
RootModule = 'ExchangePowerShell.psm1'
Description ='The ExPS (ExchangePowerShell) Powershell module is a collection of commandlets that can be used to assist an Exchange Server 2016 administrator to perform common tasks.'
ModuleVersion = '0.4.0'
Author = 'Pietro Ciaccio | LinkedIn: | Twitter: @PietroCiac'
FunctionsToExport = @(
GUID = '722ba3b3-d2cf-4ac4-a6e6-43aeb143835c'
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
PrivateData = @{
    PSData = @{
        Tags = @('Exchange','PSEdition_Desktop','Windows','Powershell','Server','2016')
        ReleaseNotes = @'
ExPS was written to support a Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Organization hosted on Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
Other scenarios may be supported but are untested.
# 0.4.0
* Restricted cmdlets to Exchange 2016 objects only.
* Added ConvertTo-ExPSMailUser cmdlet. Use this to convert mailboxes to mail users.
# 0.3.1
* Updated help.
* Bug fix.
# 0.3.0
* Redesign to reduce complexity.
* Removed some cmdlets. These will be added back at a later time.
* Changed to object oriented outputs so they can be stored in variables or written to logs in a structured format.
* Added cmdlet to remove proxy addresses.
# 0.2.3
* Small improvement with loading Exchange cmdlets.
* Bug fix in checking mail object identities.
# 0.2.2
* Bug fix with Get-ExPSMailboxPermission cmdlet. Resolved an issue where multiple mailboxes would be returned from a single query.
# 0.2.1
* Small changes and added switches to Get-ExPSMailboxPermissions cmdlet.
# 0.2.0
* Added Get-ExPSMailboxPermission cmdlet. This will get full access, send as, send on behalf, inbox folder and calendar folder permissions in a single command to provide an overview of who has permissions on a mailbox.
# 0.1.1
* Bug fix with date time issue.
# 0.1.0
* Removed requirement to specify a redirection server with Enable-ExPSMaintenanceMode.
* Removed restriction to Exchange 2016 only. Module will allow you to run against any version of Exchange but will show a warning.
* Added better error handling to cmdlets.
* Added cmdlet Read-ExPSIMAPLogs.
* Added cmdlet Read-ExPSPOPLogs.
* Improvements to date time support.
* Added services retry capability to maintenance mode cmdlets.
# 0.0.0 Initial
* Initial release.
