
function Import-ExcelSpreadSheet {
    Converts an Excel xlsx file to either CSV or a Markdown Table
    Authoring tables in Markdown can be a little tedious, so with this
    tool you can maintain your table in excel and convert it to either
    markdown or CSV format
    This will seek for a default file path of C:\test\Book1.xlsx and
    using the default spreadsheet name of Sheet1 will convert the
    Spreadsheet into a Markdown table
    Import-ExcelSpreadSheet -Format Csv
    This will seek for a default file path of C:\test\Book1.xlsx and
    using the default spreadsheet name of Sheet1 will convert the
    Spreadsheet into a CSV formatted output
    Import-ExcelSpreadSheet -ExcelFilePath c:\test\table.xlsx -SpreadSheetName Sheet2 -Format Markdowntable
    This will use the file path of C:\test\table.xlsx and using the
    spreadsheet name of Sheet2 will convert the spreadsheet into
    a Markdown table output
  .PARAMETER ExcelFilePath
    Points to the location of the Excel spreadsheet
  .PARAMETER SpreadSheetName
    Determines which of the sheets will be used to extract the data
    Gives the choice either MarkdownTable or CSV output
    General notes
      Created By: Brent Denny
      Created On: 28-Apr-2022
      Last Modified: 01-May-2022
      Version Date Details
      ------- ---- -------
       v0.0.0 28-Apr-2022 Created initial concept
       v0.1.0 01-May-2022 Added the formatting code to convert to csv or markdown

  Param (
    [string]$ExcelFilePath = 'C:\test\Book1.xlsx',
    [string]$SpreadSheetName = 'Sheet1',
    [string]$Format = 'MarkdownTable'
  function Convert-CsvToMarkdownTable {
    Param ([string[]]$CSV)
    $Header = ($CSV[0]) -replace '\,','|' -replace '"',''
    $TableLine = ($CSV[0]) -replace '\,','|' -replace '"','' -replace '[^|]+','---'
    $TableData = ($CSV ) -replace '\,','|' -replace '"','' | Select-Object -Skip 1
    Write-Output $Header
    Write-Output $TableLine
    Write-Output $TableData

  if (Test-Path -Path $ExcelFilePath) {
    [array]$ConvertedObj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
    $ExcelObj  = New-Object -ComObject 'Excel.Application'
    $Workbook  = $ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open($ExcelFilePath)
    $WorkSheet = $Workbook.Sheets.Item($SpreadSheetName)
    $Cells     = $WorkSheet.Cells
    $ColumnPos = 0
    $KeyPath = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main'
    try {
      if ((Test-Path $KeyPath) -eq $false) {New-Item $KeyPath -force -ErrorAction stop}
      Set-ItemProperty -Path $KeyPath -Name 'DisableFirstRunCustomize' -Value 1 -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {break}
    [string[]]$Headers = @()
    do {
      If ($Cells[1,$ColumnPos].Text -ne '') {$Headers += $Cells[1,$ColumnPos].Text}
      else { break }
    } while ($Cells[1,$ColumnPos].Text -ne '')
    $Row = 2
    do {
      $ColNum = 0
      $HashTable = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
      foreach ($Header in $Headers) {
        $Value = $Cells[$Row,$ColNum].Text
      $RowObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $HashTable
      if ($Row -eq 2) {$ConvertedObj = $RowObject } 
      else {$ConvertedObj += $RowObject }
    } until ($Cells[$Row,1].Text -eq '')
    $Output = if ($Format -eq 'CSV') {$ConvertedObj | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation} 
              elseif ($Format -eq 'MarkdownTable') { Convert-CsvToMarkdownTable -CSV ($ConvertedObj | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation) }
    return ($Output) 