.SYNOPSIS Recurses an error record or exception object to flatten nested objects. .DESCRIPTION Loops through information caught in catch blocks; from an ErrorRecord (and its InvocationInfo), to Exception, and InnerException. .PARAMETER ErrorRecord An error record or exception. By default the last error is used. .PARAMETER AsString Return an array of strings for printable output. By default we return an array of objects. .PARAMETER Reverse Returns items from outermost to innermost. By default we return items innermost to outermost. .INPUTS By default the last error; otherwise any error record or exception can be passed in by pipeline or first parameter. .OUTPUTS An array of objects, or an array of strings. .EXAMPLE Resolve-Error Returns an array of nested objects describing the last error. .EXAMPLE $_ | Resolve-Error -AsString Returns an array of strings describing the error in $_. #> function Resolve-Error { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $ErrorRecord = $null, [switch] $AsString, [switch] $Reverse ) if (!$ErrorRecord) { # This is a bit iffy, if it's a nested module it needs $_ as $Error will not be populated yet. # If it's not a nested module then it needs a Get-Variable -Scope 2 $ErrorRecord = (Get-Variable -Name Error -Scope 2).Value | Select -First 1 <# if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { $ErrorRecord = $Error[0] } else { $ErrorRecord = $_ } #> } $records = @() if ($ErrorRecord.psobject.Properties["InnerException"] -and $ErrorRecord.InnerException) { $records += Resolve-Error $ErrorRecord.InnerException } if ($ErrorRecord.psobject.Properties["Exception"] -and $ErrorRecord.Exception) { $records += Resolve-Error $ErrorRecord.Exception } if ($ErrorRecord.psobject.Properties["InvocationInfo"] -and $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo) { $records += Resolve-Error $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo } $records += $ErrorRecord if ($Reverse) { $records = [Array]::Reverse($records) } if (!$AsString) { $records } else { $string = @() $first = $true $records | %{ if ($first) { $string += "=" * 40 $first = $false } else { $string += "*" * 5 } $string += $_ | Select * | Out-String } $string += "" $stack = Get-PSCallStack for ($i = $stack.Count - 1; $i -ge 1; $i--) { $string += "-" * 5 $string += "Depth: $i" $string += "Function: $($stack[$i].FunctionName)" # In some highly threaded contexts this doesn't appear? if ($stack[$i].PSObject.Properties["Arguments"]) { $string += "Arguments: $($stack[$i].Arguments)" } $string += "Line: $($stack[$i].ScriptLineNumber)" $string += "Command: $($stack[$i].Position.Text)" } $string += "" $string += "" $string += "=" * 40 $string -join [System.Environment]::NewLine } } |