
function Wait-JobCompleteWithOutput {
        Waits until job(s) are completed and has delivered the output
        Waits until job(s) are completed and has delivered the output
        Job(s) to wait for
        PS C:\> Assert-RSJobCompleteWithOutput -Job $jobs
        Returns true when all jobs are finished

    param (

    foreach ($item in $Job) {
        if($item.State -like "Completed" -and $item.HasMoreData -and -not $item.Output.Count) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Runspace job '$($' is in state '$($item.state)' but did not delivered output data. Waiting for output"
            while (-not $item.Output) {
                # do nothing, check again. tooks usally arround 50-100ms