
Function Get-FileZilla {
            Get the current version and download URI for FileZilla for Windows.
            Author: Aaron Parker
            Twitter: @stealthpuppy
            Get the current version and download URI for FileZilla for Windows.


    # Get application resource strings from its manifest
    $res = Get-FunctionResource -AppName ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Split("-"))[1]
    Write-Verbose -Message $res.Name

    # Query the update feed
    $iwcParams = @{
        Uri                  = $res.Get.Uri
        UserAgent            = $res.Get.UserAgent
        SkipCertificateCheck = $True
        Raw                  = $True
    $Content = Invoke-WebRequestWrapper @iwcParams

    # Convert the content to an object
    try {
        $Updates = ($Content | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter $res.Get.Delimiter -Header $res.Get.Headers) | Where-Object { $_.Channel -eq $res.Get.Channel }
    catch [System.Exception] {
        Write-Warning -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): failed to convert update feed."

    # Output the object to the pipeline
    ForEach ($Update in $Updates) {
        $PSObject = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Version = $Update.Version
            Size    = $Update.Size
            Hash    = $Update.Hash
            URI     = "$($res.Get.DownloadUri)$(Split-Path -Path $Update.URI -Leaf)"
        Write-Output -InputObject $PSObject