
Function Get-TFSWorkItem{
      Please give your script a brief Synopsis,
      A slightly longer description,
    .PARAMETER logLevel
        explain your parameters here. Create a new .PARAMETER line for each parameter,
        THis example runs the script with a change to the logLevel parameter.
        .Template.ps1 -logLevel Debug
       What sort of pipeline inputdoes this expect?
       What sort of pipeline output does this output?

param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $pipelineInput
,[int] $WorkItemID)

$repositoryID = $
function ConvertFrom-Json2{
        The ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet converts a JSON-formatted string to a custom object (PSCustomObject) that has a property for each field in the JSON
        The ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet converts a JSON-formatted string to a custom object (PSCustomObject) that has a property for each field in the JSON
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Specifies the JSON strings to convert to JSON objects. Enter a variable that contains the string, or type a command or expression that gets the string. You can also pipe a string to ConvertFrom-Json.
    .PARAMETER MaxJsonLength
        Specifies the MaxJsonLength, can be used to extend the size of strings that are converted. This is the main feature of this cmdlet vs the native ConvertFrom-Json2
        Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
        DisplayHint : 2
        DateTime : Friday, January 13, 2012 8:06:31 PM
        Date : 1/13/2012 8:00:00 AM
        Day : 13
        DayOfWeek : 5
        DayOfYear : 13
        Hour : 20
        Kind : 2
        Millisecond : 400
        Minute : 6
        Month : 1
        Second : 31
        Ticks : 634620819914009002
        TimeOfDay : @{Ticks=723914009002; Days=0; Hours=20; Milliseconds=400; Minutes=6; Seconds=31; TotalDays=0.83786343634490734; TotalHours=20.108722472277776; TotalMilliseconds=72391400.900200009; TotalMinutes=1206.5233483366667;TotalSeconds=72391.4009002}
        Year : 2012
        This command uses the ConvertTo-Json and ConvertFrom-Json cmdlets to convert a DateTime object from the Get-Date cmdlet to a JSON object.
        The command uses the Select-Object cmdlet to get all of the properties of the DateTime object. It uses the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet to convert the DateTime object to a JSON-formatted string and the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet to convert the JSON-formatted string to a JSON object..
        PS C:\>$j = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri | ConvertFrom-Json
        This command uses the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to get JSON strings from a web service and then it uses the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet to convert JSON content to objects that can be managed in Windows PowerShell.
        You can also use the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet, which automatically converts JSON content to objects.
        Example 3
        PS C:\>(Get-Content JsonFile.JSON) -join "`n" | ConvertFrom-Json
        This example shows how to use the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet to convert a JSON file to a Windows PowerShell custom object.
        The command uses Get-Content cmdlet to get the strings in a JSON file. It uses the Join operator to join the strings in the file into a single string that is delimited by newline characters (`n). Then it uses the pipeline operator to send the delimited string to the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet, which converts it to a custom object.
        The Join operator is required, because the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet expects a single string.
        Author: Reddit
        Version History:
            1.0 - Initial release
        Known Issues:
            1.0 - Does not convert nested objects to psobjects


        $MaxJsonLength = 67108864

)#end param

    #Configure json deserializer to handle larger then average json conversion
    $jsonserial= New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer 
    $jsonserial.MaxJsonLength  = $MaxJsonLength

} #End BEGIN

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'object')
        $deserializedJson = $jsonserial.DeserializeObject($InputObject)

        # Convert resulting dictionary objects to psobjects
        foreach($desJsonObj in $deserializedJson){
            $psObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $desJsonObj

            $dicMembers = $psObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
            foreach ($member in $dicMembers){
                if ($member -is [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2])
                    $psObject.$member = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $psObject.$member
                    $a = 0;
                $x = 0;
            # Need to recursively go through members of the originating psobject that have a .GetType() Name of 'Dictionary`2'
            # and convert to psobjects and replace the current member in the $psObject tree



}#end END

if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($repositoryID)){
    Write-Log "Please pass a repositoryID" Error -ErrorAction Stop
$BaseTFSURL = Get-TFSRestURL_Collection
$action = "/wit/workitems/$($workItemID)?api-version=$($script:apiVersion)" 
$fullURL = $BaseTFSURL + $action
Write-Log "URL we are calling: $fullURL" Debug
$outputObj = $pipelineInput

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri $fullURL -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
$json = $response
$x = 0;
    $ex = $_.Exception
    if ($ex.response -ne $null){
    $errResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errResponse) 
     $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 
     $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd(); 

    $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
    $scriptName = Split-Path $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -Leaf
    $msg = $ex.Message
    Write-Log "Error in script $scriptName at line $line, error message: $msg" Warning
if([bool]($ -match "WorkItems")){
    $outputObj.WorkItems += $json
    $outputObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name WorkItems -Value $json
Write-Output $outputObj

}Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TFSWorkItem