
Function Get-OracleVirtualBox {
            Get the current version and download URL for the XenServer tools.

            Author: Trond Eirik Haavarstein
            Twitter: @xenappblog


            Returns the latest verison and downloads for each operating system.

    # Get latest VirtualBox version
    $Version = Invoke-WebContent -Uri $script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.Uri
    $Version -match $script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.MatchVersion | Out-Null
    $Version = $Matches[0]
    Write-Verbose "$($script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.DownloadUri)$Version/"
    # Get the content from the latest downloads folder
    $iwrParams = @{
        Uri             = "$($script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.DownloadUri)$Version/"
        UserAgent       = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::Chrome
        UseBasicParsing = $True
        ErrorAction     = $script:resourceStrings.Preferences.ErrorAction
    $Downloads = Invoke-WebRequest @iwrParams

    # Filter downloads with the version string and the file types we want
    $RegExVersion = $Version -replace ("\.", "\.")
    $MatchExtensions = $script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.MatchExtensions -replace "Version", $RegExVersion
    $Links = $Downloads.Links.outerHTML | Select-String -Pattern $MatchExtensions

    # Construct an array with the version number and each download
    ForEach ($link in $Links) {
        $link -match $script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.MatchDownloadFile | Out-Null
        $PSObject = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Version  = $Version
            Platform = "Platform"
            URI      = "$($script:resourceStrings.Applications.OracleVirtualBox.DownloadUri)$Version/$($Matches[1])"
        Switch ($PSObject.URI.Substring($PSObject.URI.Length - 3)) {
            "exe" {
                $PSObject.Platform = "Windows"
            "dmg" {
                $PSObject.Platform = "macOS"
            "deb" {
                $PSObject.Platform = "Debian"
            "rpm" {
                $PSObject.Platform = "RedHat"
            Default {
                $PSObject.Platform = "Unknown"
        Write-Output -InputObject $PSObject