
# ExPS (ExchangePowerShell) Powershell Module
# Author: Pietro Ciaccio | LinkedIn: | Twitter: @PietroCiac
# Pre-requisites: Exchange Server 2016 Exchange Management Shell

function Test-ExPSExchangeModule() {
        Checks if the powershell session has the Exchange 2016 powershell module loaded.
        Checks if the powershell session has the Exchange 2016 powershell module loaded.

    Param (
    Process {
        if (!($env:ExchangeInstallPath)) {
            throw "Exchange Server 2016 system variable ExchangeInstallPath missing."

        if ($env:ExchangeInstallPath -notmatch '\\V15\\') {
            throw "Exchange Server 2016 powershell module not detected."

        try {
            $cmd = $null; $cmd = get-command 'get-mailbox' -erroraction stop
        } catch {
            $invexpr = ". '$env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -ClientApplication:ManagementShell"
            Invoke-Expression $invexpr


function Start-ExPSTimer {
        Displays a timer. Used for waiting.
        Displays a timer. Used for waiting.
    .PARAMETER Seconds
        Specify the number of seconds to wait.

    Param (
    $current = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
    For ($i = $seconds; $i -ge 0 ;$i--) {
        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        #write-progress "Waiting" -Status "$i seconds" -PercentComplete $(($i / $seconds) * 100)
        write-host " " -NoNewline
        if (($seconds.tostring().length - $i.tostring().length) -gt 0) {
            for ($x = 0; $x -lt  $seconds.tostring().length - $i.tostring().length; $x++) {
                write-host "0" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
        write-host $i"s." -ForegroundColor yellow -nonewline
        start-sleep -s 1

function Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity {
        Checks an Exchange 2016 servers identity.
        Checks an Exchange 2016 servers identity.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.

    Param (

    Process {        
        # Validate Exchange Server
        if ($input) {
            if ($ -ne "ms-Exch-Exchange-Server"){
                throw "Unable to validate Exchange server identity."
            } else {
                $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input

        if (!($input)) {
            if ($identity.gettype().fullname -ne "System.String") {
                throw "Unable to use parameter 'Identity' of type '$($identity.gettype().fullname)'." 
            } else {
                try {
                    $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Get-ExchangeServer -Identity $identity -erroraction stop
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message

        write-host $ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper() -ForegroundColor yellow

        if ($ExchangeServer.Admindisplayversion.major -ne "15") {
            write-warning "Exchange version '$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.major)' unsupported. Cmdlet supports Exchange major version 15. There may be issues."

        return $ExchangeServer

function Test-ExPSMailboxIdentity {
        Checks an Exchange 2016 mailboxes identity.
        Checks an Exchange 2016 mailboxes identity.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the mailbox. This can be piped from Get-Mailbox or specified explicitly using a string.

    Param (

    Process {        
        # Validate Mailbox
        if ($input) {
            if ($input.recipienttype -ne "usermailbox"){
                throw "Unable to validate mailbox identity."
            } else {
                $Mailbox = $null; $Mailbox = $input

        if (!($input)) {
            if ($identity.gettype().fullname -ne "System.String") {
                throw "Unable to use parameter 'Identity' of type '$($identity.gettype().fullname)'." 
            } else {
                try {
                    $Mailbox = $null; $Mailbox = get-mailbox -Filter "samaccountname -eq ""$identity""" -erroraction stop
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message

        if ($($Mailbox | measure).count -gt 1) {
            throw "Too many search results found for samaccountname '$identity'."

        write-host $Mailbox.samaccountname.toupper() -ForegroundColor yellow

        if ($Mailbox.Admindisplayversion.major -ne "15") {
            write-warning "Mailbox version unsupported. Cmdlet supports Exchange major version 15. There may be issues."

        return $Mailbox

function Test-ExPSDate {
        Checks date format for cmdlets.
        Checks date format for cmdlets

    Param (

    Process {        
        # validate date time
        if ($date.gettype().fullname -ne "System.DateTime") {
            try {
                $date = $date.tostring()
                if ($date -match "\D") {
                    throw "DateTime and numerical value formats supported only."
                switch ($date.length) {
                    7           {$date = "0" + $date}
                    13          {$date = "0" + $date}
                    default     {}
                switch ($date.length) {
                    8           {$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,'ddMMyyyy',$null)}
                    14          {$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,'ddMMyyyyHHmmss',$null)}
                    default     {throw "Unsupported date provided. Must be ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss. E.g. 15112019150329 for 15th November 2019 15:03:29."}
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        if ($date.gettype().fullname -ne "System.DateTime") {
            throw "'Date' format is unsupported. This must be of format System.DateTime or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss."

        return $Date

function OutputObj ($identity,$user,$found,$type,$displayname,$objectguid,$distinguishedname,$Membership) {
    $Domain = $null
    if ($DistinguishedName) {
        $Domain = $DistinguishedName.substring($DistinguishedName.indexof('dc=',[StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")+3,$DistinguishedName.length - $DistinguishedName.indexof('dc=',[StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")-3)
        $Domain = $($Domain -replace ",dc=",".").toupper()
        "Identity" = $Identity
        "User" = $user
        "Domain" = $Domain
        "Found" = $found
        "Type" = $Type
        "DisplayName" = $displayname
        "ObjectGUID" = $objectguid
        "DistinguishedName" = $distinguishedname
        "Membership" = $Membership

function Get-ExPSPermUsers () {
        Gets all users including nested users from groups.
        Gets all users including nested users from groups.
        Specify the identity of the object.

    Param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)][PSCustomObject]$Membership = $null

    Process {

        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $Identity = $null; $Identity = $input
        $IDObj = $null;
        if ($identity.gettype().fullname -eq "System.String") {            
            switch -regex ($identity) {
                "^S-"                                {
                    # SID
                    try {
                        $ADData | . { process {
                            if ($identity -match $_.domainsid.value) {
                                if ($_.domain -eq $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) {
                                    $IDObj = Get-ADObject -Filter {objectsid -eq $identity} -Properties samaccountname,displayname
                                } else {
                                    $IDObj = Get-ADObject -Filter {objectsid -eq $identity} -Properties samaccountname,displayname -Server $
                    } catch {}
                "^\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}$"  {
                    # GUID
                    try {
                        $IDObj = Get-ADObject $identity -Properties samaccountname,displayname
                    } catch {}
                "dc=\w+$"                           {
                    # Distinguishedname
                    try {
                        $Domain = $null;
                        $Domain = $identity.substring($identity.indexof('dc=',[StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")+3,$identity.length - $identity.indexof('dc=',[StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")-3)
                        $Domain = $Domain -replace ",dc=","."
                        if ($Domain -eq $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) {
                            $IDObj = Get-ADObject $identity -Properties samaccountname,displayname
                        } else {
                            $IDObj = Get-ADObject $identity -Properties samaccountname,displayname -Server $Domain
                    } catch {}
                default {
                    # samaccountname
                    try {
                        $IDObj = Get-ADObject -Filter {samaccountname -eq $identity} -Properties samaccountname,displayname
                    } catch {}            

        if ($IDObj) {
            switch ($IDObj.objectclass) {
                "group"         {
                    # Group
                    $IDObj | Get-ADGroup -Properties members | select -ExpandProperty members | . { process {
                        $Mems = $null
                        if ($Membership -ne $null) {
                            $Mems += $Membership + " > $($IDObj.samaccountname)"
                        } else {
                            $Mems = "$($IDObj.samaccountname)"
                        Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $MBXSamaccountname -Identity $_ -Type $Type -ADData $ADData -Membership $Mems
                "user"          {
                    # User
                    OutputObj $MBXSamaccountname $IDObj.samaccountname $true $Type $IDObj.displayname $IDObj.objectguid $IDObj.distinguishedname $Membership
                default         {}
        } else {
            OutputObj $MBXSamaccountname $identity $false $Type $null $null $null $null


function Get-ExPSMailboxPermission {
        Gets a list of user objects that have permissions on a mailbox.
        Gets a list of user objects that have permissions on a mailbox. The cmdlet also expands any groups including nested groups. Permissions are collected from -
        - Full Access
        - Send As
        - Send on Behalf
        - Inbox
        - Calendar
        Please note, self and inherited permissions are excluded from the results. If no switches are used the cmdlet will get all permission types.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the mailbox. This can be piped from Get-Mailbox or specified explicitly using a string.
    .PARAMETER FullAccess
        Specify whether to get full access permissions.
        Specify whether to get send as permissions.
    .PARAMETER SendOnBehalf
        Specify whether to get send on behalf permissions.
    .PARAMETER Inbox
        Specify whether to get Inbox permissions.
    .PARAMETER Calendar
        Specify whether to get Calendar permissions.

    Param (

    Process {

        if ($FullAccess -eq $false -and $SendAs -eq $false -and $SendOnBehalf -eq $false -and $Inbox -eq $false -and $Calendar -eq $false ) {
            $FullAccess = $true
            $SendAs = $true
            $SendOnBehalf = $true
            $Inbox = $true
            $Calendar = $true

        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $Mailbox = $null; $Mailbox = $input | Test-ExPSMailboxIdentity
        } else {
            $Mailbox = $null; $Mailbox = Test-ExPSMailboxIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # Getting AD environment information

        $ADData = $null; $ADData = @()
        # Check for domains
        $Domains = $null;
        try {
            $Domains = (Get-ADForest).domains | % {Get-ADDomain $_} | select dnsroot,distinguishedname,domainsid
            $Domains | . { process {
                $ADData += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "DomainSID" = $_.domainsid
                    "Domain" = $_.dnsroot
                    "Target" = $_.dnsroot
        } catch {
            throw "Unable to get AD forest or domain information."

        # Check for trusts
        $Trusts = $null;
        $Domains = $null;
        try {
            $Trusts = Get-adtrust -Filter * -Properties trustpartner,target,securityidentifier | ? {$_.direction -match "^inbound$|^BiDirectional$"} | select trustpartner,target,securityidentifier
            $Trusts | . { process {
                $ADData += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "DomainSID" = $_.securityidentifier
                    "Domain" = $_.trustpartner
                    "Target" = $
        } catch {
            throw "Unable to get AD trust information."

        # Get full mailbox permissions
        try { 
            if ($FullAccess) {
                $FullAccessRes = $null;
                $FullAccessRes = $Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission -erroraction stop | ? {$_.isinherited -eq $false -AND $_.user.securityidentifier -notmatch "S-1-5-10" -AND $_.accessrights -match "fullaccess" -and $_.deny -match "false"}
        } catch {
            write-warning "Issue getting full access mailbox permissions. $($_.exception.message)"

        if ($FullAccessRes) {
            $FullAccessRes.user.securityidentifier.value | . { process {
                Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $mailbox.samaccountname -Identity $_ -Type "FullAccess" -ADData $ADData        

        # Get Send As permissions
        try {
            if ($SendAs){
                $SendAS = $null;
                $SendASRes = $Mailbox | Get-ADPermission | ? {$_.extendedrights -match "send-as" -and $_.isinherited -match "false" -and $_.user.securityidentifier -notmatch "S-1-5-10"  -and $_.deny -match "false"}            
        } catch {
            write-warning "Issue getting send as permissions. $($_.exception.message)"

        if ($SendAsRes) {
            $SendAsRes.user.securityidentifier.value | . { process {
                Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $mailbox.samaccountname -Identity $_ -Type "SendAs" -ADData $ADData             

        # Get public delegates
        try {
            if ($SendOnBehalf){
                $SOB = $null;
                $SOB = $Mailbox.grantsendonbehalfto
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Issue getting send on behalf permissions. $($_.exception.message)"

        if ($SOB) {
            $SOB | . { process {
                Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $mailbox.samaccountname -Identity $_.objectguid.guid -Type "SendOnBehalf" -ADData $ADData             

        # Inbox permissions
        try {
            if ($Inbox) {
                $InboxRes = $null;
                $InboxRes = get-mailboxfolderpermission "$($Mailbox.primarysmtpaddress):\inbox"  | ? {$_.user -notmatch "anonymous|default" -and $_.accessrights -ne "none"}
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Issue getting inbox folder permissions. $($_.exception.message)"

        if ($InboxRes) {
            $InboxRes | . { process {
                if ($_.user.usertype -eq "internal") {
                    Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $mailbox.samaccountname -identity $_.user.adrecipient.sid.value -Type "Inbox $($_.accessrights[0].tostring())" -ADData $ADData
                } else {
                    OutputObj $Mailbox.samaccountname $_.user.displayname $false "Calendar $($_.accessrights[0].tostring())" $null $null $null $null 

        # Calendar permissions
        try {
            if ($Calendar) {
                $CalendarRes = $null;
                $CalendarRes = get-mailboxfolderpermission "$($Mailbox.primarysmtpaddress):\calendar"  | ? {$_.user -notmatch "anonymous|default" -and $_.accessrights -ne "none"}
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Issue getting inbox folder permissions. $($_.exception.message)"

        if ($CalendarRes) {
            $CalendarRes | . { process {
                if ($_.user.usertype -eq "internal") {
                    Get-ExPSPermUsers -MBXSamaccountname $mailbox.samaccountname -identity $_.user.adrecipient.sid.value -Type "Calendar $($_.accessrights[0].tostring())" -ADData $ADData
                } else {
                    OutputObj $Mailbox.samaccountname $_.user.displayname $false "Calendar $($_.accessrights[0].tostring())" $null $null $null $null



function Clear-ExPSExchangeLogs {
        Clears Exchange Server 2016 logs older than a specified date.
        Clears Exchange Server 2016 logs older than a specified date. Deletes files with extensions .log .blg and .etl. The cmdlet will determine the Exchange and IIS logging directories automatically.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.
        Specify the date from which to clear logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss.
        Get-ExchangeServer Server1 | Clear-ExPSExchangeLogs -Date (get-date).adddays(-30)
        This will clear logs older than 30 days on the Exchange server Server1.
        Clear-ExPSExchangeLogs -Identity Server2 -Date 01112019
        This will clear logs older than the 1st November 2019 on the Exchange server Server2.

    Param (
    Process {        

        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity
        } else {
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # validate date time
        $Date = Test-ExPSDate -Date $Date

        write-host "Clearing logs older than '$($date.datetime)'"

        # Script blocks
        $Scriptblock = $null; $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create('
            try {
                $ExchangeLoggingPath = $null; $ExchangeLoggingPath = $env:exchangeinstallpath + "Logging"
                if (test-path $ExchangeLoggingPath) {
                    $Files = $null
                    $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.log","AllDirectories")
                    $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.blg","AllDirectories")
                    $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($ExchangeLoggingPath,"*.etl","AllDirectories")
                    $IISLoggingPath = $null;
                    try {
                        $IISLoggingPath = (get-iissite)
                    } catch {
                        write-warning "Unable to determine IIS logging paths."
                    if ($IISLoggingPath) {
                        $IISLoggingPath | . {process
                                $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_),"*.log","AllDirectories")
                } else {
                    write-warning "$ExchangeLoggingPath does not exist."
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message
            $scopecount = 0
            $successcount = 0
            $errorcount = 0
            if ($Files) {
                $Files | . {process
                        if ($([System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($_)) -lt $thisdate) {
                            $scopecount += 1
                            try {
                                $successcount += 1
                            } catch {
                                $errorcount += 1
            write-host "Total found: $(($Files | measure).count). Scoped for deletion: $scopecount. Success: $successcount. Failed: $errorcount"

        # Local or Remote execution
        try {            
            $localhostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain
            if ($localhostname -eq $ExchangeServer.fqdn) {
                try {
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
            } else {
                try {
                    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -ArgumentList $date -ErrorAction stop
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
        } catch {            
            throw $_.exception.message
        write-host "Done."


function Enable-ExPSMaintenanceMode {
        Puts a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer into maintenance mode.
        Puts a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer into maintenance mode. CmdLet will -
            - drain queues
            - restart transport services
            - redirect messages to a redirection server
            - move off active database copies to an available DAG member
            - suspend the cluster node
            - prevent database activation on the server
            - suspend passive copies
            - set all server component states to inactive
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.
    .PARAMETER RedirectionTarget
        Specify the identity of the computer you wish to redirect pending messages to.
    .PARAMETER MoveActiveDatabaseCopies
        Specify whether to move active database copies to other DAG members, if possible. The default is false.

    Param (
        [Parameter(mandatory=$false,valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$false)][boolean]$MoveActiveDatabaseCopies = $false
    Process {        

        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity
        } else {
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # Validate Redirection Server
        $RedirectionServer = $null; 
        if ($RedirectionTarget) {
            try {
                $RedirectionServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $RedirectionTarget
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        # Determine DAG membership
        $isDAGMember = $false
        try {
            $MailboxServer = $null; $MailboxServer = Get-MailboxServer -identity $Exchangeserver.fqdn -erroraction stop
            if ($($MailboxServer | measure).count -ne 1) {
                throw "$($($MailboxServer | measure).count) servers returned from query. Unable to continue."
            if ($MailboxServer.DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -ne $null) {
                $isDAGMember = $true
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Draining queues
        Write-Host "Putting '$($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())' into maintenance mode."
        if ($RedirectionServer){
            Write-Host "Using '$($RedirectionServer.fqdn.toupper())' for message redirection."
        Write-Host "Draining mail queues."
        try {
            Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Restarting transport services
        Write-Host "Restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services."
        $n = 0
        Do {
            try {
                invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -scriptblock {"MSExchangeTransport","MSExchangeFrontEndTransport" | restart-service -WarningAction SilentlyContinue} -ErrorAction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            } catch {
                write-host "WARNING: Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Waiting 60 seconds then retrying." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-ExPSTimer -Seconds 60
                write-host " Retry attempt $n of 5." -ForegroundColor Yellow      
            if ($n -eq 5) {
                throw "Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services."
        } while ($true)

        # Redirect messages
        if ($RedirectionServer) {
            Write-Host "Redirecting messages."      
            try {
                Redirect-Message -Server $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Target $($RedirectionServer.fqdn) -confirm:$false -erroraction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        # DAG members only
        if ($isDAGMember) {

            # Move active database copies off
            try {
                Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow to 'True'."
                Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $True -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Move active copies immediately
            try {
                $actives = $null; $actives = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $true}
                write-host "$($($actives | measure).count) active database copies found."

                if ($actives -and $MoveActiveDatabaseCopies) {
                    write-host "Moving active databases to other DAG members."
                    $actives | . {
                        process {
                            if ($($($($_ | . { process {(get-mailboxdatabase $_.databasename).servers}}) | measure).count) -lt 2) {
                                Write-Warning "No other database copies exist. Unable to move active database copy."
                            } else {
                                $move = $null; $move = Get-mailboxdatabase $($_.databasename) |  Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase -MountDialOverride lossless -SkipClientExperienceChecks -SkipMaximumActiveDatabasesChecks -confirm:$false -erroraction stop 
                                if ($move.status -ne "Succeeded") {
                                    throw "$($move.identity) mailbox database move issue."

            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Suspend cluster node
            Write-Host "Suspending cluster node."      
            try {
                invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock {
                    if ((Get-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)).state -ne "Paused") {
                        Suspend-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)
                } -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Set activation policy to blocked
            try {
                Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy to 'Blocked'."
                Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Suspend passive copies
            try {                
                $Copies = $null; $Copies = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $false}
                if ($Copies) {
                    Write-Host "Suspending passive copies."                
                    $Copies | . { process {
                            $_  | Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -confirm:$false -erroraction stop
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message


        # Complete maintenance mode
        try {
            Write-Host "Completing maintenance mode."
            Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message
        write-host "Done."     

function Disable-ExPSMaintenanceMode {
        Removes a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer from maintenance mode.
        Removes a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 computer from maintenance mode. Cmdlet will -
            - set all server component states to active
            - resume the cluster node
            - enable database activation on the server
            - resume passive database copies
            - resume transport
            - restart transport services
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.

    Param (
    Process {        

        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity
        } else {
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # Determine DAG membership
        $isDAGMember = $false
        try {
            $MailboxServer = $null; $MailboxServer = Get-MailboxServer -identity $Exchangeserver.fqdn -erroraction stop
            if ($($MailboxServer | measure).count -ne 1) {
                throw "$($($MailboxServer | measure).count) servers returned from query. Unable to continue."
            if ($MailboxServer.DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -ne $null) {
                $isDAGMember = $true
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Remove from maintenance mode
        try {
            Write-Host "Removing '$($ExchangeServer.fqdn.toupper())' from maintenance mode."
            Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component ServerWideOffline -State Active -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message
        # DAG members only
        if ($isDAGMember) {
            # Resume cluster node
            Write-Host "Resuming cluster node."       
            try {
                invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock {
                    if ((Get-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)).state -ne "Up") {
                        Resume-ClusterNode $($using:ExchangeServer.fqdn)
                } -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Move active database copies on
            try {
                Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow to 'False'."
                Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $false -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

            # Set activation policy to unrestricted
            try {
                Write-Host "Setting DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy to 'Unrestricted'."
                Set-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted -erroraction Stop -confirm:$false
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message
            # Resume passive copies
            try {                
                $Copies = $null; $Copies = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *\$($ | ? {$_.activecopy -eq $false}
                if ($Copies) {
                    Write-Host "Resuming passive copies."
                    $Copies | . { process {
                            $_  | Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -confirm:$false -erroraction stop
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        # Resume transport
        Write-Host "Resuming transport."
        try {
            Set-ServerComponentState -Identity $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -Component HubTransport -State Active -Requester Maintenance -erroraction stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Restarting transport services
        Write-Host "Restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services."
        $n = 0
        Do {
            try {
                invoke-command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -scriptblock {"MSExchangeTransport","MSExchangeFrontEndTransport" | restart-service -WarningAction SilentlyContinue} -ErrorAction stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            } catch {
                write-host "WARNING: Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services. Waiting 60 seconds then retrying." -nonewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-ExPSTimer -Seconds 60
                write-host " Retry attempt $n of 5." -ForegroundColor Yellow      
            if ($n -eq 5) {
                throw "Issue restarting MSExchangeTransport and MSExchangeFrontEndTransport services."
        } while ($true)

        write-host "Done."


function Read-ExPSIMAPLogs {
        Reads the IMAP4 logs of an Exchange 2016 server.
        Reads the IMAP4 logs of an Exchange 2016 server and organises the results into a structured format.
        This cmdlet will only return log entries where the user field has been populated (the author found that load balancer health tests generated a lot of unwanted noise).
        Be careful when running this cmdlet because it is possible to consume a large amount of memory if there are many log files. It is recommended to scope your commands to smaller date time ranges.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.
    .PARAMETER Start
        Specify the start date from which to read logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss. If no start date time is set then the cmdlet will get 1 hours worth of logs.
        Specify the end date from which to read logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss.
        Get-ExchangeServer Server1 | Read-ExPSIMAPLogs -Start (get-date).addhours(-1)
        This will read the IMAP logs from Server1 from 1 hour ago to the current date time.
        Read-ExPSIMAPLogs -Identity Server2 -Start 15112019 -End 16112019150329
        This will read the IMAP logs from Server2 between 15th November 2019 00:00:00 until 16th November 2019 15:03:29.

    Param (

    Process {        
        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity
        } else {
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # validate date times
        if ($Start) {
            $Start = Test-ExPSDate -Date $Start
        } else {
            $Start = (get-date).addhours(-1)

        if ($End) {
            $End = Test-ExPSDate -Date $End
        } else {
            $End = get-date

        if ($Start -gt $End) {
            throw "Start date time cannot be later than the end date time"

        # Determine log path
        try {
            $logpath = $null; $logpath = ($ExchangeServer | get-imapsettings).logfilelocation
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Script blocks
        $Scriptblock = $null; $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create('
            try {
                $Files = $null
                if (test-path $thislogpath) {
                    $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($thislogpath,"*.log","AllDirectories")
                    $Files | . { process
                            $LastWriteTime = $null; $LastWriteTime = [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($_)
                            if ($LastWriteTime -ge $thisstart -and $LastWriteTime -le $thisend) {
                                try {
                                    [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($_) | . { process
                                            if ($_[0] -ne "#") {
                                                $_ | convertfrom-csv -Header dateTime,sessionId,seqNumber,sIp,cIp,user,duration,rqsize,rpsize,command,parameters,context | ? {$_.datetime -ne "datetime" -and $_.user -ne ""}
                                } catch {
                                    write-warning $_.exception.message
                } else {
                    write-warning "$thislogpath does not exist."
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        # Local or Remote execution
        try {            
            $localhostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain
            if ($localhostname -eq $ExchangeServer.fqdn) {
                try {
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
            } else {
                try {
                    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -ArgumentList $logpath,$start,$end -ErrorAction stop
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
            sleep -s 1; [System.GC]::Collect()           
        } catch {            
            throw $_.exception.message


function Read-ExPSPOPLogs {
        Reads the POP3 logs of an Exchange 2016 server.
        Reads the POP3 logs of an Exchange 2016 server and organises the results into a structured format.
        This cmdlet will only return log entries where the user field has been populated (the author found that load balancer health tests generated a lot of unwanted noise).
        Be careful when running this cmdlet because it is possible to consume a large amount of memory if there are many log files. It is recommended to scope your commands to smaller date time ranges.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specify the identity of the computer. This can be piped from Get-ExchangeServer or specified explicitly using a string.
    .PARAMETER Start
        Specify the start date from which to read logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss. If no start date time is set then the cmdlet will get 1 hours worth of logs.
        Specify the end date from which to read logs. This can be of type Date.Time or a string in the format of ddMMyyyy or ddMMyyyyHHmmss.
        Get-ExchangeServer Server1 | Read-ExPSPOPLogs -Start (get-date).addhours(-1)
        This will read the POP logs from Server1 from 1 hour ago to the current date time.
        Read-ExPSPOPLogs -Identity Server2 -Start 15112019 -End 16112019150329
        This will read the POP logs from Server2 between 15th November 2019 00:00:00 until 16th November 2019 15:03:29.

    Param (

    Process {        
        # Validate identity
        if ($input) {            
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = $input | Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity
        } else {
            $ExchangeServer = $null; $ExchangeServer = Test-ExPSExchangeServerIdentity -Identity $Identity

        # validate date times
        if ($Start) {
            $Start = Test-ExPSDate -Date $Start
        } else {
            $Start = (get-date).addhours(-1)

        if ($End) {
            $End = Test-ExPSDate -Date $End
        } else {
            $End = get-date

        if ($Start -gt $End) {
            throw "Start date time cannot be later than the end date time"

        # Determine log path
        try {
            $logpath = $null; $logpath = ($ExchangeServer | get-popsettings).logfilelocation
        } catch {
            throw $_.exception.message

        # Script blocks
        $Scriptblock = $null; $Scriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create('
            try {
                $Files = $null
                if (test-path $thislogpath) {
                    $Files += [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($thislogpath,"*.log","AllDirectories")
                    $Files | . { process
                            $LastWriteTime = $null; $LastWriteTime = [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($_)
                            if ($LastWriteTime -ge $thisstart -and $LastWriteTime -le $thisend) {
                                try {
                                    [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($_) | . { process
                                            if ($_[0] -ne "#") {
                                                $_ | convertfrom-csv -Header dateTime,sessionId,seqNumber,sIp,cIp,user,duration,rqsize,rpsize,command,parameters,context | ? {$_.datetime -ne "datetime" -and $_.user -ne ""}
                                } catch {
                                    write-warning $_.exception.message
                } else {
                    write-warning "$thislogpath does not exist."
            } catch {
                throw $_.exception.message

        # Local or Remote execution
        try {            
            $localhostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain
            if ($localhostname -eq $ExchangeServer.fqdn) {
                try {
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
            } else {
                try {
                    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($ExchangeServer.fqdn) -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -ArgumentList $logpath,$start,$end -ErrorAction stop
                } catch {
                    throw $_.exception.message
            sleep -s 1; [System.GC]::Collect()           
        } catch {            
            throw $_.exception.message
