
class directorys : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [String[]] GetValidValues() {
        # Store the data inside the class
        $directoryNames = @{
            "bin"        = "essential user binaries"
            "boot"       = "boot loader files"
            "dev"        = "device files"
            "etc"        = "system-global configuration files"
            "home"       = "users home directories"
            "lib"        = "system libraries and kernel modules"
            "lost+found" = "stores corrupted filesystem files"
            "media"      = "mount point for external / removable devices"
            "mnt"        = "temporary mount points" 
            "opt"        = "optional application software packages"
            "proc"       = "procfs - process and kernel information"
            "root"       = "root users home directory"
            "run"        = "stores runtime information"
            "sbin"       = "essential system binaries"
            "srv"        = "services data directories"
            "sys"        = "sysfs - devices and kernel information"
            "tmp"        = "temporary files" 
            "usr"        = "user utilities and applications"
            "var"        = "variable files"

        # Expose variable for the function
        $Script:directorysExplained = $directoryNames

        # return only the names of the hashtable
        return $directoryNames.Keys

function Get-LinuxDirectoryExplained {
    Will display helpful information regarding the linux root directorys
    ldexplain bin
        Uses the alias "ldexplain" and the mandatory parameter "Name" to display
        information regarding the bin directory
    ldexplain etc -go
        Uses the alias "ldexplain" and the mandatory parameter "Name" to display
        information regarding the etc directory, uses switch paramter "go" to set
        the location to \etc
    ldexplain -all
        Uses the alias "ldexplain" and the switch paramter "all" to display information
        regarding all root directorys in the linux filesystem
    ldexplain root -f
        Uses the alias "ldexplain" and the switch paramter "Full" to display the full
        information regarding all root directorys in the linux filesystem

        [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = 'Name',
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateSet([directorys], ErrorMessage = "Incorrect directory name: '{0}'Give this a try: {1}")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = 'All')]

    if ($go) {
        if ($IsLinux) {
            Set-Location /$name
        else {
            Write-Warning 'the "Go" parameter is only supported on Linux'

    if (($All) -or ( -not $Name)) {
        return $Script:directorysExplained
    elseif ($Name -and $Full) {
        $FullInfo = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\full.json" | ConvertFrom-Json).$name
        $return = $Script:directorysExplained | Select-Object $name,@{l='Full';e={$FullInfo}} | Format-Table -Wrap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        return $return
    elseif ($Name) {
        $return = $Script:directorysExplained | Select-Object $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        return $return
# The last line of code initilizes the functions param section and generates the script-scoped variables
Get-LinuxDirectoryExplained bin | out-null