
    $global:ErrorView = "Simple"

# We need to overwrite the ErrorView
# So -PrependPath, instead of FormatsToProcess
Update-FormatData -PrependPath $PSScriptRoot\ErrorView.ps1xml

function Format-Error {
            Formats an error for the screen using a custom error view
            Temporarily switches the error view and outputs the errors

            Shows the Normal error view for the most recent error
            $error[0..4] | Format-Error Full

            Shows the full error view (like using | Format-List * -Force) for the most recent 5 errors
            $error[3] | Format-Error Full -Recurse

            Shows the full error view of the specific error, recursing into the inner exceptions (if that's supported by the view)

        # The name of the ErrorView you want to use (there must a matching ConvertTo-${View}ErrorView function)
        [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
            param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
                Get-Command ConvertTo-*ErrorView -ListImported -ParameterName InputObject -ParameterType [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]
            ).Name -replace "ConvertTo-(.*)ErrorView",'$1' -like "*$($wordToComplete)*")
        $View = "Normal",

        # Error records (e.g. from $Error). Defaults to the most recent error: $Error[0]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$InputObject = $(
            $e = $global:Error[0]
            if ($e -is ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])) { $e }
            elseif ($e.ErrorRecord -is ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])) { $e.ErrorRecord }
            elseif ($global:Error.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "The global `$Error collection is empty" }

        # Allows ErrorView functions to recurse to InnerException
    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
        $View, $global:ErrorView = $ErrorView, $View
        [bool]$Recurse, [bool]$global:ErrorViewRecurse = [bool]$global:ErrorViewRecurse, $Recurse
    process {
    end {
        [bool]$global:ErrorViewRecurse = $Recurse
        $global:ErrorView = $View

function Set-ErrorView {
            A helper function to provide tab-completion for error view names

        # The name of the ErrorView you want to use (there must a matching ConvertTo-${View}ErrorView function)
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ArgumentCompleter( {
                param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
                        Get-Command ConvertTo-*ErrorView -ListImported -ParameterName InputObject -ParameterType [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]
                    ).Name -replace "ConvertTo-(.*)ErrorView", '$1' -like "*$($wordToComplete)*")
        $View = "Normal"
    $global:ErrorView = $View

function Write-NativeCommandError {

    if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage") { return }

    $myinv = $InputObject.InvocationInfo
    if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand) {
        switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType ) {
            ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript) {
                if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path) {
                    $myinv.MyCommand.Path + " : "
            ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script) {
                if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock) {
                    $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + " : "
            default {
                if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&amp;\.]?$') {
                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name) {
                        $myinv.MyCommand.Name + " : "
                } else {
                    $myinv.InvocationName + " : "
    } elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName) {
        $myinv.InvocationName + " : "

function ConvertTo-CategoryErrorView {


function ConvertTo-SimpleErrorView {

    if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage") {
    } else {
        $myinv = $InputObject.InvocationInfo
        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($InputObject.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {
            # rip off lines that say "At line:1 char:1" (hopefully, in a language agnostic way)
            $posmsg  = $myinv.PositionMessage -replace "^At line:1 .*[\r\n]+"
            # rip off the underline and instead, put >>>markers<<< around the important bit
            # we could, instead, set the background to a highlight color?
            $pattern = $posmsg -split "[\r\n]+" -match "\+( +~+)\s*" -replace '(~+)', '($1)' -replace '( +)','($1)' -replace '~| ','.'
            $posmsg  = $posmsg -replace '[\r\n]+\+ +~+'
            if ($pattern) {
                $posmsg  = $posmsg -replace "\+$pattern", '+ $1>>>$2<<<'
        } else {
            $posmsg = ""

        if ($posmsg -ne "") {
            $posmsg = "`n" + $posmsg

        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $InputObject.PSMessageDetails } ) {
            $posmsg = " : " + $InputObject.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg

        $indent = 4
        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2

        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $InputObject.OriginInfo }
        if (($null -ne $originInfo) -and ($null -ne $originInfo.PSComputerName)) {
            $indentString = "+ PSComputerName : " + $originInfo.PSComputerName
            $posmsg += "`n"
            foreach ($line in @($indentString -split "(.{$width})")) {
                if ($line) {
                    $posmsg += (" " * $indent + $line)

        if (!$InputObject.ErrorDetails -or !$InputObject.ErrorDetails.Message) {
            $InputObject.Exception.Message + $posmsg + "`n "
        } else {
            $InputObject.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg

function ConvertTo-NormalErrorView {

    if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage") {
    } else {
        $myinv = $InputObject.InvocationInfo
        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($InputObject.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {
            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage
        } else {
            $posmsg = ""

        if ($posmsg -ne "") {
            $posmsg = "`n" + $posmsg

        if ( &{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $InputObject.PSMessageDetails } ) {
            $posmsg = " : " +  $InputObject.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg

        $indent = 4
        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2

        $errorCategoryMsg = &{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $InputObject.ErrorCategory_Message }
        if ($null -ne $errorCategoryMsg) {
            $indentString = "+ CategoryInfo : " + $InputObject.ErrorCategory_Message
        } else {
            $indentString = "+ CategoryInfo : " + $InputObject.CategoryInfo
        $posmsg += "`n"
        foreach ($line in @($indentString -split "(.{$width})")) {
            if ($line) {
                $posmsg += (" " * $indent + $line)

        $indentString = "+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : " + $InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId
        $posmsg += "`n"
        foreach ($line in @($indentString -split "(.{$width})")) {
            if ($line) {
                $posmsg += (" " * $indent + $line)

        $originInfo = &{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $InputObject.OriginInfo }
        if (($null -ne $originInfo) -and ($null -ne $originInfo.PSComputerName)) {
            $indentString = "+ PSComputerName : " + $originInfo.PSComputerName
            $posmsg += "`n"
            foreach ($line in @($indentString -split "(.{$width})")) {
                if ($line) {
                    $posmsg += (" " * $indent + $line)

        if (!$InputObject.ErrorDetails -or !$InputObject.ErrorDetails.Message) {
            $InputObject.Exception.Message + $posmsg + "`n "
        } else {
            $InputObject.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg

function ConvertTo-FullErrorView {

    $Detail = $InputObject | Format-List * -Force | Out-String

    # NOTE: ErrorViewRecurse is normally false, and only set temporarily by Format-Error -Recurse
    if ($ErrorViewRecurse) {
        $Count = 1
        $Exception = $InputObject.Exception
        while ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException) {
            $Detail += "`nINNER EXCEPTION $($Count): $($Exception.GetType().FullName)`n`n"
            $Detail += $Exception | Format-List * -Force | Out-String