
function Connect-ExceedioExchangeOnline {
    Connects to Exchange Online.
    .PARAMETER UserPrincipalName
    Username in username@contoso.com format.
    .PARAMETER DelegatedOrganization
    Domain name in contoso.com format.
    Connect-ExceedioExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName alice@contoso.com -DelegatedOrganization fabrikam.com
    This is a helper function for Connect-ExchangeOnline which is part of the Exchange Online PowerShell V2
    module. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/connect-exchangeonline?view=exchange-ps
    for details about that function.

    param (
    $module = Get-InstalledModule -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
    if ($null -eq $module -or $module.Version -lt '2.0.5') {
        Write-Warning "Module ExchangeOnlineManagement doesn't exist or is out of date; Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowClobber -Force"
    Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -DelegatedOrganization $DelegatedOrganization

function Get-ExceedioSafeLinksPolicy {
    Retrieves and audits the default Safe Links policy and lists the recipient(s) and/or recipient domain(s)
    that the policy applies to.
    Use Get-SafeLinksPolicy from the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to see all details for a specific
    Safe Links policy.

    $policy = Get-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity Default
    if (-not $policy) {
        Write-Warning "No Safe Links policy named 'Default' exists"
    $rule = $policy | Get-SafeLinksRule
    Write-Output ("[*] Name is 'Default' : {0}" -f ($policy.Name -eq 'Default' ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Policy enabled : {0}" -f ($policy.IsEnabled ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Email links are scanned : {0}" -f ($policy.ScanUrls ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Email scanned before delivery : {0}" -f ($policy.DeliverMessageAfterScan ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Teams links are scanned : {0}" -f ($policy.EnableSafeLinksForTeams ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Click through is disabled : {0}" -f ($policy.DoNotAllowClickThrough ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Clicks are tracked : {0}" -f (-not $policy.DoNotTrackUserClicks ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Internal senders excluded : {0}" -f (-not $policy.EnableForInternalSenders ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] No special branding : {0}" -f (-not $policy.EnableOrganizationBranding ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Recipient address(es) : {0}" -f $rule.SentTo)
    Write-Output ("[*] Recipient domain(s) : {0}" -f $rule.RecipientDomainIs)

function New-ExceedioSafeLinksPolicy {
    Creates a standard Safe Links policy and applies it to recipient(s) or recipient domain(s).
    The name of the policy. Defaults to 'Default'
    .PARAMETER Users
    Comma-separated list of recipients that the policy applies to.
    .PARAMETER Users
    Comma-separated list of domain names that the policy applies to.
    New-ExceedioSafeLinksPolicy -Users pilotuser1@fabrikam.com,pilotuser2@fabrikam.com
    New-ExceedioSafeLinksPolicy -Domains fabrikam.com
    Running this after the first time will overwrite the existing policy with the same name. Normally
    you would run this first to set up a list of pilot users and then run it again at the end of the
    pilot to apply to the entire domain.

    param (
        $Name = 'Default',
    if (-not $Users -and -not $Domains) {
        Write-Warning "You must specify either -Users or -Domains; both cannot be empty"
    if (Get-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        Write-Warning "A policy named '$Name' exists"
        Write-Output "Do you want to overwrite the existing policy '$Name' with a new policy?"
        Write-Host '[Y] Yes [N] No (Default is "N"): ' -NoNewline
        $answer = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey()
        if ($answer.Character -ine 'Y') {
        } else {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "Removing existing policy..."
            Remove-SafeLinksRule -Identity "$Name" -Confirm:$false
            Remove-SafeLinksPolicy -Identity "$Name" -Confirm:$false
    $policy = New-SafeLinksPolicy `
        -Name "$Name" `
        -DeliverMessageAfterScan $true `
        -DoNotAllowClickThrough $true `
        -DoNotTrackUserClicks $false `
        -EnableForInternalSenders $false `
        -EnableOrganizationBranding $false `
        -EnableSafeLinksForTeams $true `
        -IsEnabled $true `
        -ScanUrls $true
    if ($policy -and $Users) {
        New-SafeLinksRule `
            -Name "$Name" `
            -SafeLinksPolicy "$Name" `
            -SentTo $Users `
            | Out-Null
    } elseif ($policy -and $Domains) {
        New-SafeLinksRule `
            -Name "$Name" `
            -SafeLinksPolicy "$Name" `
            -RecipientDomainIs $Domains `
            | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Policy '$Name' successfully created; Use Get-ExceedioSafeLinksPolicy to audit"

function Get-ExceedioSafeAttachmentPolicy {
    Retrieves and audits the default Safe Attachment policy and lists the recipient(s) and/or recipient domain(s)
    that the policy applies to.
    Use Get-SafeAttachmentPolicy from the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to see all details for a specific
    Safe Attachment policy.

    $policy = Get-SafeAttachmentPolicy -Identity Default
    if (-not $policy) {
        Write-Warning "No Safe Attachment policy named 'Default' exists"
    $rule = $policy | Get-SafeAttachmentRule
    Write-Output ("[*] Name is 'Default' : {0}" -f ($policy.Name -eq 'Default' ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Policy enabled : {0}" -f ($policy.Enable ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Action is dynamic delivery : {0}" -f ($policy.Action -eq 'DynamicDelivery' ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Scan timeout is 30 : {0}" -f ($policy.ScanTimeout -eq 30 ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Operation mode is Delay : {0}" -f ($policy.OperationMode -eq 'Delay' ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Action on error is true : {0}" -f ($policy.ActionOnError ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Redirect is false : {0}" -f (-not $policy.Redirect ? "OK" : "ERR"))
    Write-Output ("[*] Recipient address(es) : {0}" -f $rule.SentTo)
    Write-Output ("[*] Recipient domain(s) : {0}" -f $rule.RecipientDomainIs)

function New-ExceedioSafeAttachmentPolicy {
    Creates a standard Safe Attachment policy and applies it to recipient(s) or recipient domain(s).
    The name of the policy. Defaults to 'Default'
    .PARAMETER Users
    Comma-separated list of recipients that the policy applies to.
    .PARAMETER Users
    Comma-separated list of domain names that the policy applies to.
    New-ExceedioSafeAttachmentPolicy -Users pilotuser1@fabrikam.com,pilotuser2@fabrikam.com
    New-ExceedioSafeAttachmentPolicy -Domains fabrikam.com
    Running this after the first time will overwrite the existing policy with the same name. Normally
    you would run this first to set up a list of pilot users and then run it again at the end of the
    pilot to apply to the entire domain.

    param (
        $Name = 'Default',
    if (-not $Users -and -not $Domains) {
        Write-Warning "You must specify either -Users or -Domains; both cannot be empty"
    if (Get-SafeAttachmentPolicy -Identity $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        Write-Warning "A policy named '$Name' exists"
        Write-Output "Do you want to overwrite the existing policy '$Name' with a new policy?"
        Write-Host '[Y] Yes [N] No (Default is "N"): ' -NoNewline
        $answer = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey()
        if ($answer.Character -ine 'Y') {
        } else {
            Write-Output ""
            Write-Output "Removing existing policy..."
            Remove-SafeAttachmentRule -Identity "$Name" -Confirm:$false
            Remove-SafeAttachmentPolicy -Identity "$Name" -Confirm:$false
    $policy = New-SafeAttachmentPolicy `
        -Name "$Name" `
        -Enable $true `
        -Redirect $false `
        -Action DynamicDelivery `
        -ActionOnError $true
    if ($policy -and $Users) {
        New-SafeAttachmentRule `
            -Name "$Name" `
            -SafeAttachmentPolicy "$Name" `
            -SentTo $Users `
            | Out-Null
    } elseif ($policy -and $Domains) {
        New-SafeAttachmentRule `
            -Name "$Name" `
            -SafeAttachmentPolicy "$Name" `
            -RecipientDomainIs $Domains `
            | Out-Null
    Write-Output "Policy '$Name' successfully created; Use Get-ExceedioSafeAttachmentPolicy to audit"