
Function Disable-PoolMember {
    Disable a pool member in the specified pools
    If no pool is specified, the member will be disabled in all pools, provided that the input consists of pool member objects, and not address(es) or name(s).






    begin {
        #If the -Force param is specified pool members do not accept any new connections, even if they match an existing persistence session.
        #Otherwise, members will only accept new connections that match an existing persistence session.
    process {
        switch($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName) {
            InputObject {
                switch ($InputObject.kind) {
                    "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate" {
                        if ($Address -eq [PoshLTM.F5Address]::Any) {
                            Write-Error 'Address is required when the pipeline object is not a PoolMember'
                        } else {
                            $InputObject | Get-PoolMember -F5session $F5Session -Address $Address -Name $Name | Disable-PoolMember -F5session $F5Session -Force:$Force
                    "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstate" {
                        If ($Force){
                            $AcceptNewConnections = "user-down"
                        Else {
                            $AcceptNewConnections = "user-up"
                        $JSONBody = @{state=$AcceptNewConnections;session='user-disabled'} | ConvertTo-Json
                        foreach($member in $InputObject) {
                            $URI = $F5Session.GetLink($member.selfLink)
                            Invoke-F5RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri "$URI" -F5Session $F5Session -Body $JSONBody -ErrorMessage "Failed to disable $Address in the $PoolName pool." -AsBoolean
            PoolName {
                Get-PoolMember -F5session $F5Session -PoolName $PoolName -Partition $Partition -Address $Address -Name $Name | Disable-PoolMember -F5session $F5Session -Force:$Force