
function Set-LogLevel {
      Sets the configured log level. This controls which level of messages are written.
       Valid options are: "Debug","Info","Warning","Error","Disable"
       Debug is the most verbose, as all the other messages will display. If the logLevel is Disable then no messages will be written.
       When the logLev is set to Debug and the -Debug advanced parameter is set for the caller, the Write-Log messages with a Debug level will cause the Powershell debuger to take over.
    .PARAMETER level
        Valid options are: "Debug","Info","Warning","Error","Disable"
        Setting the log level in a script, allowing the Logger to default to "Info" if nothing is passed to the script.
        param([string] $logLevel = $null)
        Import-Module FC_Log
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel)){$logLevel = "Warning"}
        Set-LogLevel $logLevel

Param([Parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName="string")][ValidateScript({         
        [string] $levelStr,
        [Parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName="int")][ValidateScript({         
        [int] $levelInt)
        if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($levelStr))){
            $script:LogLevel = $script:logLevelOptions[$levelStr]
            $script:LogLevel = $levelInt
        Write-Log "Error setting the log level." 
