
Function Get-Cyberduck {
            Get the current version and download URIs for Cyberduck for Windows.

            Author: Aaron Parker
            Twitter: @stealthpuppy


            Get the current version and download URIs for Cyberduck for Windows - Stable, Beta and Nightly.


    # Get application resource strings from its manifest
    $res = Get-FunctionResource -AppName ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Split("-"))[1]
    Write-Verbose -Message $res.Name

    # Walk through each update URI (Stable, Beta and Nightly)
    ForEach ($release in $res.Get.Uri.GetEnumerator()) {
        # Query the update feed
        $iwcParams = @{
            Uri         = $res.Get.Uri[$release.key]
            ContentType = $res.Get.ContentType
            Raw         = $True
        $Content = Invoke-WebContent @iwcParams

        # Convert the update feed to an XML object
        If ($Null -ne $Content) {
            Try {
                [System.XML.XMLDocument] $xmlDocument = $Content
            Catch [System.IO.IOException] {
                Write-Warning -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): failed to convert feed into an XML object."
                Throw $_.Exception.Message
            Catch [System.Exception] {
                Throw $_
            # Build an output object by selecting entries from the feed
            If ($xmlDocument -is [System.XML.XMLDocument]) {
                $nodes = Select-Xml -Xml $xmlDocument -XPath "//enclosure" | Select-Object â€“ExpandProperty "node"

                # Output the update object
                ForEach ($node in $nodes) {
                    $PSObject = [PSCustomObject] @{
                        Version = $node.version
                        Channel = $release.Name
                        #Hash = $node.dsaSignature
                        URI     = ($node.url -replace "//", "/")
                    Write-Output -InputObject $PSObject