchPaths -IncludeGlobal:$IsGlobal

function Remove-EnvironmentModuleSearchPath()
    Remove a previously defined custom search path from the given module.
    This function will remove a new custom search path from the module. If multiple search paths are found, an additional select dialogue is displayed.
    .PARAMETER ModuleFullName
    The module that should be checked.
    The type of the search path to remove.
    The key of the search path to remove.
    .PARAMETER SubFolder
    The sub folder of the search path to remove.
    .PARAMETER IncludeGlobal
    True if the global search paths should be considered as well.
    .PARAMETER Switch
    Do not ask for deletion.

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact='Low', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
        [Switch] $IncludeGlobal,
        [Switch] $Force
    DynamicParam {
        $runtimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        $moduleSet = Get-AllEnvironmentModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        Add-DynamicParameter 'ModuleFullName' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $True -Position 0 -ValidateSet $moduleSet

        Add-DynamicParameter 'Type' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 1 -ValidateSet @("*", "Directory", "Registry", "Environment")
        Add-DynamicParameter 'Key' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 2
        Add-DynamicParameter 'SubFolder' String $runtimeParameterDictionary -Mandatory $False -Position 3

        return $runtimeParameterDictionary

    begin {
        $ModuleFullName = $PsBoundParameters['ModuleFullName']
        $Type = $PsBoundParameters['Type']
        $Key = $PsBoundParameters['Key']
        $SubFolder = $PsBoundParameters['SubFolder']

        if(-not $Type) {
            $Type = "*"
        if(-not $Key) {
            $Key = "*"
        if(-not $SubFolder) {
            $SubFolder = "*"

    process {
        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove an existing environment module search path")) {

        $customSearchPaths = Get-EnvironmentModuleSearchPath -ModuleName $ModuleFullName -Type $Type -Key $Key -SubFolder $SubFolder -Custom -IncludeGlobal:$IncludeGlobal
        if($null -eq $customSearchPaths) {
            Write-Warning "No search path found matching the given parameters"

        $oldSearchPaths = $script:customSearchPaths[$ModuleFullName]
        if($customSearchPaths -is [array]) {
            $searchPaths = @{}
            $searchPathOptions = @()
            foreach($customSearchPath in $customSearchPaths) {
                $searchPathKey = $customSearchPath.ToString()
                $searchPaths[$searchPathKey] = $customSearchPath
                $searchPathOptions = $searchPathOptions + $searchPathKey

            $customSearchPath = Show-SelectDialogue $searchPathOptions "Select the custom search path to remove"
            $customSearchPath = $searchPaths[$customSearchPath]
        else {
            $customSearchPath = $customSearchPaths    # Just one search path matches the filter

        if(-not $customSearchPath) {
            Write-Warning "No search path found matching the given parameters"

        # Ask for deletion
        if(-not $Force) {
            $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the custom seach path '$($customSearchPath.Type)' - '$($customSearchPath.Key)' (Y/N)?"

            if($answer.ToLower() -ne "y") {

        $oldSearchPaths.Remove($customSearchPath) | Out-Null
        Write-Verbose "Removing search path $($customSearchPath.Key) for module $($customSearchPath.Module)"
        $script:customSearchPaths[$ModuleFullName] = $oldSearchPaths
        Write-CustomSearchPaths -IncludeGlobal:$customSearchPath.IsGlobal

function Get-EnvironmentModuleSearchPath
    Get the search paths defined for the module(s).
    This function will list all search paths for environment modules matching the given name filter.
    .PARAMETER ModuleName
    The module name filter to consider.
    The search path type to use as filter.
    The key value to use as filter.
    .PARAMETER SubFolder
    The sub folder to use as filter.
    .PARAMETER Custom
    True if only custom search paths should be returned.
    .PARAMETER IncludeGlobal
    True if global search paths should be included.
    List of all search paths.

        [String] $ModuleName = "*",
        [ValidateSet("*", "Directory", "Registry", "Environment")]
        [string] $Type = "*",
        [string] $Key = "*",
        [string] $SubFolder = "*",
        [switch] $Custom,
        [switch] $IncludeGlobal

    $modules = Get-EnvironmentModule -ListAvailable $ModuleName

    foreach($module in $modules) {
        foreach($searchPath in $module.SearchPaths) {
            if($Custom -and $searchPath.IsDefault) {

            if((-not $IncludeGlobal) -and $searchPath.IsGlobal) {

            if(-not ($searchPath.Type.ToString() -like $Type)) {

            if(-not ($searchPath.Key -like $Key)) {

            if(-not ($searchPath.SubFolder -like $SubFolder)) {


function Clear-EnvironmentModuleSearchPaths
    Deletes all custom search paths.
    This function will delete all custom search paths that are defined by the user.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Do not ask for deletion.
    .PARAMETER IncludeGlobal
    Delete the global seach paths as well.
    No output is returned.

        [Switch] $OnlyTemporary,
        [Switch] $Force,
        [Switch] $IncludeGlobal

    # Ask for deletion
    if(-not $Force) {
        $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the custom seach paths (Y/N)?"

        if($answer.ToLower() -ne "y") {

    if($OnlyTemporary) {
    else {
        $searchPathsToKeep = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]]"
        foreach($moduleFullName in $script:customSearchPaths.Keys) {
            foreach($searchPath in $script:customSearchPaths[$moduleFullName]) {
                if(($searchPath.IsGlobal) -and (-not $IncludeGlobal)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Keeping search path $($searchPath.Key) for module $moduleFullName with global state $($searchPath.IsGlobal)"
                    $oldValue = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]"

                    if($searchPathsToKeep.ContainsKey($moduleFullName)) {
                        $oldValue = $searchPathsToKeep[$moduleFullName]

                    $searchPathsToKeep[$moduleFullName] = $oldValue
                else {
                    Write-Verbose "Removing search path $($searchPath.Key) for module $moduleFullName"

        $script:customSearchPaths = $searchPathsToKeep
        Write-CustomSearchPaths -IncludeGlobal:$IncludeGlobal

function Write-CustomSearchPaths([Switch] $IncludeGlobal)
    Write the defined custom search paths to the configuration file.
    This function will write all added custom search paths to the configuration file.
    No output is returned.

    $knownTypes = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Type]"

    $localSearchPathsToWrite = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]]"
    $globalSearchPathsToWrite = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]]"
    foreach($moduleFullName in $script:customSearchPaths.Keys) {
        foreach($searchPath in $script:customSearchPaths[$moduleFullName]) {
            if(-not $searchPath.IsTemporary) {
                $oldValue = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]"
                if($searchPath.IsGlobal) {
                    if($globalSearchPathsToWrite.ContainsKey($moduleFullName)) {
                        $oldValue = $globalSearchPathsToWrite[$moduleFullName]

                    $globalSearchPathsToWrite[$moduleFullName] = $oldValue
                else {
                    if($localSearchPathsToWrite.ContainsKey($moduleFullName)) {
                        $oldValue = $localSearchPathsToWrite[$moduleFullName]

                    $localSearchPathsToWrite[$moduleFullName] = $oldValue
    Write-Verbose "Writing $($localSearchPathsToWrite.Count) local search paths"
    Write-CustomSearchPathsToFile $script:localSearchPathsFileLocation $localSearchPathsToWrite

    if($IncludeGlobal) {
            Write-Verbose "Writing $($globalSearchPathsToWrite.Count) global search paths"
            Write-CustomSearchPathsToFile $script:globalSearchPathsFileLocation $globalSearchPathsToWrite
            if($globalSearchPathsToWrite.Count -gt 0) {
                Write-Warning "Unable to write global configuration file $($script:globalSearchPathsFileLocation)"

function Write-CustomSearchPathsToFile([string] $FilePath, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, System.Collections.Generic.List[EnvironmentModuleCore.SearchPath]]] $SearchPaths)
    Write the defined custom search paths to the given configuration file.
    This function will write all added custom search paths to the given configuration file.
    No output is returned.

    $serializer = New-Object "System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer" -ArgumentList $SearchPaths.GetType(), $knownTypes
    $fileStream = $null
    try {
        $fileStream = New-Object "System.IO.FileStream" -ArgumentList $FilePath, ([System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
        $writer = $null
        try {
            $writer = New-Object "System.IO.StreamWriter" -ArgumentList $fileStream, ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
            $xmlWriter = $null
            try {
                $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlTextWriter]($writer)
                $xmlWriter.Formatting = [System.Xml.Formatting]::Indented
                $serializer.WriteObject($xmlWriter, $SearchPaths)
            finally {
                if($null -ne $xmlWriter) {
        finally {
            if($null -ne $writer) {
    finally {
        if($null -ne $fileStream) {