
function Get-UserProfilePicture {
    Method to get user's profile picture from graph.
    Long description
    Module required: Microsoft.Graph.Mail
    Scope needed:
    Delegated: User.ReadWrite.All
    Application: User.ReadWrite.All
    .PARAMETER Account
    User's UPN to switch to.
    PS C:\> Get-UserProfilePicture -Account ""
    Gets user's profile picture from user "".

    param (
        [String] $Account
    $statusBarLabel.Text = "Running..."

    try {
        $filepath = "$env:temp\profilephoto$(Get-Random).jpg"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting profile picture downloaded file path to: $filepath" -FunctionName "Method 13" -Target $Account
        Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method get -Uri "$Account/photo/`$value" -OutputFilePath $filepath -ErrorAction Stop
        $Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::Fromfile($filepath)
        $pictureBox.Image = $Image.GetThumbnailImage(140, 140, $null, 0)
        $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready. Profile picture retrieved."
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Succesfully retrieved profile picture." -FunctionName "Method 13" -Target $Account
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "The user doesn't seem to have a photo." -Target $Account
        $statusBarLabel.text = "Ready. The user doesn't seem to have a photo."