
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID 911b3916-2a11-4e53-977b-3992fc89d977
.AUTHOR Soren Lindevang
.TAGS PowerShell Exchange Online Office 365 Logging Logs Audit Auditing Azure Automation

    Enabling mailbox audit log on all Exchange Online mailboxes. Designed for execution in Azure Automation
    No warranties. Use at your own risk.
    This script enables audit logging for all mailboxes in the connected Exchange Online tenant.
    The audit log level can be configured to either 'full' or 'default' for all tree logon types (Administrator, Delegate, Owner).
    Audit log age can be set as well.
    This script will only work in an Azure Automation runbook.
    Check out the GitHub Repo: https://github.com/soren-cloud/ExO-EnableMailboxAuditLogging
.PARAMETER AuditLogLevel
    Audit log level of all three logon types (Administrator, Delegate, Owner) to be set on all mailboxes.
    Only two valid inputs; 'Default' and 'Full'.
    'Default': The default audit log setting on mailbox creation.
    'Full': All possible actions are logged.
    List of actions to be audit logged: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff459237(v=exchg.160).aspx.
    Default value: 'Default'.
.PARAMETER AuditLogAgeLimit
    Determines how long audit log entries will be retained (in days) on all mailboxes
    Default value: 90.
.PARAMETER AutomationPSCredentialName
    Name of the Automation Credential used when connecting to Exchange Online.
    The Account should at least have "Audit Log" rights in the Exchange Online tenant.
.PARAMETER ForceUpdate
    If this switch is present, the script will force a 'Set' command, regardless of whether the log settings match the desired settings or not.
.PARAMETER EnableVerbose
     If this switch is present, 'VerbosePreference' will be set to "Continue" in the script.
     Build-in Verbose switch is not supported by Azure Automation (yet).
     Example 1: true
     Example 2: false
     Default value = false
    Version: 1.0.1
    Author: Soren Greenfort Lindevang
    Creation Date: 15.05.2018
    Purpose/Change: - Added 'EnableVerbose' switch
                    - Improved error handling
                    - Improved output formatting
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Soren Greenfort Lindevang
    Creation Date: 30.03.2018
    Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    Enable Audit Logging on all mailboxes, at default logging level and default log age limit (90 days)
    ExO-EnableMailboxAuditLogging -AutomationPSCredentialName 'ExchangeServiceAccount'
    Enable Audit Logging on all mailboxes, at full logging level and custom log age limit (180 days)
    ExO-EnableMailboxAuditLogging -AuditLogAgeLimit "Full" -AuditLogLevel 180 -AutomationPSCredentialName 'ExchangeServiceAccount'
    Enable Audit Logging on all mailboxes, at full logging level and custom log age limit (365 days). Will force a change to all mailboxes
    ExO-EnableMailboxAuditLogging -AuditLogAgeLimit "Full" -AuditLogLevel 365 -AutomationPSCredentialName 'ExchangeServiceAccount' -ForceUpdate

param (
        [string]$AuditLogLevel = "Default",

        [int]$AuditLogAgeLimit = 90,




# Test if script is running in Azure Automation
function Test-AzureAutomationEnvironment
        Write-Verbose "This script is executed in Azure Automation"
        $ErrorMessage = "This script is NOT executed in Azure Automation."
        Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed

# Connect to Exchange Online
function Connect-ExchangeOnline 
    param ($Credential,$Commands)
        Write-Output "Connecting to Exchange Online"
        Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession       
        $Session = New-PSSession â€“ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $Credential `
            -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
        Import-PSSession -Session $Session -DisableNameChecking:$true -AllowClobber:$true -CommandName $Commands | Out-Null
        Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
        Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed
    Write-Verbose "Successfully connected to Exchange Online"

# Disconnect to Exchange Online
function Disconnect-ExchangeOnline 
        Write-Output "Disconnecting from Exchange Online"
        Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession       
        Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
        Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed
    Write-Verbose "Successfully disconnected from Exchange Online"

# Stop Automation Script
function Stop-AutomationScript
        $Status = "Success"
    Write-Output ""
    if ($Status -eq "Success")
        Write-Output "Script successfully completed"
    elseif ($Status -eq "Failed")
        Write-Output "Script stopped with an Error"


if ($AuditLogLevel -eq "Default")
    $AuditOwner = "UpdateFolderPermissions"
    $AuditAdmin = "Create","FolderBind","HardDelete","Move","MoveToDeletedItems","SendAs","SendOnBehalf","SoftDelete","Update","UpdateFolderPermissions"
    $AuditDelegate = "Create","HardDelete","SendAs","SoftDelete","Update","UpdateFolderPermissions"
elseif ($AuditLogLevel -eq "Full")
    $AuditOwner = "Create","HardDelete","MailboxLogin","Move","MoveToDeletedItems","SoftDelete","Update","UpdateFolderPermissions"
    $AuditAdmin = "Copy","Create","FolderBind","HardDelete","MessageBind","Move","MoveToDeletedItems","SendAs","SendOnBehalf","SoftDelete","Update","UpdateFolderPermissions"
    $AuditDelegate = "Create","FolderBind","HardDelete","Move","MoveToDeletedItems","SendAs","SendOnBehalf","SoftDelete","Update","UpdateFolderPermissions"



Write-Output "::: Parameters :::"
Write-Output "AuditLogAgeLimit: $AuditLogAgeLimit"
Write-Output "AuditLogLevel: $AuditLogLevel"
Write-Output "ForceUpdate: $ForceUpdate"
Write-Output "AutomationPSCredentialName: $AutomationPSCredentialName"
Write-Output "EnableVerbose: $EnableVerbose"
Write-Output ""

# Handle Verbose Preference
if ($EnableVerbose -eq $true)
    $VerbosePreference = "Continue"

# Get AutomationPSCredential
Write-Output "::: Connection :::"
    Write-Output "Importing Automation Credential"
    $Credentials = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $AutomationPSCredentialName -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
    Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed
Write-Verbose "Successfully imported credentials"

# Connect to Exchange Online
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $Credentials -Commands "Set-Mailbox","Get-Mailbox"
Write-Output ""

Write-Verbose "::: Import Mailboxes :::"
# Get All Mailboxes (UserMailbox, SharedMailbox, EquipmentMailbox, RoomMailbox)
    Write-Verbose "Importing list of mailboxes"
    $Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox,SharedMailbox,EquipmentMailbox,RoomMailbox,DiscoveryMailbox -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
    Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed
Write-Verbose "Successfully imported list of mailboxes"

if (!$Mailboxes)
    $ErrorMessage = "No mailboxes found!"
    Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed

# Filter mailboxes in scope for processing
$LogAgeTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Days $AuditLogAgeLimit
if ($ForceUpdate)
    $MailboxesToProcess = $Mailboxes
        Write-Verbose "Filtering mailboxes in scope for processing"
        $MailboxesToProcess = $Mailboxes | Where-Object {($_.AuditLogAgeLimit -ne $LogAgeTimeSpan) -or (Compare-Object $_.AuditOwner $AuditOwner) -or `
            (Compare-Object $_.AuditAdmin $AuditAdmin) -or (Compare-Object $_.AuditDelegate $AuditDelegate)}
        Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
        Stop-AutomationScript -Status Failed
    Write-Verbose "Successfully filtered mailboxes"
Write-Verbose ""

#Process Mailboxes
Write-Output "::: Process Mailboxes :::"
Write-Output "Mailboxes to process: $($MailboxesToProcess.count)"
$count = $null
Foreach ($Mailbox in $MailboxesToProcess)
        Write-Verbose "Mailbox: $count/$($MailboxesToProcess.count) - $($Mailbox.UserPrincipalName)"
        $Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -AuditEnabled $true -AuditOwner $AuditOwner -AuditAdmin $AuditAdmin -AuditDelegate $AuditDelegate `
            -AuditLogAgeLimit $AuditLogAgeLimit -Force
        Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
Write-Verbose "Processing completed"

Stop-AutomationScript -Status Success